Entomology & Helminthology A Flashcards
Examination of nasal mucus secreted by a boxer dog with upper respiratory disease reveals rather large mites. These mites are most likely?
Pneumonyssoides caninum
Small dandruff-like flakes in the hair of a dog appear to move. Examination of the apparent dandruff reveals it to be composed of mites, this “walking dandruff” is associated with infestation by:
Cheyletieila vasguri
An army-owned German shepherd that has served in Cotabato develops splenomegaly and skin lesions. Impressions smear from a biopsy of skin lesions reveal Leishmania organisms. While in Cotabato, this dog was likely bitten by an infected:
Psychodid (Phlebotomus) sand fly
Skin lesion in the saddle area of a horse contains a large maggot (bot). This is most likely a species of:
Where are you most likely to find an adult Hematobia irritans?
Resting on a steer’s back
Hypoderma bovis females lay their eggs on the hairs of the?
Hind pasterns of cattle; these eggs hatch spontaneously, and the larvae actively penetrate the animal’s skin
The larvae Of Hypoderma lineatum overwinter within the loose connective tissue of the submucosal of the caudal one third of the esophagus. The larvae of Hypoderma bovis overwinter in the?
Epidural adipose tissue between the dura mater and periosteum, near the first lumbar vertebra
Hematobia irritans lays eggs on?
Fresh cattle manure
Damalinia equi is a louse that infects horses. The eggs of this louse are most likely to be found:
Glued to the hairs
Gasterophilus intestinalis females lay their eggs on the hairs of the:
Forelimbs of horses; these eggs hatch in response to a thermal stimulus, and the larvae migrate into the animal’s mouth
Type of myiasis that requires a living host.
Primary myiasis
An important cause of primary myiasis
A mite that has long, jointed pedicels and is occasionally found in the ears of llama is a species of:
A budgerigar that develops greatly thickened ceres end feet is found to be infested with skin-dwelling mites. The mites that typically cause this condition are of the genus?
Mites of the genus Ornithonyssus are infesting people and pets in a household. Control measure should be based on:
Removal of rodent and wild bird nests
Phlebotomus spp. carries this pathogen
Leishmania spp.
Ixodes ricinus carries this pathogen
Borrelia burgdorferi
Tabanus spp. carries these pathogens
Trypanosa evansi
Lao Lao
Equine infectious anemia virus
Anopheles spp. carries this pathogen
Plasmodium falciparum
Blowflies that causes secondary mysiasis (3)
Phormia spp.
Sarcophaga spp.
Chrysomia spp.
Soft ticks examples
Argas persicus
Otobius megnini
Hard ticks example (10)
Egg difference of Anopheles mosquitoes and culex mosquitoes
Anopheles eggs: singly floats in water. Culex eggs: in groups/rafts
Examples of sucking lice of cattle (6)
Haematopinus eurysternus
H. quadripertusus
H. tuberculatus
Linognathus vituli
L. capillatus
Solenoptes capillatus
Example of biting lice of cattle
Damalia bovis
Causes pruritic dermatitis that typically starts on the distal limbs and fetlock of horses
Chorioptes equi
The flea known for their burrowing behavior of the female in the tissue of its host
Tunga penetrans
Parasite infestation that may cause a “salt and pepper” appearance in fur of cats
Lynxacarus radovskyi
The mite that burrows under the epidermal of scales of the legs and feet of poultry, and is known to cause “scaly leg” appearacne
Knemidokoptes mutans
Mite the causes “scaly face” in budgerigars, parrots and parakeets
Knemidocoptes pilae
Mite that causes depluming itch of poultry, pheasants and geese
Knemidokoptes gallinae
Where does Heamatobia irritans lay their eggs?
Fresh cow feces
Where does Tabanus striatus prefer to lay their eggs?
A vicinity of open water
Where does Simulium spp. prefer to lay their eggs?
Swiftly flowing, well-aerated water
Where does Stomoxys calcitrans prefer to ly their eggs?
