English: Vocabulary Workshop Flashcards
To make a foolish or careless mistake; to move clumsily or carelessly
Syn: to err, foul up, goof
Ant: to triumph, succeed
To call off or do away with, to cross out with lines or other marks
Syn: to stop, discontinue, drop, revoke
Ant: to renew, continue
Going on without a stop or break
Syn: ongoing, endless, constant
Ant: broken, interrupted
To give out in shares, to scatter or spread
Syn: to divide, share, deal, issue
Ant: to gather, collect, hold
A written or printed record that gives information or proof
Syn: a certificate; to prove or establish
Easily broken or damaged, requiring special handling or care
Syn: weak, frail, breakable, delicate
Ant: sturdy, hardy, strong
An old story that explains why something is or how it came to be; something imaginary
Syn: a legend, fable, tale, fantasy
Ant: a fact
To refuse to accept, agree to, believe or use
Syn: to deny, discard, junk, scrap
Ant: to take, accept, welcome
To fight or struggle closely with
Syn: to tussle, battle, brawl
Living or being alone, being the only one
Syn: single, sole, lone
Ant: sociable, several or many
Lasting or used for a limited time
Syn: short-term, passing, brief
Ant: lasting, permanent
A former member of the armed forces (military); an experienced person in a job or field
Syn: expert, professional, experienced
Ant: beginner, newcomer, noob!
To give up completely, to leave with no intention of returning
Syn: to desert, forsake, cease
Ant: to continue, stay, remain
Violent attack
Syn: invasion, raid, mugging, beating
Ant: protect, defend
Change from one form to another; a person who has changed from one opinion or religion to another
Syn: transform, turn, switch
Ant: maintain, conserve
Argue, debate, quarrel over; to question or doubt the truth of something
Syn: to differ, disagree, challenge
Ant: to agree, an understanding or agreement
Having a strong effect, commanding attention
Syn: memorable, striking, stirring, thrilling
Ant: inferior, mediocre
To show to be fair or right, to give good reason for
Syn: to defend, explain, support
Ant: to convict, blame
Tending to give the wrong idea, often on purpose
Syn: deceptive, false, inaccurate
Ant: direct, honest, true, accurate
Many or very many
Syn: several, plenty
Ant: few
Making or capable of making large amounts; giving good results
Syn: energetic, effective, fruitful
Ant: idle, useless, inactive
Showing clever judgment and practical understanding
Syn: wise, clever, crafty, cunning
Ant: slow, stupid, dull-witted
Carefully made plan or plot, a plan of military operation
Syn: a plan, approach, design, scheme
An evil or wicked person or character, especially in a story
Syn: scoundrel, outlaw, criminal
Ant: a hero or heroine, champion
Direct and outspoken in a good-natured way;
A steep, high cliff or a bank;
To deceive or trick to try to fool others by putting on a confident front
Syn: hearty, a ridge, a trick or hoax, to deceive or mislead
Ant: insecure, sly
Avoiding unnecessary risks or mistakes
Syn: careful, watchful, wary
Ant: daring, reckless, wild
To be made up of
Syn: to contain, include, comprise
To look down on intensely, or to feel contempt for; dislike strongly
Syn: to hate, scorn, detest, loath
Ant: to love, admire, praise
A safe place
Syn: a shelter, harbor, refuge, sanctuary
Ant: a trap, ambush
A very small copy, model or painting; on a very small scale
Syn: little, tiny, miniscule
Ant: huge, giant
A person who rules over a kingdom or empire
Syn: ruler, king, queen, emperor
Ant: a subject, follower, commoner
Something that gets in the way
Syn: a hurdle, barrier, snag
Ant: an aid, help, support
To put off until later
Syn: delay, suspend, shelve, defer
Ant: advance, move up
To stray off or trail behind, to spread out in a scattered fashion
Syn: ramble, draft, wander, roam
Likely to betray; seemingly safe but actually dangerous
Syn: disloyal, unreliable, deceptive, tricky, hazardous
Ant: faithful, trustworthy, safe, harmless
Bright and sharp, giving a clear picture; full of life
Syn: lively, intense, brilliant
Ant: dull, lifeless, drab
Quick to fight or quarrel, tending to violence; bold and forceful, determined
Syn: violent, pushy, vigorous
Ant: peaceful, timid, shy
To join or be together as partners, allies or friends; to link or connect in one’s mind; a partner or friend
Syn: to unite, mingle, mix; a companion, co-worker
Ant: to separate, distance; an enemy or rival
To trick or lead a person into believing something that is not true
Syn: to fool swindle, mislead, cheat
To leave one’s home country or area and live in another
Syn: to relocate, move, migrate
Able to bend without breaking; able to change, adapt or take in new ideas
Syn: bendable, limber, elastic
Ant: stiff, rigid
Mysterious charm, beauty or attractiveness
Syn: style, sparkle, magic, enchantment
Unclear, misty; not readily seen or understandable
Syn: cloudy, foggy, blurry
Ant: bright, clear
To stay longer than expected, be slow in leaving, to go slowly or taking one’s time
Syn: to delay, stall, remain, stay
Ant: to hurry, rush, depart
Providing ease and comfort far beyond what is ordinary or necessary
Syn: rich, elegant, pleasurable, lavish
Ant: poor, plain, simple, modest
An unfortunate but minor accident
Syn: a misfortune, mistake, blunder
To overcome by superior force; to affect so deeply as to make helpless
Syn: to overpower, destroy, crush, stun, shock
The full reach or length, especially between 2 points in space or time
Syn: extent, distance, length, scope; to bridge, cross, last
A mark or stain that damages the appearance of something; a weakness or a flaw
Syn: a scar, spot, smudge; defect or weak spot
Having a dull point or edge, not sharp; honest but insensitive in manner
Syn: dull, outspoken, frank, direct
Ant: sharp, keen; tactful or diplomatic
Able or prepared to do something; fit or skilled
Syn: qualified
Ant: unqualified, unfit
To finish; to bring something to an end; to decide after careful thought
Syn: to close, complete, stop; to reason
Ant: to open, start, continue
To find, discover or notice something
Syn: to observe, spot
Ant: to miss, overlook
Weariness or exhaustion from work or lack of sleep; to make very tired
Syn: tiredness, sleepiness, weakness
Ant: liveliness, energetic, perk up
Having to do with a feast or celebration
Syn: happy, merry
Ant: sad, gloomy
A friendly welcome and treatment of guests
Syn: generosity, warmth
Ant: unfriendly, hostility
A member of a people who move from place to place; a person who roams aimlessly
Syn: a wandered, roamer
To treat unjustly or cause to suffer
Syn: to torment, hurt
Ant: to reward, favor, comfort
Highest in power, rank, authority, quality or degree
Syn: first, greatest, dominant
Ant: lowly, worst
To move or carry from one place to another; a vehicle used to move things from place to place; the act of moving something from one place to another
Syn: to haul, send, convey