English Story Test 1 Flashcards
Who is the author of Stranger on the NIght Train?
Mary Hocking
Who is the author of the most dangerous game?
Richard Connell
Who is the author of the Interloopers
Saki a.k.a. H.H Munroe
Who is the author of The Lady or the Tiger
Frank R. Stockton
Who is the author of All the Years of Her Life?
Morley Callaghan
Who’s the author of Beware of the Dog
Roald Dahl
Describe the story plot and the characters of stranger on the night train
describe the plot and characters of the most dangerous game
describe the plot and characters of the interloopers
describe the plot and the characters of the lady or the tiger
describe the story plot and characters of all the years of her life
describe the story plot and characters of beware of the dog
What does QVPCR stand for?
Q- Question- who, where, when, why, what
V- Visualize- Make the movie
P- Predict- what’s going to happen throughout the story
C- Connect- to your life experiences to understand and relate to the story
R- Respond- stop and think about it put puzzel pieces together
Draw and label the plot diagram
who the characters are and setting(time and place)
struggle between opposing forces, problem
Rising Action
Details that build story
high point, turning point, decision point
Falling action
clean up details
conflict is resolved
whats a plot diagram
sequence of events, storyline
tension, what makes you want to keep reading
drawing a conclusion from the reading
political satire
you comment on politics policies in a “humorous” way but you actually are making a statement about it
Historical fiction
made up story based on actual historical events or settings
whats an example of internal conflict
man vs. self
what’s some examples of external conflict
man vs. man, man vs. animal, man vs. nature, man vs. society, etc.