Environmental Exercise Physiology Flashcards
- Thermoregulation
– Body’s ability to constantly balance heat __________ & heat ___________
Production, Loss
Sweating and Evaporation __________ interchangeable terms
are not
Greatest source of heat loss is when ____________
Cooling by evaporation only works if the athlete is _____________
_________ Sweat glands
– Sweat for evaporation – Innervated by nerves
We just learned that the CV system is stressed
– Effect on O2 availability in the working muscles?
Therefore, demand for glycogen ____________ (when it should not normally be needed)
– Should be using O2
– Less blood volume (mostly though lost plasma) means Higher__________ concentrations
___________ has less electrolyte lost in it as Na/K is reabsorbed when passing through duct slowly
‘Light sweating’
Briefly explain why core temperature increases faster when humidity is high compared to low? (be sure to define humidity)
Humidity can be defined as the moisture content in the air. Core temperature will increases in more humid environments because in a humid atmosphere water cant be accepted meaning that sweat does not evaporate. Keeping ones core temperature high because sweating is one of the bodies mechanisms for regulating temperature(evaporation is needed for this process).
Briefly explain one reason why excessive sweating often causes muscles to cramp?
A reason: excessive sweat = severe dehydration if not matching sweat lost with fluids which quickly leads to heat cramps.
How can improper technique (use an example) negatively affect endurance performance? (link to thermoregulation)
Ex. runner who is stiff vs runner who uses propper form
- reduced effiency –> more energy required –> fatigue, dehydrate quicker.
- risk overheating is greater in improper technique
Identify a sport and explain how/why required protective equipment may increase the likelihood of heat related illness?
Ex. football(helmet, heavy pads)
With extensive exposure to the sun athlete is more at risk or heat camps or more seriously heat stroke.
One of the big reasons is because wearing the equipment raises core temp. This is b/c there is no room for the body to evaporate sweat. The body uses sweating as a cooling mechanism to regulate temp(thermoregulation).
*protective gear prevents heat loss
Briefly explain why a higher core temperature results in increased lactic acid production during endurance exercise?
Due to losing more O2 in heat b/c of
- Blood away from muscle tissue(vasodilation near skin)
Less O2 to use for energy storage phase
Using glycogen sooner, glycolysis, lattice acid sooner so fatigue hits quicker
So because of the increase in lactic acid because of exercise fatiguing athlete much sooner, with combo of lack of O2 core temp increases
Briefly explain why a “dry-fit” t-shirt is better at keeping you cool opposed to a cotton t-shirt.
Sweat soaked clothes inhibits evaporation so dry fit will help make sure shirt does not stay soaked where as cotton material the shirt will stay soaked with sweat so no evaporation can happen keeping them warmer.
Briefly explain why (including 3 physiologic adaptations) Canada’s men’s 2022 World Cup soccer team trained in Bahrain for a number of weeks before the 2022 World Cup in Qatar?
The national soccer team trained in Bahrain fr a few weeks before the World Cup b/c it is very close to Qatar so temperature and humidity is super similar. this training will help acclimatize to the conditions. Some adaptations that occur while training in Bahrain would be:
- Temperature accommodation
- Brain ignores inhibitory sensory feedback
– Increased sweat production * Increased blood plasma
– Less electrolyte loss
– Increased Glycogen storage
* Are you fatigued in the heat??