Enzymes I Flashcards
1) Define enzymes
Biological catalysts which speed up the rate of reaction without altering the final equilibrium between reactants and products
- composed of one or more polypeptide chains folded into a complex 3D structure which is stabilised by weak H bonds, electrostatic salt links and hydrophobic interactions
- Active sites contain functional groups that stabilise the transition state of the reaction
2) Describe the concept of enzyme catalysis
- Enzymes usually work on one type of reaction and work on a few related molecules -> ‘specificity’
- Some only act on one substrate
- If there are D and L isomers, the enzyme usually acts on only one
- Specificity is determined by the shape of the active site
3) What are the 4 stages of enzyme catalysis?
- Substrate binds to enzyme active site
- Enzyme-substrate complex is formed and bonds within substrate are weakened so reaction can take place
- Enzyme-product complex is formed
- Product desorbs off the enzyme, leaving the active site free for the next substrate
4) Describe how the enzyme complementary to transition state works (induced fit model)
- Enzyme changes shape to allow the substrate to bind to its active site, in a position where it is more likely to from products (this is where binding between enzyme and substrate is strongest)
[e.g. hexokinase changes shape, on binding on substrate]
5) What is a complex, co-ordinated metabolic pathway and what is an advantage of this?
- group of enzymes in one compartment of a cell which work together in a chain, starting with a reactant and finishing with a product
- advantage is a more controlled reaction -> if there is a high conc of product, there is a feedback regulatory loop to prevent the formation of more product by inhibiting an enzyme in the chain
6) State the 6 different groups of enzymes and their functions
- oxidoreductase - adds O2 or removes H2 (lactate dehydrogenase)
- transferase - transfer of functional groups (alanine amino transferase)
- hydrolase - hydrolytic reactions (trypsin)
- lyase - adds groups to C=C bonds (ATP citrate lyase)
- isomerase - transfer of functional groups within one molecule (phosphoglucose isomerase)
- ligase - form C-C or C-N bonds with ATP cleavage (DNA ligase)
7) What is the modified lock and key model?
Concept that the enzyme constrains the substrates to interact by pushing them closer together so they are able to react more easily
8) What are the effects of pH and temperature on an enzyme catalysed reaction?
- pH: varies for each enzyme, each has its own optimum pH level where the reaction velocity peaks on a graph on reaction velocity against pH
[peak is where active site is most stable] - temp: graph peaks at optimum temperature, where reaction velocity is highest, and above this the velocity decreases due to denaturation of the enzyme as the active site loses its specific shape
9) Name organic elements which are enzyme cofactors (presence essential for enzyme activity)
- Cu2+ ; cytochrome oxidase
- Fe2+/3+ : cytochrome oxidase, catalase, peroxidase
- K+ : pyruvate kinase
- Mg2+ : hexokinase, G6Pase, pyruvate kinase
- Ni2+ : urease
- Zn2+ : carbonic anhydrase
10) Give 2 examples of iron containing centres
- Haem group -> Fe coordinated between nitrogen groups
- Flavin enzymes -> iron-sulfur centre where Fe is coordinated with the sulfur of 4 cysteine residues in the polypeptide chain
11) Define isoenzymes
- enzymes with different protein structures that catalyse the same reaction > coded for by different genes, often found in different cellular compartments
- distinct biochemical roles - hexokinase and glucokinase
12) Define enzyme kinetics and reaction rate
Enzyme kinetics: study of rate of enzyme catalysed reaction and how this rate varies with different substrate concentrations, amounts of inhibitors, metal ions and cofactors, and pH
- Reaction rate: decrease in amount of substrate or increase in amount of product, over time
13) Describe what saturation kinetics means
- at a low [substrate] , reaction is 1st order as rate is directly proportional to [S]
- at a high [substrate] , reaction is 0 order, as enzyme sites are fully saturated so rate is independant of [S]
14) What is the Michaelis-Menton reaction model?
k1 k2
E+S ES ——–> E + P
k-1 (reverse)
[ k1, k2 and k-1 are rate constants]
15) State the 3 assumptions of the Michaelis-Menton model
- [S]»_space; [E] : amount of substrate bound to enzyme at any one time is small (sites are fully saturated)
- [ES] does not change with time (steady state), formation of ES = breakdown of ES
- initial velocities are used, the concentration of product is small and the reverse reaction of P to S is ignored
16) What is the Michaelis-Menton equation and define the terms initial velocity, Km and Vmax
V0 = initial reaction velocity, as soon as E & S are mixed
Km = michaelis constant which is (k-1 +k2)/k1
- this is the substrate concentration at which initial velocity is half Vmax
Vmax = maximum velocity of enzyme reaction when the active sites are fully saturated
M-M equation: V0 = Vmax [S] / Km + [S]
17) When is there a special relationship between Km and [S] and what does this entail?
- when V0 = 0.5 Vmax
- this is when Km = [S] (units are concentration)
18) What does the Michaelis-Menton plot show?
- Vmax is independant of substrate concentration but Km is dependant. Both Vmax and Km are enzyme specific
- A higher Km value means more substrate concentration is needed to reach Vmax
19) Define the term Kcat
Turnover number: the number of substrate molecules converted to product in a given unit of time, on a single enzyme molecule when the enzyme is saturated
[Comparing catalytic efficiency: as neither Km or Kcat alone are sufficient (two enzymes may have same Kcat but very different Km), the specificity constant used is Kcat / Km]
20) What is the Lineweaver-Burk plot and the linear equation?
- linear representation (graph) linking Km, Vmax and [S]
- equation: 1/V0 = Km/Vmax[S] * 1/[S] + 1/Vmax
-this can be solved to calculate Km directly
21) Give 2 clinical uses of enzyme measurements
- differential diagnosis of disease by investigating plasma levels of ‘escaped’ enzymes
(Km doesnt change due to concentration so Vmax is and index to the amount of enzyme as more E means a higher reaction velocity required to meet Vmax) - Lab estimates of metabolites such as glucose, in body fluids (blood, urine) -> e.g. glucose oxidase in Diastix (plasma) and Clinistix (urine) tests
22) Example: what are the different forms of lactate dehydrogenase and how can these be useful when determining internal damage to the heart or muscle?
- 5 isoenzymes with 4 monomers: 4H, 4M, 2H2M, 3H1M, 3M1H
- each monomer can be heart or muscle type
- there is an increased concentration of lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase in the plasma, after a myocardial infarction
- isoenzymes of LDH can be separated using chromatography to determine which tissues have ruptured (indicated by the specific isoenyme concentration which has increased, as each tissue has different levels of each isoenzyme)