On decaying organic matter
What pathogens are carried by the tropical cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus?
Babesia bigemina
Babesia bovis
Anaplasma marginale
What pathogen is carried by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus evertsi?
Theileria parva
What is the only biting louse of cattle?
Damalia bovis
What are the sucking louse of cattle?
Hematopinus eurysternus
Hematopinus quadripertusus
Hematopinus tuberculatus
Linognathus vituli
Linognathus capillatus
What is the “short nosed” cattle sucking louse?
Hematopinus euryternus
What is the “long nosed” cattle sucking louse?
Linognathus vituli
Cattle louse primarily found in the tail?
Haematopinus quadripertusus
Cattle louse primarily found in the head, face, neck and shoulder?
Solenoptes (Haematopinus) capillatus
Cattle louse primarily found in the neck, poll, dewlap and brisket?
Haemtopinus euryternus
Cattle louse primarily found in the withers, head, and tail head?
Bovicola bovis
Associated with cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction in horses known as “sweet itch”. Causes allergic dermatitis in horses.
Culicoides spp
Mite that is commonly responsible for dermatosis in pigs worldwide, causing pruritus and various skin lesions on the ears, flanks, abdomen, and rump
Sarcoptes scabiei var suis
Females of this fly most commonly glue their eggs on hairs of the lower regions of the legs and lower body
Hypoderma spp
Specie of Hypoderma that glue their eggs on hairs of the lower regions of the legs and lower body singly
Hypoderma bovis
Specie of Hypoderma that glue their eggs on hairs of the lower regions of the legs and lower body in rows
Hypoderma lineatum
The infective stage of Hypoderma that enter through hair follicles or by penetrating skin using proteolytic enzyme.
First stage larva (L1)
The first stage larva of this hypoderma spp migrate through fascial planes and connective tissues up to the esophageal wall
Hypoderma lineatum
The first stage larva of this hypoderma spp migrate along nerves to the epidural fat along the spinal column
Hypoderma bovis
Examples of neurotoxic ectoparasiticides (COP)
Example of chitin inhibitor ectoparasiticide
Feature differentiates Ctenocephalides canis from C. felis
C. canis: Shorter, rounder head. Presence of a much shorter first genal ctenidium
Chicken louse that is typically found on the breast, vent, and thighs. Also known as “Chicken body louse” and “Yellow body louse”. Considered the most destructive louse of poultry
Menacanthus stramineus
Poultry louse found on the base of feathers
Menopon gallinae
Poultry louse commonly found on the wings
Lipeurus caponis
Poultry louse found on the head
Cuclotogaster heterographus
Insects under solenophages. Their characteristic is that they have mouth parts that can directly penetrate individual capillaries and feed directly on host blood.
Bed bugs
Stable flies
Sucking lice
Insects under telmophages. Their characteristic is that they have mouth parts that lacerates host skin, damagng blood vessels, thus they and feed on blood pools at the bite site.
Black flies
Biting midges
Horse flies
Deer flies
This hard tick can be identified by hexagona basis capituli and presence of festoons caudally
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Females of this Gasterophilus spp. deposit their eggs in the lips of horses, and the larvae eventually penetrate the mucosa and reach the stomach or rectum.
Gasterophilus hemorrhoidalis
Cockroach that is the intermediate host of the chicken eyeworm Oxyspirura mansoni
Pycnoscelus surinamensis
Cockroach is the intermediate host of the rodent, dog, cats and rimates thorny headed worm Moniliformis moniliformis
Blatta orientalis
Blatella germanica
Periplaneta americana
Cockroach is the intermediate host of the cattle, and humans gullet worm Gonglyonema pulchrum
Blatella germanica
Cockroach is the intermediate host of the dog and cats esophageal worm Physaloptera spp
Blatella germanica
Cockroach is the intermediate host of the birds proventricular worm Tertrameres spp.
