Environmental Midterm Flashcards
Differentiate between Environmental Science and Environmentalism.
Environmental Science is the study of how the natural world works and how the environment affects humans, as well as vice-versa; purely science based. Environmentalism is mostly based on people’s opinions and emotional hypotheses.
Human population growth was sparked by what recent event?
Industrial Revolution.
What is the formula for impact on the environment?
I = P x A x T Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology
What happened to the Easter Islands?
The inhabitants cut trees for various purposes and by 1650 all the trees were gone. Soil became degraded, depleted forest and water resource - sickness and starvation became rampant. Population declined. Contact with civilized world introduced them to venereal diseases.
What is Tragedy of the Commons and how does this affect the environment?
Tragedy of the commons meant that everything belonged to everyone so everyone used as much as they wanted. Unregulated exploit of natural resources leads to resource depletion.
What is the MDG? What are the effects? What hinders it?
MDG or Millennium Development Goals were adopted by UN nations to reduce extreme poverty and its effect on human-well being.
Measles in Africa has been reduced by 91%, AIDs deaths have declined.
Hindered by lack of family planning.
What is ecosystem capital?
This refers to goods and services produced by the environment or ecosystems. i.e. trees for paper and lumber, coal for fuel, etc.
What drives humanity’s greatest impact on the environment?
Agriculture, taking up nearly half of the planet’s surface.
What’s the difference between cornucopians and cassandras?
Cornucopians think that human ingenuity will solve any problem while Cassandras predict doom and disaster.
Describe sustainability.
- leaves future generations with a rich and full Earth
- conserves the Earth’s natural resources
- maintains fully functioning ecological systems
What is sustainable development?
The use of resources to satisfy current needs without compromising future availability of resources.
What is the triple bottom line of sustainable development?
Environmental goals, economic goals, social goals.
Describe the 3 unifying themes of sustainability.
Sustainability: the goal we’re working towards
Stewardship: managing natural resources and human well-being for the common good
Sound science: Understanding how the world works and how humans interact with it.
What method is used to test ideas with observations?
The scientific method. (Observation, Questions, Hypothesis, Prediction, Test, Results)
What’re the two different methods to test hypotheses?
Manipulative experiments: can show causation, not always possible to use.
Natural or correlational tests: cannot show causation
Define natural laws.
Principles by which the universe operates; can be used to define or predict the behaviour of matter and energy.
Name some of the effects of globalization.
Improved well-being and health, eased transportation and financial transactions, markets Western lifestyle to the world - their cultures suffer.
Spread of diseases and infections. H1N1, SARS, destruction of the ozone layer, climate change.
What is globalization?
The rapid interconnectedness of human activities, ideas, culture and economics.
What are the four major types of environmental hazards that affect human health?
Chemical hazards, physical hazards, biological hazards and cultural hazards.
______________________ is the connections between environmental hazards and human disease or death.
Environmental health
What is epidemiology?
Studies the presence, distribution, and prevention of diseases in populations
What is morbidity?
The incidence of disease in a population.
What is mortality?
The incidence of death in a population.
What is a hazard?
Anything that can cause: injury, death or disease;
damage to personal or public property;
deterioration or destruction of environmental parts