English Online Resources Flashcards
Understand subject/verb agreement (watch for nouns that seem plural, but aren’t, such as everyone, anyone, none…etc.) These may seem easy, but I suggest practice.
Recognize common possessive nouns.
Pronoun/Antecedent agreement.
Dialogue - correct punctuation and usage
First/second/third person voice and recognizing which from a sentence or short story.
Grammar usage for style/clarity (this will make more sense when studied in the ATI manual)
Using sentence context to decipher the meaning of a word.
Recognizing a simple vs. complex sentence (more difficult than you’re imagining)
Be able to identify a top and supporting sentence. Know the difference.
Know the meaning of common prefixes/suffixes/roots (ex: uni, ous, endo…etc.) There is an excellent table in the ATI book.
Rules of capitalization. (again, sounds easy…but, these rules really need to be reviewed.)
Correct usage of commas, ellipses, semicolons, colons, hyphens, and parentheses.
Correct usage of quotation marks and apostrophes.
Do not forget the word ‘whose’ and its correct usage.
Do not forget the difference between it’s and its.