Blatella germanica and the rest
Chewing louse of chicken
Menopon gallinae
Menacanthus stramineus
Goniocotes gallinae
Cuclogaster heterographus
Goniodes dissimilis
Goniodes gigas
Lipeurus caponis
Mite affecting chickens is nocturnal, and heavy infestation may lead to skin irritation, anemia, loss of vigor, stunted growth, and reduced egg production. The mites can be found in the housing during the day, including the nest, litter and crevices. Aka Red poultry mite.
Dermanyssus gallinae
Bot fly that is larviparous. Affects sheeps and causes “false gid”
Oestrus ovis
Fly specie that undergoes complete metamorphosis or holometabolous life cycle
Musca domestica
A cat with hyperkeratinized and hyperpigmented skin, particularly in the ears and back of the neck, could be infested with
Notoedres cati
Ectoparasiticide that effectively controls Sarcoptes spp, Otodectes spp, Linognathus spp, but not Trichodectes (chewing lice)
Macrocyclic latone
Ectoparasite of swine has been associated with transmission of swine pox virus, Eperythrozoon suis and African swine fever
Hematopinus suis
This can cause nodular skin lesions in sheep due to allergic reactions to the saliva of this arthropod. This also considered the smallest mammalian louse
Damalia ovis
Mites that necessitates deep skin scraping to examine
Mites that does not necessitates deep skin scraping to be examined. They are located superficially.
The most pathogenic mite of snakes due to its role on transmission of Aeromonas hydrophila (hemorrhagic septicemia)
Ophionyssus natricis
Laelaps echidninus (spiny rat mite) is a vector of
Hepatozoon muris
Asian monitor lizard tick
Aponomma varanense
Most ecomically important mite of honey bees
Verroa destructor
What type of tick feed continuously, mate, engorge, and detach from their host then lay eggs/only has a single gonotrophic cycle
Female hard ticks
Arthropods that are nocturnal feeders
Dermanyssus gallinae
Cimex hemipterus
Anopheles gambiae
Arthropod that is usually a daytime feeder
Tabanus striatus
The reproduction of the female of this flea is influenced by the hormonal cycle of rabbit. Estrogen and corticosteroids stimulate egg production.
Spilopsyllus cuniculi
This mite can be distinguished from others by the presence of three-jointed pretarsi or pedicel and trumpet-shaped pulvilli
Psoroptes spp
This is a dorsoventrally flattened arthropod with mouthparts that are bent below the head when not feeding
Describe the preferred breeding sites of members of
genus Phlebotomus
Dark and moist locations where organic material is present
Insect that causes “black fly fever” characterized by headache, nausea, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, presumably caused by a response to salivary components of the fly. May cause river blindness.
This is considered the most economically important ectoparasite of sheep causing “sheep scab”. Very active in keratin layers. Produces vesicles and serous exudate.
Psoroptes ovis
This fly congregates in large numbers around the face of cattle, causing “fly worry”, and can transmit infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis agent Moraxella bovis
Musca autumnalis
Specie of Demodex localizes in sebaceous glands and thereby causes “oily coat”
Demodex injai
Artropod with both male and female adults are blood sucking
Arthropod with only female adults are blood sucking
Tabanus flies
The nymphs of the tongue worm of dogs, Linguatula serrata, may be found in the following organs of the intermediate host (3)
visceral lymph nodes
The adults of the tongue worm of dogs, Linguatula serrata, may be found in the __ of hosts (4)
nasal sinus
respiratory passages
frontal sinus
tympanic cavity
Gelatinous, greenish reaction zones in carcass of cattle known as “butcher’s jelly” is due to the migration of the larvae of
This is also known as cucumber tapeworm of dogs
a.Taenia taeniaeformis
b.Dipylidium caninum
c. Diphyllobothrium latum
d.Taenia seriali
Dipylidium caninum
The following may serve as intermediate host and carry the larva of Dipylidium caninum EXCEPT
a.Ctenocephalides sp
b.Heterodoxus spiniger
c.Trichodectes canis
d.Linognathus setosus
Linognathus setosus
The following tapeworms may produce more than one new individuals from their single larval forms except
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Taenia saginata
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Mesocestoides lineatum
Taenia saginata
The following tapeworms may produce more than one new individuals from their single larval forms except
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Taenia saginata
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Mesocestoides lineatum
Taenia saginata
Raillietina is to cysticercoid while Mesocestoides is to
a. cysticercus
c. coenurus
These species require two mammals to complete the life cycle
a.Trichinella spiralis
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Taenia solium
d.Capillaria philippinensis
Capillaria philippinensis
The adult stages of the following tapeworms are found in dogs except
a.Taenia taeniaeformis
b.Taenia ovis
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia asiatica
Taenia asiatica
Psocids that may be found in bark of trees and forage mites on vegetation may carry the cysticercoid of the following except
a. Davainea proglottina
b.Anoplocephala perfoliata
c.Moniezia expansa
d.Thysanosoma actinioides
Davainea proglottina
D. proglottina is transmitted through
ingestion of slugs with cysticercoid,
the rest are by slugs.
