Environmental And Nutritional Diseases - Martin Flashcards
most deaths in children under 5yo
- pneumonia
- diarrhea
- malaria
what 3 diseases are increasing and what 2 are decreasing
- cardivascular d, cancer, HIV/AIDS/ TB
2. neonatal conditions, D or lower Resp infections
how does climate change affect cardi + resp
heatwaves and air pollution
how does climate change affect GI, cholera, food and water spreading infections
contamination from flooding, disrupting clean waters
how does climate change affect Vector-borne infections
malaria, Dengue fever happen when temperature increases = crop failures, which also leads to more extreme weather variations
how does climate change affect malnutruition
disruption of crop growth
chemicals in environment like water, soil, food, air, absorbed through skin or inhaled
what detoxifies xenobiotics
CYP, Cytochrome P-450
CYP is located + function
liver, and also skin, lung, GI mucosa
- inside the ER
they detoxify or activate xenobiotics, can make ROS
what changes CYP activity
fasting and starving can lower it
what compounds are found in pollution
sulfur dioxide CO ozone NO lead particles of matter
ozone causes what in healthy people
decreases lung function, lung inflammation increased airway reactivity chest discomfort (free radicals injuring type 1 cells and epithelium -> inflammtation)
ozone causes what in athletes, outdoor workers, asthmatics, emphysema
higher hospitalizations, decreased exercise capacity
sulfur dioxide does what to healthy adults and COPD and Asthma
healthy : higher respiratory symptoms
COPD : higher mortality
Asthma : decreased lung function, higher hospitalizations
witches brew
surfure dioxide when combined with ozone and particles of matter
= from power plants burning fossil fules, paper mills
(burning nose and throat, SOB, asthma attack if susceptible)
particles of matter
pulmonary inflammation
secondary cardiovascular effects
* most dangerous are smaller then 10um going to alveoli
CO chronic poisoning from
working in tunnels, underground garages, highway toll booths can do this (generator Heater, automobile fumes)
CO acute poisoning from
small closed garage with running car, in 5 min you die, or during power outage using gasoline powered generators, mine fires
CO poisoning happens due to
CNS depression = ischemic changes
(Basal ganglia + lenticular nuclei)
can cause edematous, punctuate hemorrhages, hypoxia-induced neuronal changes -> sommer’s sector in hippocampus
SX : CO poisoning
RED COLOR of skin and mucous membranes, V, dizzy
AFTER: loss of memory, vision changes, hearing and speech changes
CO poisoning can cause what in the brain
hemorrhage in pallidum
Wood smoke
polycyclic hydrocarbons are carcinogens
can give lung infections
can caused from Legionnaires disease (from cooling towers for AC), viral pneumonia, pet dnader, fungi, molds
SX: asthma, rhinitis, eye irritaiton
gas from uranium , (soil, well water, cracks, drains, windows)
HIGH lung cancer risk
building materials, after disasters in poorly ventilated trailers
= carcinogen
sick building syndrome
indoor pollutants, poor ventilation (fungi, molds)
Lead poisoning causes what and interferes with
causes hematologic, skeletal , GI and renal toxisity
= looks like low Fe+3
interferes with CA+2 metabolism
lead can be found
batteries, paint, car radiators, tin cans
children SX of lead poisoning
CNS changes, affects intellect, behavior problems, hyperactive, poor organization, = looks like ADHD
severe can be blindness, psychomotor problems, psychoses, seizures, coma
adults SX of lead poisoning
peripheral neuropathy
- EXTENSOR muscles of wrist and fingers = wrist drop
- if continued, PERONEAL muscles = foot drop
SX of lead poisoning form both adults and children
- lead lines : radiodense in metaphyses (bones) and gums
- hypochromic microcytic anemia (as in low Fe+), basophilic stippling, ring sideroblasts (Fe+ mitochondria)
- Lead colic : extremely sever, abd pain all over
- renal damage
ringed sideroblast
iron in mitochondria
how to determine if someone has microcytic and hypochromic anemia
MCV < 80fL
MCG < 27pg
Mercury causes
damage CNA + KIDNEY
-cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, mental problems, especially inutero exposure
Arsenic causes
- GI , cardio, CNS toxicities
- sensorimotor neuropathy, paresthesias, numbness, pain
- hyperpigmentation + hyperkeratosis
- many cancers on soles and palms , lung and bladder
Arsenic comes from
soil, water, wood preservatives, herbicides, herbal medicine
mercury comes from
