factors affecting energy supply and demand at national scale (9)
- pollution
- technology
- resource endowment
- geopolitics
- energy policy
- income
- level of development
- energy security
CS - % of rural population in Nigeria with access to electricity
impacts of Tarsands (7)
- deforesation
- increased flooding
- buildup of soil in waterways
- increased vehicle transport (trucks = CO2)
- huge greenhouse gas production
- tailings ponds - contain chemicals and can contaminate waterways by leaching
- water consumption
area of land disturbed in Canada by tarsands
size of UK
predicted level of tar sands growth over next 20 years
solutions to issues caused by Tarsands
- reclaiming land
dominant cause of environmental degradation
number of people WHO estimated to have died as a result of air pollution 2016
- number of ambient - % In LICS and MICS
- 8 million people
- 4.2 million people
- 88%
2 types of pollution (+egs of each)
- incidental pollution - eg. Bhopal, India
- sustained pollution - eg. Citarum river, Java, Indonesia
being fair and impartial - opportunities representative of proportion of population - eg. class, race
procedural equity
extent if planning procedures, rules and regulations in a non-descriminitory way
geographic equity
proximity of communities to natural hazards
social equity
role of race and class in environmental decision-making
water scarcity
the ability to access sufficient quantities of clean water to maintain an adequate standard of food and good production, proper sanitation and sustainable heallthcare
physical water scarcity
physical access to water is limited - eg. arid areas