English Puritanism Flashcards
Puritanism has roots in…
protestant reformation
Puritans thought the bible was…
the only source of authority
Puritans on faith:
Faith alone can save people
2 groups of Puritans
- Separatists
2. Non-separatists
Thought reforming the Anglican church wouldn’t work
Pilgrims were…(relig)
William Bradford
Leader of separatists
Wanted to stay with Anglican church but thought they could reform it
Non-separatists settled in…(state)
John Winthrop
Leader of non-separatists
Non-separatist ideal
Christian charity (“city on a hill”)
Providence (sovereignty)
God is in control of everything that happens
Only way to be saved is getting elected by God due to faith
Contract between puritans and God, blessings if faithful, consequences if not
Anne Hutchinson
Had women’s bible study groups. Charged for accusing ministers unfit for ministry and claiming revelations from God. Excommunicated and founds town in Rhode Island