fish, mercury vapor from dental metallic amalgams
Cadmium comes from
high ROS from nickel-cadmium batteries, soil, plants , FOOD (contaminated rice)
Cadmium causes
LUNG + KIDNEY toxicity
CA +2 LOSS : osteoporosis and osteomalacia with renal disease = ITAI-ITAI
high lung cancer risk
what causes lung cancer
Radon, asbestos, silica, arsenic
what causes lung fibrosis
what causes (hematopoietic) leukemia
what causes liver angiosarcomas
Vinyl chloride
what causes heart disease
CO, lead, cadmium, cobalt
what causes COPD
what causes ataxic gait
mercury, toluene
what causes renal toxicity
mercury, lead, cadmium
what causes male infertility
lead, cadmium, phthalate plasticizers
what causes female infertility
lead, mercury
what causes tetratogenesis
mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls
what causes peripheral neuropathies
lead, mercury, arsenic , DDT
chloroform + carbon tetrachloride causes what
dizzy, confusion, DEPRESS CNS, coma, toxic ot liver and kidney
chloroform + carbon tetrachloride from what
dry cleaning agents, paint removers, vapors, rubber that has benzene and 1,3-butadiene —-> can cause marrow aplasia and AML
Polycyclic hydrocarbons causes
scrotal cancer, very potent carcinogen, lung and bladder cancer
Polycyclic hydrocarbons form
fossil fuels, chimney sweeps
Organochlorines causes
hormonal imbalance like antiestrogenic or acntiandrogenic activity
Organochlorines from what
lipophilic products not degrading, pesticides, DDT, , PCBs, dioxin
Dioxins and PCBs cause what specifically
folliculitis and dermatosis, chloracne (acne and cycts, hyperpigmentation, hyper keratosis) - face and behind ears
Mineral dust causes what
- pneumonioses
- mesothelioma - outside of lung turns thick and black “pork-chop lung”
- asbestos fibers coated in FE+3 (FERRUNGINOUS BODIES)
Mineral dust comes from
coal dust, silica, asbestos, beryllium
Vinyl chloride causes , and from what
angiosarcoma of liver +endocrine effects in infants
from Bisphenol A (BPA) - food bottles and cans
Tobacco smoking quitting decreases death by how much
21% decrease 5 years from cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer
nicotine effect
increase HR and BP, increase cardiac contractility and output
CNS depressor, tumor promotor
formaldehyde and NO cuases
cilia toxicity and mucosal irritation (smokers cough in the morning)
what 2 things increaseee lung cancer or laryngeal + oral cancer with smoking
lung cancer with asbestos or uranium miners
oral + laryngyal cancer with alcohol
tobacco causes what to lungs
leukocytes to lung, = high elastase production, injury to lung, = emphysema + inflammation causing bronchitis
what is the thing that CAUSES lung cancer in smokers
polycyclic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines
Alcohol testing for chronic use
test vitrous fluid from eye
alcohol amount for drunk, drowsiness, coma
what makes asians red with alcohol
what is alcohol in blood
acetaldehyde from ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) in liver,
also makes it acetate
alcohol inhibits
CYP2E1, metabolism of other drugs or compounds
alcohol increases what for liver issues
NADH + lactic acid = steatosis
liver cirrhosis can cause
esophageal varices, due to blood in vein congestions
alcohol affects what part of the brain
alcohol does what to HDL and what deficiency
low HDL (unless it is wine low amounts in increases HDL) Thiamine (B1) deficiency
what does low B1 cause from alcohol
peripheral neuropathies
Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome
alcohol and fetus
microcephaly, low growth, facial anomalies, low mental function (esp 1st trimester)
wine effects in moderation
high HDL
low platelet aggregation
low fibrinogen levels
wernicke encephalopathy
low thiamine
= reversible
= TX: thiamine
= mamillary bodies hemorrhage and necrosis
Korsakoff syndrome
irreverible worse form of wernickes encephalopathy
= short term memory loss confabulation
= trunctal ataxia, nystagmus
= Affects ANTERIOR VERMIS of cerebellum–> atrophy
minocycline drug adverse effect
- it is an AB with adverse effect of darkened skin discoloration rash looking like Lupus, hemolytic anemia, immune thrombocytopenia
anticoagulant warfarin can cause
is also rat poisoning (VIT K antagonist) = bleeding
anticoagulant pradaxa can cause
inhibits thrombin , so it can cause A-Fib, bleeding
Menopausal hormone therapy
estrogens with progesterones (only fine in early menopause)
- high breast cancer, high stroke
- lowers ASCVD if under 60yo
oral contraceptives