Larva of the following are referred to as bladderworms due to their fluid-filled cyst except
a.Taenia multiceps
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia taeniaeformis
Mesocestoides lineatus
Tetrathridium and cysticercoid, the larvae of
Mesocestoides lineatus are both solid-bodied
The principle for recommending deworming of puppies as early as two weeks for Toxocara canis control/treatment is the
a.transmammary infection and transplacental infection
b.infection by ingestion and transplacental infection
c.transmammary infection and paratenic host infection
d.skin penetration and transplacental infection
transmammary infection and transplacental infection
Human neurocysticercosis may be acquired by
a. ingestion of larva from infected raw pork
b.ingestion of egg from contaminated food or water
c. ingestion of adult worm segments
d.deposition of larva by houseflies
Ingestion of egg from contaminated food or water
Cecal worm of chicken promotes the transmission of this protozoa in turkeys
a.Entamoeba coli
b.Chilomastix mesnilii
c. Hexamita meleagridis
d.Histomonas meleagridis
Histomonas meleagridis
Histomonas can be consumed by Heterakis which are passed out in the feces
Which of the following roundworms has no somatic
migratory phase in their life cycle?
a.Toxocara canis
b.Ascaridia galli
c.Ascaris suis
d.Toxocara vitulorum
Ascaridia galli
Ascaridia directly matures in the small intestine, other migrate by tracheal route or somatically
Muscle digestion step is important for the diagnosis of
a.Echinococcus multilocularis
b.Taenia solium
c.Trichinella spiralis
d.Taenia saginata
Trichinella spiralis
Trichinella spiralis larva is a muscle worm. It resides in muscle fibers, hence digestion is needed to demonstrate them
Sparganosis in humans may be acquired by the following means except:
a.drinking water with procercoid
b.eating raw or unthoroughly cooked meat with plerocercoid
c. applying snake or frog flesh on wounds infected with plerocercoid
d.Accidental ingestion of Cyclops crustaceans infected with plerocercoid
Accidental ingestion of Cyclops crustaceans infected with plerocercoid
The sparganum is the plerocercoid stage, hence prior infection should be the procercoid stage
The control of kidney worms of pig can be best achieved by adopting
a.regular deworming
b.cleaning of pens
c. concrete flooring
d.gilts only scheme
Gilts only scheme
Gilts are disposed before the kidney worms become mature
The following applies to Schistosoma japonicum EXCEPT
c. monoecious
d.requires snail in the life cycle
They are dioecious, that is with sexes in separate individuals.
This species that inhabit the stomach of horses has a funnel-shaped pharynx
Habronema is cyclindrical in shape; others are not seen in horses
The infective stage of thorny-headed worm to its final host
Cyctacanth is the final stage in the beetle intermediate host.
