English lesson of October 25, 2023 Flashcards
How do we say that year?
Two thousand four.
For years before 2000: Say the year two digits at the time (Example: 1975 = Nineteen seventy-five.).
For years between 2001 and 2009: Say Two thousand + number (Example: Two thousand one, two thousand two, etc.).
For years starting with 2010, you have 2 options: Example: 2010 = 1) Two thousand ten. 2) Twenty-ten
What is “jusqu’à” in English?
Exemple: Mon cours est jusqu’à 10h30.
Example: My class is until 10:30
NOTE: “since” means “depuis”, and not “jusqu’à”.
What is “Je suis habituée” in English?
I’m used to it.
What is “ma toute première…” in English?
Exemple: Mon tout premier travail était de garder.
My very first…
Example: My very first job was babysitting.
What is “fréquenter” as in “Quelle école as-tu fréquenté?”
Go to
Which school did you go to?
Which school did you attend?
What is “pratique” as in “J’avais ma propre pratique à la maison.”?
Example: I had my own practice at home.
What is “mon 18ème anniversaire” in English?
My 18th birthday.
(not “My 18th anniversary”)
What is “le pire” or “la pire” in English?
The worst
(not “the baddest”)
What is “en campagne” in English?
In the country
In the countryside
What is a “session” at college or university in English?
A semester
What is “à côté de” in English?
Next to
What is “se séparer” in English?
Exemple: Je me suis séparée en 2000.
split up
I split up in 2000.
I separated in 2000.
What is “reporter” as in “Je dois reporter notre voyage au Portugal.”
Example: I have to postpone my trip to Portugal.
How do we pronounce “Portugal”?
What do we call in English the wooden sticks people walk with when they break a leg?