EOP1 Flashcards
In E-0 state step 1 RNO transition after the reactor wont trip
If Reactor will not trip then go to FR-S.1 Response to Nuclear power Generation/ATWS
In E-0 state Step 3 RNO transition if power can not be restored to at least 1 AC E-bus
If power can not be restored to at least 1 AC emergency bus, then go to ECA-0.0 Loss of all AC power
In E-0 state Step 4 RNO transition if:
P PZR: > 1800#
L PRZ: > 7%
SCM: > 40F
P CTB: < 4#
P S/G: > 585#
If SI is not required, then go to ES-0.1 Reactor Trip Response
In E-0 state Step 7 RNO transition if PZR # is <2385#
and a PORV is open
If PZR pressure is <2385#
and a PORV is open then go to E-1
In E-0 state Step 9 transition if any SG pressure decreases in an uncontrolled manner
Any SG completely depressurized
If any SG pressure decreases in an uncontrolled manner
Any SG completely depressurized
Then go to E-2, Faulted SG isolation
State E-0 RCP trip criteria per OAS page
At least 1 CS or SI pump running
- AND -
RCS subcooling <40F
- OR -
Loss of PCCW to motor coolers within 10 min
In E-0 state Step 10 RNO transition if radiation is abnormal in:
MS line
Condenser air evac radiation
SGDB radiation
or SG narrow range level increases in an uncontrolled manner
MS line radiation
Condenser air evac radiation
SGBD radiation
or SG narrow range level increasing uncontrolled
Then Go To E-3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture
In E-0 state Step 11 RNO transition if:
Containment radiation, pressure and building level are abnormal
Containment radiation
Containment pressure
Containment building level
Then Go To E-1
State SI termination Criteria
RCS Subcooling >40F
Adequate heat sink
RCS pressure stable or increasing
PZR level >7%
In E-0 state Step 12 RNO transition after first CS pump is stopped and RCS pressure is not stable or increasing
After first CS pump is stopped at step 12f
If RCS pressure is not stable or increasing
Go TO ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
In E-0 state Step 13e RNO transition once PZR level decreases from >95% to less than 85%
Once PZR level decreases from >95% to less than 85% then Go To ES-1.1 SI termination STEP 7
In E-0 state Step 14e RNO transition once normal charging flow has been established (realigned from the SI header) if PZR level continues to decrease
After normal charging flow has been established if PZR level continues to decrease THEN:
Realign Charging to cold legs
Go To ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
In E-0 state Step 16 transition that occurs after normal charging and letdown are established per SUP-003
Go to Step 7 of ES-1.1 SI termination
In E-0 Step 17, state what occurs
Monitoring of CSF status trees
In E-0 state Step 20 RNO if HELB indications are not normal
Go to ECA-1.2 LOCA outside containment
In E-1 State procedure transition State OAS transition criteria if emergency coolant recirculation has been established as subsequently lost
If emergency coolant recirculation is lost after it has been established then go to ECA-1.1 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation Step 1
In E-1 at step 6 state procedure transition if ECCS flow can be reduced:
RCS subcooling >40F
Adequate Heat Sink
RCS pressure is stable or increasing
PZR level >7% [28]
If criteria for SI termination is met then go to ES-1.1
In E-1 at step 11 state the procedure transition if cold leg recirculation capability can not be established/verified
if at least on train of cold leg recirculation can not be established/verified then go to ECA-1.1
In E-1 at step 11.d. RNO state the procedure transition if there are abnormal radiation levels/ HELB indications outside CTB
Step 11.d RNO directs the transition to ECA-1.2 LOCA Outside Containment Step 1
In E-1 at step 12 state the procedure transition if RCS pressure is >300#
If RCS pressure is >300# (with in the capacity of the RHR pumps) then go to ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization, step 1
In ES-0.1 state Procedure transition at end of ES-0.1
If RCPs are running: Go to OS1000.11 Post Trip to Hot Standby
If no RCPs are running: Go to ES-0.2
In ES-0.2 Natural Circulation Cooldown after checking CST level to see if EFW pumps should be stopped state procedure transition at STEP 19 RNO with RVLIS <92%
If depressurization must continue
- with RVLIS Go to ES-0.3 Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Void in Vessel
- Without RVLIS Go to ES-0.4 Natural Circulation Cooldown with Steam Void in Vessel
In ES-0.3/ES-0.4 Natural Circulation Cooldown with steam void in Vessel, state transition once an RCP is started
Go to OS1000.04 Plant Cooldown from HTSB to Cold Shutdown
In ES-0.3 state transition if:
SCM <40F