It is best to collect blood from animals suspected to have dirofilariosis at this time due to its periodicity
The highest concentration of microfilariae usually occurs when the local vector is feeding most actively; in the case of canine heartworm, Culex are nocturnal feeders
The phenomenon that allows the increased fecundity of worms
a.Self cure phenomenon
c.Periparturient rise in FEC
Periparturient rise in fecal egg count
Prolactin hormone associated around parturition relaxes the immunity and favors the increased fecundity of worms
Earthworms play a role in the life cycle of the following except
a.Dioctophyma renale
b.Stephanurus dentatus
c.Angiostrongylus cantonensis
d.Metastrongylus apri
Angiostrongylus cantonensis
Angiostrongylus cantonensis requires snail as IH, the rest needs earthworms
The following may be a sequel of Strongylus vulgaris in horse except
d.Intestinal stasis
Percutaneous infection is possible with the following parasites except
a.Ancylostoma caninum
b.Stephanurus dentatus
c.Bunostomum phlebotomum
d.Metastrongylus apri
Metastrongylus apri
All others can be acquired by skin penetration; lungworms are acquired thru ingestion of infected
The following may be associated with liver damage in pigs EXCEPT
a.Trichuris suis
b.Stephanurus dentatus
c.Gnathostoma doloresi
d.Ascaris suis
Trichuris suis
No migratory phase in the liver
Pimply gut lesions in ruminants develop in subsequent infections with
a.Trichostrongylus axei
b.Oesophagostomum columbianum
c. Haemonchus contortus
d.Mecistocirrus digitatus
Oesophagostomum columbianum
L3 undergo histotrophic phase forming nodules “pimply gut”. In primary infection, L4 stage larvae migrate from the SI and into the LI to resume development into adults. Subsequent infections delays migration out of the intestinal wall with host immunity
These worms may be found in the aorta of the vertebrate host except
a.Elaeophora poeli
b.Spirocerca lupi
c.Cheilospirura hamulosa
d.Dirofilaria immitis
Cheilospirura hamulosa
Cheilospirura hamulosa lodges in the gizzard; also, it is not a vertebrate host
Alimentary tract is absent in
a.Trematodes and cestodes
b.Roundworms and cestodes
c.Cestodes and Acanthocephala
d.Acanthocephala and trematodes
Cestodes and Acanthocephala
Nutrients directly through the cuticle
River blindness which is transmitted by blackflies is caused by
a.Thelazia lachrymalis
b.Oxyspirura mansoni
c.Onchocerca volvulus
d.Loa loa
Onchocerca volvulus
The three are eyeworms but river blindness specifically refers to Onchocerca which is transmitted by Simulium, that thrives in the river.
Female Physaloptera praeputialis, Spirocera lupi, Ascarops strongylina and Metastrongylus species are
c. Larviparous
Both lay larvated eggs
Measly pork is associated with
a.Trichinella spiralis
b.Taenia solium
c.Taenia multiceps
d.Taenia asiatica
Taenia solium
Measly refer to the cysticercus in meat
Adult Trichuris sp. has a uniquely long esophagus of this type
c. cornuate
Adult Trichuris sp. has a uniquely long esophagus of this type
c. cornuate
The following species require arthropod intermediate hosts only to complete their life cycle EXCEPT
a. Hymenolepis diminuta
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c. Dipylidium caninum
d.Raillietina tetragona
Mesocestoides lineatus
Mesocestoides require arthropod and mammalian host
Pyriform apparatus is a diagnostic feature present in the following species except
a.Moniezia expansa
b.Anoplocephala perfoliate
c.Avitellina punctata
d.Paranoplocephala perfoliata
Avitellina punctata
All others bear pyriform apparatus in the egg
The smallest tapeworm of medical importance that lodge in the small intestine
a. Davainea proglottina
b.Hymenolepis nana
c.Metagonimus yokogawai
d.Echinococcus granulosus
Echinococcus granulosus
Smallest in poultry
The only tapeworm species that may complete its life cycle even without an intermediate host