- increases cervical cancer (especially from HPV)
- protects against ovarian and endometrial cancers
- high venous thrombosis
- high CAD in women who smoke over >35yo
- chronic use and old pt can get hepatic adenoma
anabolic steroids cause
acne, stunt growth, testicular atrophy, facial hair, menstrual changes, high MI risk, gynecomastia, psychiatric issues
Acetaminophen can cause
acute liver failure = centrilobular necrosis, will need liver transplant
toxic level of acetaminophen
NORMAL : 0.5g
TOXIC : 15-25g
TX: N-acetylcysteine within 12hrs
Asprin (acetylsalicylic acid) can cause
alkalosis due to medulla respiratory center stimulation
ACUTE : N, coma
CHRONIC : dizzy, tinnitus**, bleeding, coma, analgesic nephropathy (PHENACETIN —-> renal necrosis and analgesic nephropathy)
Asprin toxic level
Child : 2g-4g
ADULT : 10-30g
(also found in wintergreen oil, methyl salicylate)
how does actetominophen cause damage to liver
- activated CYP2E2 activity
- NAPQ1 activated
- lowers GSH (X conjugation) = high ROS, potentiated by alcohol
- covalent binding to hepatic cells= damage cells= mito dysfunction
cocain causes what
tachycardia, HTN, peripheral vasoconstriction
- platelet aggregation + vasoconstriction = MI *
- lethal arrhythmias * (disrupt ion transport in myocardium)
- LOW BF to PLACENTA* (fetal hypoxia and spontaneous abortion)
- fever, seizures
Opiates cause what
- respiratory depression
- arrhythmia
- cardiac arrest
- pulmonary edema**
- injected with IV = ENDOCARDITIS* of RIGHT HEART**
opiates SX:
bubbles coming out from mouth, nose, ears from pulmonary edema
Metamphetamines cause
violent behavior, confusion, psychotic (paranoia, hallucinations)
MDMA (Ecstasy) causes
sleep disorder, depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior, usually spiked with other CNS effective drugs
- high HR
- low or high BP
- angina if pt has CAD
- high carcinogens
- psychomotor dysfunction
Huffing and glue sniffing
brain damage on MRI of dementia
Bath salts
agitation, psychosis, MI, suicide
internal burn can be caused by
skin burn can cause
% of body surface that is burned is
- intubation
- electrolyte disfunction, give a lot of fluids
- rule of 9
1st degree burn
2nd degree burn
epidermis and dermis
3rd degree burn
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue
4th degree burn
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle underneath
thermal injury causing shock
when more then 20% body surface involved, fluids go to intestines + PULMONARY EDEMA, hyper metabolic state needing more nutritional support
thermal injury causing sepsis
due to pseudomas aeruginosa, MRSA, Candida species colonization at burn site
thermal injury cuasing respiratory insufficiency
direct heat on upper airway and inhaling noxious gases
hypertrophic scars
original burn + donor graft , a lot of collagen deposition for healing (EX: Tilapia grafts of skin)
pugilistic stance
how burned victims shape their body positioning
heat cramps
heat exaustion
- electrolyte dysregulation
- hypovolemia from dehydration –> no cardiac compensation , collapse
heat stroke
NO SWEATING, vasodilation = pooling of blood
rhabomyolysis , RYR1 —-> CA release causing muscel contractions
Malignant Hyperthermia
muscle contractures and body temperature rises from normal anesthetics due to RYR1 gene , TX : with muscle relaxer (not common however deadly)
Hypothermia causes what
what makes it worse
bradycardia —-> a fib
loss of consciousness
vasoconstriction and increased vascular permeability
- alcohol
paradoxical undressing
person experiencing hypothermia and before they die they have an extreme burst of heat
electrical burns do what to eyes
star shaped cataracts
electrical burns do what to the heart
V fib, cardiac-respiratory failure
low voltage burns cause
tetanic muscle spasm, irreversible grasps
chest wall spasm = asphyxia
high voltage burns cause
medullary centers paralysis, EX: lighting
radiation amount emitted
energy absorbed thats radiation
sievert (Sv)
absorbed radiation x effectiveness of radiation
what determines if radiation will have bad effects
- Rate of delivery
- Field size
- Cell proliferation
- O2 effects (hypoxia)
- Vascular damage
Sv of 5
Lens of eye —-> cataracts
Sv of 0.15
Testes —-> Temporary steriliry
Sv of 2.5- 6
Ovaries —-> permanent sterility
Sv of 3-5
Skin —-> Temporary hair loss
Sv of 3.5
Testes —-> permanent sterility
what does ionizing radiation do
remove tightly bound electrons
cell morphology of radiation
looks like cancer * hard to see if cancer is there