L PZR: cannot be maintained >7%
If RCS Subcooling is <40F
L PZR: cannot be maintained >7%
Then Actuate SI and go to E-0
In ES-0.3/ES-0.4 State procedure transition once RCS is <200F and 2 CRDMs have been running or 88 hours have passed
Once the RCS is cooled down to <200F and 2 CRDMs have been running or 88 hours have passed then Go to OS1000.04 Plant Cooldown from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown
State entry into ES-0.4 Natural Circulation Cooldown without RVLIS
In step 19 of ES-0.2 if depressurization must continue
State procedure transition in ES-0.4 if an RCP gets started
In an RCP can be started then Go To OS1000.04 Plant Cooldown from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown
In ES-1.1 after SI has been reset and only 1 CS pump is running state procedure transition if RCS pressure is decreasing
Once SI is reset and only 1 CS pump is running, if RCS pressure is decreasing then the leak is unmanageable and Go To ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
In ES-1.1 after charging has been lined up to the normal charging header and PZR level continues to decrease, state procedure transition.
If a SG is faulted wait until the SG depressurizes
If a SG is not faulted or PZR level continues to decrease after SG blows down, then realign the CS pump to the SI header and Go To ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
In ES-1.1 step 7 RNO if Pressure is not >1700# or it is decreasing then state the procedure transition
If no SG is faulted or an SI pump can not be stopped then Go To ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
In ES-1.1 state procedure transition after step 8 (RHR pumps Stopped) if RCS subcooling is <40F or Pressurizer level cannot be maintained >7% {28%]
After step 8 is completed and:
RCS subcooling is <40F
Pressurizer level cannot be maintained greater than 7%[28%]
Go To E-1
At the end of ES-1.1 state the two procedure transitions
If no RCPs are running then Go To ES-0.2 Natural Circulation Cooldown
If RCPs are running then Go To OS1000.11 Post Trip to Hot Standby
In ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization state procedure transition of emergency coolant recirculation is established and subsequently lost
Once emergency recirculation is established and subsequently lost then Go To ECA-1.1 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation
In ES-1.3 State time requirement for steps 1 through 3
Steps 1 through 3 must be performed within 3 MINUTES after receiving RWST Lo Lo level alarm
In ES-1.3 state what must be done if the RWST EMPTY alarm is recieved
Any pump taking suction from the RWST should be stopped upon RWST EMPTY alarm
In ES-1.3 state procedure transition if suction can not be established from the Containment Sump
If at least one flow path can not be established or maintained the Go To ECA-1.1 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation
In ES-1.4 Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation state the time requirements for placing in service
Transfer should be initiated 5 hours after the event begins and should be completed within 1 Hour.
In E-2 state temperature control criteria from OAS page
Based upon core exit TCs, WHEN uncontrolled RCS cooldown has stopped, THEN control ASDVs on intact SGs to stabilize SG pressures and core exit TCs
In E-2 state Procedure transition at the RNO if all SGs are faulted
If all SGs are faulted then Go To ECA-2.1 Uncontrolled Depressurization of All SGs
In E-2 State procedure transition if:
RCS Subcooling >40F
Adequate Heat sink
RCS Pressure stable or increasing
PZR Level >7% [28%]
If the SI termination Criteria is met the Go To ES-1.1 SI Termination
In E-2 state the procedure transition if the SI termination Criteria is NOT met
If the SI termination Criteria is not met then Go To E-1.
In ECA 2.1 state exception to transitioning back to E-2
While in ECA-2.1 if SG pressure increases except while in steps 11 through 21 (SI Termination) Go To E-2
In ECA 2.1 State min SG feed flow requirements
A minimum 25 GPM should be maintained to SG with NR <6% [15%] for thermal shock
In ECA 2.1 State when FR-H.1 should be implemented
In ECA 2.1 FR-H.1 should only be implemented if 500gpm flow is not available at any time
In E-3 state from the OAS page transition to ECA-3.1 SGTR with Loss of Reactor Coolant-Subcooled Recovery Desired
If ECCs Reinitiation occurs after Step 21 while in E-3 then Go To ECA-3.1
Reinitiation is based on:
RCS Subcooling <40F
PZR level can not be maintained >7% [28%]
While in E-3 state the transition if conditions of a LOCA exist
If a SGTR and a LOCA occur then transition to ECA-3.1 SGTR with Loss of Reactor Coolant - Subcooled Recovery Desired.