a.Hymenolepis nana
b.Mesocestoides lineatus
c.Taenia asiatica
d.Capillaria philippinensis
Hymenolepis nana
H. nana can do direct or indirect life cycle
The animal host that carries the metacestode of Taenia serialis
c. Dogs
The adult stages of the following tapeworms are found in dogs except
a.Taenia taeniaeformis
b.Taenia ovis
c.Echinococcus granulosus
d.Taenia multiceps
Taenia taeniaeformis
Occurs in cats. Others are in dogs
Threadworms may be acquired by the following means except
a. skin penetration
c. ingestion of infective stage
No mechanical or biological transmissions
Finding “cooked rice grain” looking segments in the feces of goats may suggest infection with
a.Anoplocephala perfoliata
b.Thysanosoma actinioides
c.Avitellina punctata
d.Moniezia expansa
Moniezia expansa
Gravid segments of Moniezia expansa look like cooked rice grain
Milk spot lesions in pigs may be associated with
a.Taenia solium
b.Ascaris suis
c.Metastrongylus apri
d.Trichuris suis
Ascaris suis
Milk spots are the result of larval migration of larvae
For diagnostic application, the less prominent bipolar plugs are seen in eggs of
a.Capillaria plica
b.Trichinella spiralis
c.Trichuris suis
d.Trichuris ovis
Capillaria plica
The following structures may be found in a male nematode except
a. copulatory bursa
d.vas deferens
Spermatheca is a female sex organ use to temporarily store the sperm
The following are heteroxenous lung parasites EXCEPT:
a. Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
b.Metastronglus apri
c.Protostrongylus rufescens
d.Muellerius capillaris
Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
Haemonchus contortus, a common strongyle worm of ruminants can be best identified conventionally in the laboratory by this technique
c. Larval culture
Larval culture
Strongyle eggs are difficult to identify in the egg stage
The migratory phase of this worm species leads to colic in horses
a.Strongylus vulgaris
b.Strongylus equinus
c.Parascaris equorum
d.Habronema majus
Strongylus vulgaris
S. vulgaris migrates in the cranial mesenteric artery resulting to thromboembolism, intestinal stasis then colic
The following are true about Dirofilaria immitis except
a.Preventive program should not commence until 6 months
b.Infection is acquired by the bite of infected mosquito
c.There is less chance for worms to reach patency in dogs than in cats
d.Reduced stamina is a common sign
There is less chance for worms to reach patency in dogs than in cats
Only few adult worms can be found in cats. Dogs can have a hundred or more
This pair has the same mode of acquiring infection by the
final host EXCEPT
a.Oxyspirura mansoni-Thelazia lachrymalis
b.Metastrongylus apri- Dioctophyma renale
c.Dictyocaulus viviparus-Haemonchus contortus
d.Physaloptera preputialis-Spirocerca lupi
Oxyspirura mansoni-Thelazia lachrymalis
Oxyspirura mansoni (cockroach)
Oxyspirura mansoni (cockroach) -Thelazia lachrymalis (housefly)
Metastrongylus apri- Dioctophyma renale (earthworm)
Dictyocaulus viviparus-Haemonchus contortus (ingestion of L3)
Physaloptera preputialis-Spirocerca lupi (ingestion of infected beetle
Which of the following has the longest life cycle?
a.Strongylus vulgaris
b.Strongylus equinus
c. Dirofilaria immitis
d.Stephanurus dentatus
Stephanurus dentatus
Strongylus vulgaris (2.5-6mos)
Strongylus equinus (1.5-5 mos)
Dirofilaria immitis (6-7 mos)
Stephanurus dentatus (9-12 mos)
The eggs of this worm among domestic ruminants can
easily be identified because of its unusually large size
Identification of strongyle eggs in ruminants through
fecalysis, is based on their typical features being
a.Oval, smooth, thick- shelled and unsegmented when laid
b.Oval, smooth, thin- shelled and segmented when laid
c.Oval, shell is thick, finely mammilated and unsegmented when laid
d.Round, thick and pitted shell and unsegmented when laid
Oval, smooth, thin- shelled and segmented when laid