EP - Low Speed Malfunctions Flashcards
Horseshoe malfunction
Make no attempt to clear perform cutaway procedure
Bag lock
Make no attempt to clear
Perform cutaway procedures
Line over
Make no attempt to clear
Perform cutaway procedures
Pilot chute hesitation
After the jumper pulls the ripcord raise the right shoulder and return to neutral position
Wait 2 seconds
If after 2 seconds the parachute doesn’t deploy raise the right shoulder again and return to the neutral body position if after 2 seconds the parachute doesn’t deploy perform cutaway procedures
Hung slider or snivel
Pull toggles to 100% brake position for 3-4 seconds
Let up toggles to 50% brake position
If slider is still hung, repeat once
If slider is still is above cascade point after two attempts perform cutaway procedures
If slider is below cascade point perform control ability check
If canopy is uncontrollable perform cutaway procedures
Knotted and/ or broken suspension lines
If jumper has one broken suspension line perform canopy controllability check
If uncontrollable perform cutaway procedures
2 or more broken suspension lines he will perform cut away procedures
Broken control lines
Unstow both brakes
Steer with good toggle and rear riser of broken control line
Determine flare point at safe altitude (above 1500 ft)
Land using rear risers
Pilot chute over the nose/ through suspension lines
Perform canopy controllability check
If un controllable perform cutaway procedures
Closed end cells
Pull toggles down to 100% brake position for 3/4 seconds
Let toggles up to full flight slowly
If cells do not inflate repeat once (two total attempts)
Premature break release
Unstow other break
Perform canopy control ability check
If uncontrollable perform cutaway procedures
Line twists
Grasp rear risers with thumbs down pull risers apart and kick legs in a vigorous bicycle motion
If twists are not cleared by 2500 agl perform cutaway procedures
Tension knots
Grab the affected line group and pull down to chest level
Release the lines in a snapping motion in an attempt to clear knot
Repeat once if knot remains (total of 2 times)
If procedures fails to clear tension knot perform canopy control ability check
If uncontrollable perform cutaway procedures
Holes or tears
If hole is in bottom skin of conopy and smaller than ach perform vigorous controllability check
If hole is in top skin of canopy ( blue sky visible)
Perform cutaway procedures
What should you do if your main is completely deployed and your reserve is partially deployed.
Do not unstow breaks. If already unstowed breaks release toggles
Carefully attempt to pull in reserve deployment bag and contain it
Keep suspension lines neat Incase reserve inflates
What should you do if you have a complete dual canopy deployment in a side by side configuration
Ensure canopy’s aren’t entangled if unsure assume they are
Keep canopy’s together by pulling inside rear risers on each canopy
Don’t unstow breaks, if one canopy is unstowed unstow all