Enzymes and Digestion Flashcards
What is the structure and function of the major parts of the digestive system?
-Oesophagus carries food from the mouth to the stomach.
-Stomach has an inner layer that produces enzymes.
-Ileum is a long muscular tube with many villi. It produces enzymes that further digest and absorb food.
-Large intestine absorbs water.
-Rectum stores faeces before egestion.
How does the digestive system break down food physicaly and chemically?
-Teeth chewing
-Stomach muscles churning
-Hydrolysis by digestive enzymes such as carbohydrase, lipase and protease
Describe the nature of carbohydrate digestion.
-Salivary amylase hydrolyses starch to maltose
-Amylase is denatured by stomach acid
-Pancreatic amylase continues hydrolysis (Alkaline salts are also produced here)
-Maltase (MBD) hydrolyses maltose sugar
-Sucrase and Lactase also act to hydrolyse sucrose and lactose.
Describe the nature of lipid digestion.
-Hydrolysed by lipase enzymes to form fatty acids and monoglycerides
-Initially split up into micelles by bile salts (Emulsification)
-Increases SA:V for lipase to work on
Describe the nature of protein digestion.
-Referred tp as a ‘peptidase’:
=Endopeptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds between amino acids in the middle of a protein molecule
=Exopeptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds on the terminal amino acids of peptide molecules formed by endopeptidases
=Dipeptidases hydroyse peptide bonds between two amino acids of a dipeptide. Membrane-bound, being part of the cell-surface membrane of epithelial cells in the ileum.