In E-3 once the CD has be achieved and depressurization is attempted. State the transition at step 18 RNO if the RCS can not be depressurized
If Spray and PORVs are unavailable to depressurize the RCS then Go To ECA-3.3 SGTR Without Pressurizer Pressure Control
In E-3 after the depressurization is complete and the PORVs/block valves are closed state the procedure transition if pressure continues to decrease
If pressure continues to decrease then monitor for leakage from the PORV and Go To ECA 3.1
In E-3 at step 20 (SI termination step) state the transition if any of the criteria fails
If any of the SI termination fails then Go To ECA-3.1
State the major system requirement for going to ES-3.1 POST-SGTR cooldown using backfill
LTDN needs to be available to move the mass out of the RCS
State the major system requirement for going to ES-3.2 POST-SGTR cooldown using blowdown
The SUFP must be available to feed the SGs so that EFW can be turned off and SGBD can be placed in service.
State the major system requirement for going to ES-3.3 POST-SGTR cooldown using Steam Dump
Steam Dumps (condensers) must be available
State entry into FR-H.1
SG level in 2 SGs <65% or 1 <6% [15%] and with EFW flow <500 GPM
State bleed and feed entry in FR-H.1
If SG level WR in any 3 SGs is less than 20% [44%] feed and bleed should be initiated immediately (steps 11 through 15)
State feed rate if bleed and feed has been established and CET temperatures are rising
If feed and bleed has started and temperatures are rising then select a single intact SG and feed at maximum rate
State feed rate if bleed and feed has been established and temperatures are stable or lowering
If feed and bleed has started and temperatures are stable or lowering then select a single intact SG and feed at 100 GPM until 14%WR [30%] then feed as desired
In FR-H.1 state procedure transition once FR-H.1 has been completed
Once FR-H.1 is complete then Go To ES-1.1 Step 9
In FR-H.1 state procedure transition if if PZR PORVs or block valves can not be closed
If PZR PORVs or block valves can not be closed then go to E-1
In FR-H.1 state procedure transition at step 33 when checking if RHR pumps should be stopped and Pressure is <300# or decreasing
If RCS pressure is <300# or decreasing then go to E-1 Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant
State entry into FR-C.2
With subcooling <40F check dynamic head level versus the number of RCPS running
If no RCPS are not running and CETs are <725F and full range is <40%
State procedure transition at the end of FR-C.2
Go to E-1 step 11
State entry to FR-C.1
CETs >1100F
- OR -
Subcooling <40F and no RCPs running and CETs>725F and RVLIS full range >40%
In FR-C.1 once ECCS flow has been verified (Step 15)
- AND -
CETs are <1100, RCS <250, RVLIS >62%
State procedure transition
Once ECCS flow has bee verified and CETs are <1100 and conditions are right for placing RHR in service with vessel level > the top of the fuel
Then Go to E-1 Step 11
State when FR-I.1 Response to High PRZ level should not be entered
FR-I.1 should not be entered if SI is running
State purpose of FR-I.1
Purpose of FR-I.1 is to draw a bubble
State when FR-I.2 Response to Low PZR level should not be used
FR-I.2 should not be used if SI is running
ECA-1.1/3.2/3.3 are in progress due to those procedures using RVLIS
State when FR-I.3 Response to Voids in Reactor Vessel should not be used
FR-I.3 should not be used if SI is running or if a void in the head is expected as part of a natural circulation cooldown
In ECA-0.0 If subcooling is <40F, or PZR level is less than 7%[28%], or ECCS pumps are running state procedure transition
If Subcooling <40F
PZR level <7%[28]
ECCS pumps are running
then go to ECA-0.2 Loss of all AC recovery With SI Recovery, DO NOT implement FRPs until directed
In ECA 0.0 state the procedure transition if SI is not required
Go to ECA-0.1 Loss of all AC Power recovery Without SI Required