Enroute symbols Flashcards
green or blue airport
brown airport
no IAP
distance marker boxed
total leg distance
distance marker no box
between intersection leg distance
big brown numbers
OROCA. gives obstacle clearance for the given quadrant
V airways how wide
are 4nm wide
altiude on V airway with asterick
MOCA. doesn’t guarantee signal coverage unless 22nm of the VOR, just obstacle clearance within 4nm of the airway
halfway or the zigzag point with distances from each VOR
Victor airways are blacklines leading to intersections, some intersection have black bars what are they
this means must look at mea, the mea is going to change. dont have to start climb until crossing because it ensures standard climb rate
GPS way point
blue, need rnav to find
Black intersections can be idenified
by radio navigation
Brown lines
IR routes. military routes
skinny routes have 5 mile width either sife, thicker ones have 10 either side
VOR Compass rose or not
no compass rose means termial VOR
different size compass roses around VOR
no meaning
Green dashed lines (square)
Green line around coast or lake
grey white arrow
localizer. can be used to help idenify intersection
brown dashed lines
MOA. ATC job to vector you around through.
solid blue line with dotted blue along coast
colored in VOR or intersection
Compulsory reporting point. if not in radar contact must report crossing
dotted brown lines in circle
blue dashed areas
restricted airspace
blue area surrounded by solid blue line
bravo airspacea
blue area surrounded by dashed blue line
charlie airspace
brown solid line
gulf airspace
Flag R at intersection
Black triangle with a boxed name pointing at airport
RCO for flight service
blue box that looks like puzzle piece with name and freq
center control rco when on the ground
blue airways
T airways. GPS airways may or may not correspond with VORS
max autorized altitude
VOR freq with line under it
no voice capability
VOR H or L ?
Look in chart supp
racetrack near intersection
published hold. if given an amended cleareance expect an EFC when doing a hold that was not planned
faint gray jagged path line
time zone change
Q route or Y route
oceanic airways
star on airport
part time tower