Enviromental LAW Flashcards
Environmental Impact Assessment
is an assessmentof the possible positive or negative impacts that aproposed project may have on the environment,
together consisting of the natural, social and economicaspects.
Law No. 4 1994 and EIA
he environmental impact of certainestablishments or projects must be evaluated beforeanyconstruction works are initiated or a license is issued
Projects are classified into three
List A - minor environmental impact.White Projects - need to fill out form A in envormintal screening
List B - Results in substantial enviromental impact (grey projects) - need to fill form B and a scoped EIA
List C -results in severe EI (Black project) - need a full EIA study
General guidlines for Full EIA
Description of the project
Baseline studies - current status of the env , the no action alternative
Description of the enviroment - physical(topography water conditons ) , chemical , biological (flaura and fauna , endangered species)
Socio culture enviroment (nearby comunities , land use , planned developments , employment and market , cultural aspects )
Regulatory considerations - EIa reports
Impacts , hazards and risks - all sorts of pollutions (water , air , solid wasted , noise , spills )
Alternatives - includes the no projec alternative , potential enviromental impacts , operation costs and sustainability
Mitigation Plan - pollution control , watse management plan , traininng programs , pollution prevention mechanisms
Monotoring Plan - air emissions monitoring , surface water monitoring , ground watrer and soil quality monitoring
Public Consultation
The environmental information must be
made available to authorities and the
general public for review.
* They must be given an opportunity to
comment on
* the project
* its environmental effects