Comp Eng. Vocabulary Flashcards
(n. ) deception or trickery, actions or statements that trick people into believing something that is not true
(e. g., Trump uses chicanery to win votes from uneducated people)
(v. )
1) to leave the position of being a king or queen (e.g., If I were king, I would never abdicate the throne.)
2) to fail to do what is required by a duty or responsibility (e.g., Students should not abdicate their responsibility to study.)
(adj. ) slightly or indirectly related to something : not closely connected to something
(e. g., James has a tendency to go into tangential discussions.)
(v. ) to go away or escape from a place secretly
e. g., The prisoners absconded from jail and traveled to Mexico.
(adj. ) done in a private place or way : done secretly
e. g., The war prisoners had a clandestine meeting about how to escape
(adj. ) showing no thought or care for the rights, feelings, or safety of others
(e. g., Many people show wanton disregard for global climate change)
(v. ) to make (something) less severe or strong
e. g., The government tried to allay fears that the country would go into war.
(adj. ) boring or ordinary : not interesting
e. g., They had a banal discussion about the weather.
(adj. ) having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than other people
(e. g., Most people do not like supercilious people)
(adj. ) only taught to or understood by members of a special group; hard to understand
(e. g., I find philosophy to be an esoteric subject)
(adj. ) using few words in speech or writing
e. g., He is known to give laconic replies.
(adj. ) having or showing an ability to understand things and to make good judgments : mentally sharp or clever
(e. g., My dad is a shred businessman and is successful)
(adj. ) acting or done in a quick and efficient way
e. g., Both sides hoped for an expeditious trial.
(adj. ) very careful about doing something correctly
e. g., I would like to be more scrupulous about my school work
(adj. ) not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often : not fresh or original
(e. g., My parents only know hackneyed jokes. )
(adj. ) not lively or interesting : dull or boring
e. g., I don’t want to live a vapid life
(adj. ) harsh and angry words
e. g., The politicians had a vitriolic debate
(adj. ) stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
(e. g., I do not want to date an obtuse girl)
(adj. ) very confident and daring : very bold and surprising or shocking
(e. g., The audacious dog jumped over a high fence)
(adj. )
1) very careful about how you do something (e.g., He is a fastidious dresser)
2) liking few things : hard to please (e.g., My brother is a fastidious eater so it is difficult for my mom to cook)
(adj. ) rude usually in a lively and playful way
e. g., Some guys like saucy women