ENT Emergencies Flashcards
What is the main sign that a patients ear pain is reffered?
A normal ear exam
What is the treatment for an ear abscess?
I&D and antibiotics
A patient presents with sudden hearing loss and severe pain after they were playing the “slap” game with friends. What is the likely dx and treatment?
ruptured tympanic membrane (tympanic perforation)
tx is ABX drops to avoid infection and allow to heal on its own
A patient presents with sudden deafness, and paralysis on the left side of their face. Upon exam you see vesicles inside the left ear. What is the dx and tx?
Ramsey Hunt syndrome (herpes zoster otticus)
Valacyclovir and prednisone (antiviral and steroids)
*ENT consult, too!
A patient presents to the ED with acute ear pain, discharge, and states they were diagnosed with “swimmers ear” and took their prescribed ABX but pain has returned and now the ear is insanely itchy. What is the likely dx that the first provider missed, what will you see on ear exam, and what is the tx?
DX is likely fungal ear infection (otomycosis)
exam will show little fuzzies in ear (usually black or yellow dots)
TX is acetic acid or clotrimazole drops
A patient Presents with pain, swelling, drainage, inflammation, and you see narrowing and redness of the external auditory canal. What is the likely dx and tx?
otitis externa
ABX drops or ABX wick if ear is closed shut
A patient presents with severe ear pain that feels like its spreading into their head, they report green, smelly ear discharge, and their hx is positive for diabetes. What is the likely dx and tx for this condition?
malignant otitis externa
tx is to admit to hospital for IV ABX because this can cause necrosis of bone
What is the pathogen that causes malignant OE?
pseudomonas aeruginosa
Which ear infection is hearing loss a common complaint?
otitis media
A patient presents with gradual hearing loss, ear pain, and drainage from the painful ear. No trauma is reported. What is the likely dx, PE finding, and tx?
otitis media
See white fluid behind TM
tx is augmentin
A 7y/o patient presents to the ED with a recent middle ear infection. Today they have a fever and appear ill. Their ear is TTP, and upon exam you see redness and swelling behind the ear. This child needs a CT, what will it show, what is the likely dx, and tx?
CT shows coalescence of mastoid air cells
dx is mastoiditis
tx is Admit to hospital, give IV ABX, and ENT consult
A patient presents with a CP of an intensely painful left ear, PE of outer ear is NL, but upon otoscope exam you see blisters on the ear drum. What is the DX and TX for this condition?
Bullous myringitis
Opioids for px and MACROLIDE ABX
A patient presents to the ED with hearing loss in the right ear with no trauma, no pain, fever, or drainage, and on PE you see amber fluid and bubbles when the PT tries to clear ears. What is the likely DX and tx?
OM with effusion (non-infectious OM)
watchful waiting for self-resolution; or can consult to ENT for tube and drainage (not in ED)
This condition causes hearing loss from rapid pressure from negative pressure (flying) will show bloody effusion on exam; & can take 1-2 months to heal?
This type of hearing loss is an emergency consult to ENT & is confirmed dx when tuning fork sound travels to good ear but is absent in effected ear?
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss
What are the three causes of vertigo?
BPPV; Meiner’s, labyrinthitis
This type of vertigo lasts 15-20 seconds and is initiated when the PT lays down?
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
What is the diagnostic test and tx for BPPV?
DX: dix Hallpike maneuver-will see nystagmus for + result
TX: Epley maneuver
This type of vertigo can last up to 8H, is caused by an increase in endolymphatic fluid that causes the PT to feel ear fullness, and is treated with low salt diet and diuretics?
Vertigo accompanied by sensorineural hearing loss that last 24-48H and is debilitating?
What is the only type of vertigo that presents with hearing loss?
What is Vestibular neuronitis?
severe debilitating vertigo 24-48H long; NO HEARING LOSS
A nasal fracture must be fixed within ___H or ___ days of trauma?
3H or 7 days (before and after major swelling)
A two year old presents to the ED with epistaxis, chronic nasal discharge and a foul odor coming from their left nostril. What is the likely cause of this condition?
foreign object in the nose
Most common location of nose bleed and treatment?
Pinch front of nose and lean forward
What are the indications for giving ABX in a case of sinusitis (3 reasons)?
Had sx for 10 days or more
had fever for 3-4 days
Sx resolved then got worse in a couple days (double sick)
This type of tooth fracture is when the tooth is in the socket but not in correct space; fell out and you just push tooth into place and do dental splinting?
This tooth trauma is when a tooth is out of socket completely?
What is angioedema and how is it treated?
Rapid swelling of oral tissue (lips, tongue)
Give Benadryl, steroids, and establish airway
A patient presents with <5 days of sore throat, fever, cough, congestion, and has a positive rapid strep test. What is the dx and tx?
Strep pharyngitis
A patient present with a hot potato voice, trismus, drooling. Upon exam you see the back of the throat is deviated. What is the likely dx and tx?
peritonsillar abscess
tx with I&D and ABX
What are signs of a retropharyngeal abscess?
nuchal rigidity, stridor, sore throat, drooling, very ill appearing patient
What is an abscess of spaces under tongue that blocks the airway?
Ludwig’s angina
This presents with a barking cough in children & can cause cyanosis and death if child cannot breath?
Laryngotracheitis or “Croup”