Enzymes Flashcards
What type of protein are enzymes?
What structure do enzymes have?
Tertiary- complex 3D shape held together by bond (ionic, hydrogen disulphide bridges hydrophobic interactions), determines shape of active site
What are enzymes?
Globular proteins act as biological catalysts
What’s a biological catalyst?
Something made of living cells which helps speed up the rate of chemical reactions
What two types of metabolic reactions do enzymes control?
What’s an anabolic reaction?
Building up molecules e.g protein synthesis
What’s a catabolic reaction?
Breaking down molecules e.g digestion
When a substrate binds to an enzyme what forms?
Enzyme substrate complex
What does complimentary shape mean?
Enzymes are specific to their substrate
How does an enzyme act on a substrate
It makes temporary bonds at the active site forming an enzyme substrate complex.
What does each enzyme do?
It catalyses one specific reaction
Why do enzyme only catalyse one specific reaction?
They have a specific 3D tertiary structure (active site is only specific to one substrate)
Why does maltase only catalyse maltose in digestion? (3 marks)
Maltase only catalyse maltose in a hydrolysis reaction because it has a specific 3D structure. Therefore the active site will have a specific shape so only maltose (substrate) which has a complimentary shape will bind to the active site to form an enzyme substrate complex.
How do reactions occur between enzymes and substrates?
Reactions occur due to collisions which have to be the right orientation and force.
Where are enzymes ,add and where do they act?
Intercellular (inside cells)
Extracellular (secreted outside cells)