Environmental topic 3 - recycling and other conservation behaviour Flashcards
Background - Ajzen - theory of planned behaviour
- behaviour is influenced by our intention to perform behaviour. individuals intention to recycle - as demonstrated by image
Key research - Lord - aim, sample and procedure
aim: effectiveness of different ways of trying to persuade people to recycle their waste
Sample: quota sampling - 140 households data collected and matched demographic diversity of the area
- student observers recorded the contents of each household recycling and the number of items
- then household given positively or negatively framed message by advertisement, newspaper report or personal message
- collection day, following week observation repeated
- questionnaire then delivered with likert and semantic scales - demographic information
Key research - Lord - results and conclusion
- significant difference between weeks, compared to no change in the control group
- positive message - more favourable attitude to recycling, compared to negative
- advert helped positive message recycling
- More people recycled from the negative condition from the personal messages
- combinations of strategies could affect results
- when promoting recycling positive messages should be used in the media
Key research - Lord - evaluation
- quasi-high ecological validity
- quantitative data
- Unethical - lack of protection, however weren’t decieved and confidentiality in surveys
- independent measures - didn’t see other conditions and affecting results
- social desirability bias - self-reports
- ethnocentric - individual reactions
- Nature debate
Application - Antecedent strategies and Luyben and Bailey
- occur before the behaviour, attempting to change
Luyben and Bailey: increased the number of newspaper recycling facilities, 52% increase
Application - Baca - Motes
- a commitment to a pledge to change behaviour - ‘cognitive dissonance’
Baca - Motes: - reusing towels in a hotel for a month
- some guests were given card that stated hotel’s commitment to recycling, while others given a ‘friend of the earth’ badge - public declaration
Results: those with badge are 25% more likely to reuse one towel
40% more likely to reuse than control group with no commitment - that a public declaration can make more commitments and engage in conservation behaviours
Application - De Leon and Fuqua
Consequent strategies - after the behaviour has taken place - positive reinforcement
De Leon and Fuqua:
- asked households to sign a letter making a public commitment to recycling and publish the name in the newspaper (commitment group)
- others received weekly feedback on recycling paper generated by their group (feedback only group)
- others received combination - of intervention and control group
- feedback increased weight of paper by 25%, combined 40%
- other groups didn’t show significant change - providing feedback increases public commitment to recycling