English Vocabulary (2/12) Quiz Flashcards
annex - two definitions (v. and n.)
(v. ) to add to, attach; to incorporate
(n. ) an attachment or addition
cleave (v.)
to cut or split open; to cling to
cordial - two definitions (adj. and n.)
(adj. ) in a friendly manner, hearty; cherry
(n. ) a liqueur
cornerstone (n.)
1) the starting point of a building
2) a fundamental principle or element
debacle (n.)
an overwhelming defeat; a complete collapse or failure
devitalize (v.)
to make weak or lifeless
embroil (v.)
to involve in a conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion
exonerate (v.)
to clear from a charge or accusation
glib (adj.)
speaking or acting in a way that is thoughtless or insincere
haphazard (adj.)
by chance, no planned; lacking order
improvise (v.)
to compose or perform without preparation; to construct from available materials
incite (v.)
to rouse, stir up, urge on
influx (n.)
a coming in, inflow
pallor (n.)
an extreme or unnatural paleness
pedigree (n.)
a list of ancestors, family tree; the history or origins of something
precipitous (adj.)
very steep
profuse (adj.)
very abundant; given or flowing freely
reconcile (v.)
to restore to friendship; to settle; to resign (oneself)
shackle (v. and n.)
(v. ) to put into chains
(n. ) chains
threadbare (adj.)
shabby, old and worn