- nuclear swelling, collagenous hyalinization, intima thickens of BVs,
- high collagen (fibrosis, sclerosis)
- mitotic figures, abnormal
- high fat in cell stains
radiation on lymophoid and hematopoietic system
aplastic anemia (low marrow in bone)
places getting fibrosis after radiation
abd, lungs, salivary glands
radiation on dna
can cause double stranded breaks
radiation can cause high risk of what cancer
leukemia (AML) , solid tumor in thyroid, breast, lungs, MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome)
chronic radiation effect on skin
dermititis = dermal fibrosis
radiation can cause a lot of
0-1 Sv causes
1-2 Sv causes
Lymphocytes —-> Moderate granulocytopenia Lymphopenia (if exposed 1 day to 1 week)
2-10 Sv causes
Bone marrow —-> Leukopenia, hemorrhage, hair loss, vomiting (if exposed 2-6 weeks)
10-20 Sv causes
SI —–> D, Fever, electrolyte imbalance, V (if exposed 5-14 days)
greater then 50 Sv causes
Brain —-> ataxia, coma, convulsions, V (if exposed 1-4hrs)
primary malnutrition
secondary malnuttrition
- not eating in diet something
- malabsorption, impaired utilization or storage, Gut microbe*
iodine in found in
where sea life has been
NOT himalayan sea salt
infant feed on formulas can miss what
only eating rice can cause what deficiency
thiamine (B1)
scientific name for malutrition
Severe Acute Malnutrition (esp. low calories or proteins)
Protein-energy malnutrition
SX: of SAM
- low subcutaneous fat
- wasting quads and deltoid
- edema of ankles and sacrum
somatic SAM
visceral SAM
- marasums
- kwashiorkor
Marasmus hallmarks
muscels loss, anemia, small, normal albumin
EXTREME : cachexia
Kwashiokor hallmarks
edema, hypoalbuminemia, fatty liver, hyperpigmented area
anorexia causes
Gelatinous transformation (fat in BM, mucinous matrix) HYPOKALEMIA, risk of arrhythmia and sudden death
electrolyte imbalance
HYPOKALEMIA (arrhythmia, sudden death)
pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents
esophageal and gastric rupture
gelatinous transformation of BM looks like
high fat, very little hemopoietic tissue
Vit A function
maintain normal vision (rhodopsin)
regulation of lipid metabolisms,
Vit A can be from
- X fat absorption (Celiac, crohns, CF)
- kids during infections
VIT A deficiency
- night blindness
- epithelial to squamous metaplasia + keritinization (Bitot spots on eye, Xerophthalmia = dry eye, corneal destruction), pulmonary infections, stones in urinary tract
- low immune system
VIT A toxicity
headache, dizzy, V, stupor, blurred vision, *pseudotumor cerebri (high intracranial P, only no tumor)
VIT A toxicity
weight loss, anorexia, N,V, bone joint pain, high osteoclast activity
** people from Canada, Alaska, Artic (polar bears, shark, tuna, whale)
VIT D function
absorb CA+2 and P
bone mineralization, neuromuscular transmission
VIT deficiency children
RICKETS : epiphyses has not closed (frontal bossing, squared face, rachitic rosary, pigeon breast, lumbar lordosis, bowing of legs)
VIT deficiency adults
OSTEOMALACIA : hypocalcemic tetany, weak bone
low vit D risk for what infection
Hypervitaminosis D
metastatic calcification of soft tissues
- bone pain, hypercalcemia
low iron leads to
Hypochromic microcytic anemia
VIT C function
collagen, synthesis of NTs, antioxidant, regulate immune system, absorb FE+3
VIT C found in
animal liver and fish, milk, fruits, veggies
VIT C deficiency
hemorrhages, healing defects
(chronic alcoholics, bad eating habits, elderly living alone, dialysis)
VIT C toxicity
rare, need megadose
FE overload, hemolytic anemia, calcium oxalate kidney stones, G6PD deficiency
normal BMI
EAT, low energy usage
DONT eat, high energy expenditure
Arcuate nucleus that
- for eating
- for not eating
Pickwickian syndrome
hypoventilation syndrome, form obesity
obesity can cause
- gallstones
- NASH (non-alcoholic fatty liver)
- Hypersomnolence (sleep apnea)
- high inflammation —> procarcinogenic state
- right heart failure
obesity cancer risk in men
esophagus, thyroid, colon, kidney
obesity cancer risk in women
esophagus, endometrium, gallbladder, kidney
hepatocellular carcinoma (toxin from fungi in crops of humid environments)
Nitrosamines and nitrosamides in food cause
gastric carcinomas (preservative, in veggies)
high animal fat and low fiber diet causes
colon cancer
breask cancer is correlated with
total fat in diet
antioxidant vitamines
C, E, B-carotene, selenium
garlic helps
prevent heart disease
high fibers in diet helps
prevent diverticulosis
low cholesterol and animal saturated fat (egg, butter, beef) helps to
prevent atherosclerosis