What can moving water dislodge on the railway?
The ballast
What can be left beneath the track when the ballast becomes dislodged?
Where can floods form?
In low lying areas of the railway line.
What else can water damage on the railway?
Electrical components, causing signalling issues.
If you see any flood water that might affect the passage of trains, what must you do?
Report to the signaller, stopping the train if necessary.
What else results in flood water emptying onto the railway?
Blocked drains in built-up areas.
What can you do if water is up to the bottom of the railhead?
Normal working.
What can you do if water is up to the top of the railhead?
Ensure the maximum speed is 5mph (10km).
What can you do if the water is at the top of the railhead?
Movements are only permitted by instructions from operational control.
When must you tell the signaller about water affecting the railway?
If water is up to the bottom of the railhead
If water is above the top of the railhead
If it is moving and likely to dislodge the ballast
If it has dislodged the ballast
How does snow affect the safe running of the track?
Snow can build up on the track, blocking moving areas of points.
How does snow affect the safe running of the trains?
Snow can build up in the braking and traction systems on the train.
When must you report snow to the signaller?
If you believe it to be deeper than 200mm (8 inches) above the top of the railhead.
What speed must you not exceed during poor visibility on a line where AWS is not provided?
You must not exceed 40mph (65km).