Engineering Flashcards
Cheng/DCO responsibilities
- Chief Engineer
- Damage control officer
- For all out of plant shipboard maintenance
- overall in charge of damage control of the ship. (DCTT and ETT)
DCA responsibilities
-Damage control assistant
Damage control of the ship
EDO responsibilities
-Engineering Duty Officer
- Senior engineering personnel appointed by the CHENG to act on his behalf in his absence.
- Authorizing Officer ( danger and caution tag issueing)
- damage control of ship
- engineering duty section leader
Fire Marshall responsibilities
- At sea fire party
- senior gas free engineer
- ships damage control training
Electrical distribution system has how many zones and load centers?
9 electrical zones
24 out of plant load centers
How many general load centers and how many functional load centers ?
9 general load centers
15 functional load centers
General load centers feed what
Functional load centers feed what
A/C plants
Fire pumps
Major electrical components
- Automatic bus transfer
- manual bus transfer
- casualty power
(ABT) automatic bus transfer functions
- Feeds vital equipment or lighting. ( medical,fire pumps,steering,AFFF stations)
- automatically transfer from normal power to emergency power upon loss of power
Manual bus transfer functions
- Feeds ventilation, combat systems equipment.
- watch stander manually shifts power sources from normal to alternate
Casualty power function
Used to provide emergency power to vital equipment due to battle damage of primary or alternate sources
Steering system purpose
To change ships heading
How many electrohydraulic steering units
- 1&3 STBD side
- 2&4 port side
Ways to operate the steering gear
- Bridge helm
- secondary con
- local with trick wheel
- emergency steering
- ratchet assembly
Purpose of ship degaussing folder
Properly start up the degaussing system based on ships geographic location
Air conditioning and refrigeration
Purpose of the refrigeration units ?
Perishable food preservation
4 phases of the basic refrigeration cycle ?
- compression
- condensation
- expansion
- evaporation
Type of A/C plants
- 10 A/C plants
- 363 ton A/C plant model HFC-236A
Purpose of the A/C system ?
Primary- is to cool equipment
Secondary- crew comfort
Purpose of (PLC) Programmable logic controller ?
- starts and secures A/C plants
- A/C plant information read out
- Fault code indication
Purpose of catapult steam system and how many onboard ?
- to launch aircraft
- 4 catapults onboard
CSC - catapult supervisory control function?
Used to operate each catapult feeder valve
Departments that are required to operate catapults ?
- reactor
- engineering
- air
(CHT) components ?
Collection,holding, and transfer
- 5 holding tanks
- 6 pumps ( eddy pump)
- H2S monitoring system with 2nd deck indication panel
3 operating modes of CHT?
- waste goes to shore facility in port
- waste is discharged over the side at sea
- waste is stored in holding tanks while in transit
Gray water ( waste ) Black water ( sewage )
- Waste water collected from showers,sinks,and scuttle butts
- black water anything from a toilet
Location of O2N2 plants onboard ?
- FWD in hangar bay 1 , port side, double green doors
- AFT in hangar bay 3 , STBD side , double green doors
Uses of oxygen?
- Aviator breathing
- AIMD cleaning
- medical
- dental
Uses of Nitrogen ?
- aircraft tires
- wart removal
- reboiler layup
- pilot ejection seats
Define degaussing
It counteracts ships magnetic field
Purpose of degaussing coils ? And names of coils ?
- Creates an opposite electric magnetic field
- A coil, M coil, FP-QP coil, FI-QI coil
Purpose of list control
Maintain a leveled deck for flight ops
Location and function of list tanks
10 list tanks ( 5 port and 5 STBD)
- it holds list water and the max amount is 2,240,000 gallons
List control pumps
There’s 2 list pumps.
-used to move list water from side to side
List control operating panel is located where ?
DC central .
-operates list pumps and gives levels of tanks
3 nautical miles form land
3 nautical miles from land
12 nautical miles from land
Shredded metal
12 nautical miles from land
25 nautical miles from land
Never dispose . Unless for safety of ship, health if crew, or saving a life at sea.
-COs permission is required