ENT And Ophthalmology Flashcards
Name picture 62
South facing preformed et tube
Name picture 63
North facing preformed et tube
Name picture 64
North facing preformed et tube
Name picture 65
South facing preformed et tube or right angled ETT
Name picture 66
Endotracheal tube for laser surgery: 2 bulbs ( 1 with water to prevent burn injury and reduce risk explosion)
What type of airway is seldom used in ENT surgery?
Jet insufflators for ventilation
What 3 type of airway is commonly used in ENT surgery?
• Preformed south facing ETT = tonsillectomy
• preformed north facing ETT
• laser compatible ETT
Which anaesthetic agent should be avoided in ear surgery and why?
Nitrous oxide
Expand gas filled spaces so will disrupt suture lines
How can an airway fire be prevented in ENT surgery when lasers are used? ( 5)
• low fio2
• saline soaked plegets
• intensity and duration of laser
. ETT bulb saline filled
• airway device resistance to laser
What type of airway should be used for tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies?
Oral RAE tube ( south facing) and throat pack to catch soiling at back of throat
Name 3 relatively common complications or occurrences during eye surgery under anaesthesia
• Extubation of patient
• bradycardia
• overheating
Name 4 cardiac and respiratory variables that increase intraocular pressure
• Increased CvP increase severely!
• increase arterial blood pressure
• increased paco2 (hypoventilation)
• decrease pa02
What is the oculo-cardiac reflex? Name 4 causes and presentation
Cardiac arrhythmia (usually Brady) due to:
• traction on ocular muscles
• pressure on eyeball
• admin retrobulbar block
• trauma to eye
Presentation ranges: bradycardia, ventricular ectopy, sinus arrest, v fib.
Pathophysiology of oculo-cardiac reflex?
• trigeminal V1 afferent
• vagal efferent
Risk group for oculocardiac reflex?
Most commonly Paeds strabismus surgery