Entomology, Helminthology & Protozoology Flashcards
Ich is a disease of:
b.Salt water fishes
c.Wild birds
d.Fresh water fishes
Fresh water fishes
A good screening laboratory tool for Ehrlichiosis because thrombocytopenia is relatively a consistent finding is:
a.WBC count
b.Platelet count
d.Body temperature
Platelet count
This worm species has raised cuticular plaques arranged in longitudinal rows on the anterior end.
a.Spirocerca lupi
b.Gnathostoma doloresi
c.Ascarops stronglyina
d.Gongylonema pulchrum
Gongylonema pulchrum
Who worked on the life cycle of a bird malaria,Plasmodium relictum demonstrating that malariae are transmitted by mosquitoes gaining him the Nobel Prize in Medicine?
a.Alphonse Laveran
b.Theobald Smith
c.Ronald Ross
d.Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Ronald Ross
All but one is viviparous:
a.Ollulanus tricuspis
b.Probstmayria vivipara
c.Dictyocaulus viviparus
d.Dracunculus medinensis
Dictyocaulus viviparus
Hyalomma truncatum secretes a toxin while sucking blood, causing a condition known as sweating sickness in:
Which of the following is a sequence that best describes the stages involved in the sporulation process of Eimeria?
a.Non-sporulated oocysts > sporulated oocysts > sporocysts >sporozoites
b.Sporulated oocysts > sporocysts > sporozoites > non-sporulated oocysts
c.Merozoites > microgamete > macrogamete > sporulated oocysts
d.Gametes > zygotes > oocysts > sporozoites
Non-sporulated oocysts > sporulated oocysts > sporocysts >sporozoites
Which insect can cause “black fly fever” characterized by headache, nausea, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, presumably caused by a response to salivary components of the fly?
a. Culicoides spp.
b. Glossina spp.
c. Simulium spp.
d. Haematopota spp
Simulium spp.
Which of the following is the host of Antarctophthirus microchir?
b.Polar bear
c.Sea lions
Sea lions
Which is not true of Eimeria cyprini?
a.It belongs to the Apicomplexa
b.Sporulated oocyst has a total of 10 sporozoites
c.It is the cause of granular coccidiosis in carps
d.Sporolated oocyst has four sporocysts
Sporulayted oocyst has a total of 10 sporozoites
This blood fluke particularly affects the hemorrhoidal veins and urinary tract:
a.Schistosoma mansoni
b.Schistosoma bovis
c.Schistosoma hematobium
d.Schistosoma indicum
Schistosoma hematobium
Which species is not zoonotic?
a.Trichostrongylus axei
b.Dicrocoelium dendriticum
c.Ostertagia ostertagi
d.Dirofilaria immitis
Ostertagia ostertagi
Most members of this family utilize oribatid mites as intermediate hosts:
This parasite is an important factor in the development of esophageal sarcoma:
a.Ascarops strongylina
b.Spirocerca lupi
c.Habronema muscae
d.Oxyspirura mansoni
Spirocerca lupi
Grain itch mite is:
a.Pediculoides ventricosus
b.Fannia scalaris
c.Triacarus diversus
d.Caparinia tripilis
Pediculoides ventricosus
Anoplocephala perfoliata specifically lodges in the
c.Ileocecal junction
Ileocecal junction
If solenocytes are for trematodes, then what structures are for insects?
a.Tracheal tubes
b.Malpighian tubules
c.Ventricular sac
d.Spiracular tubes
Malpighian tubules
Larva of the following are referred to as bladderworms due to their fluid-filled cyst except:
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia taeniaeformis
Mesocestoides lineatus
Larva of the following are referred to as bladderworms due to their fluid-filled cyst except:
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia taeniaeformis
Mesocestoides lineatus
Larva of the following are referred to as bladderworms due to their fluid-filled cyst except:
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia taeniaeformis
Mesocestoides lineatus
If you plan to infect a cat with Toxoplasma gondii experimentally, what will you not likely do to avoid a missed infection?
a.Feed the naïve cat with purified tachyzoites from the infected rodent.
b.Feed the naïve cat fresh feces containing oocysts from the infected cat.
c.Feed the naïve cat with cysts containing bradyzoites from the infected rodent.
d.Feed the naïve cat with non-fresh feces with sporulated oocysts from the infected cat
Feed the naïve cat fresh feces containing oocysts from the infected cat.
This condition is caused by Ichthyopthirius multifilis:
a.Blue scale disease
c.Red gill disease
d.White-spot disease
White-spot disease
Fecal examination is not a reliable method of diagnosing infection with this parasite:
a.Trichostrongylus spp.
b.Trichuris vulpis
c.Oxyuris equi
d.None of the above
Oxyuris equi
These species require two mammals to complete the life cycle:
a.Trichinella spiralis
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Taenia solium
d.Capillaria philippinensis
Capillaria philippinensis