AntiTerrorism Fundamentals Flashcards
AT stands for
Anti terrorism
FP stands for ?
Force protection
Define deadly force ?
A force that is likely to cause or that a person know or should know would create substantial risk of causing death, seriously bodily harm or injury.
Types of terrorist attack methodology?
- bombing
- hijacking
- skyjacking
- assassination
- hostage taking
Most effective and frequently used
Cruise ship( Achille Lauro) was hijacked by Palestinians on October 1985
- Twin towers
October 1981 ; Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Muslim extremist while saluting troops
Hostage taking
Father Lawrence Jenco , a native of joliet, Illinois , was taken hostage in Beirut by five armed men in January 1985
Zones used in defense in depth
Assessment zone
Warning zone
Threat zone
High Value asset
Assessment zone
Outer most boundary
Warning zone
Warning shots used when necessary
Threat zone
Inner most boundary
HVA high value asset
A navy asset whose loss from service would have significant consequence
Force protection condition
FPCON normal
Applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists and warrants a routine security posture
Applies when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities are unpredictable.
Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.
FPCON Charlie
Applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.
Applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence is received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent .
Random Antiterrorism Measures
Additional security measures that are conducted at random dates, times, and locations.
Security alert
When a situation arises onboard the ship
Force protection alert
Alert that is used for threats identified outside the skin of the ship
A sentinel or a lookout
What’s on a salute report
Size Activity Location Unit Time Equipment
Responsible to engage and stop assailant
CBR/N Environment
Priority must be self-protection
Civil disturbance
Secure the ECP and relocate within the gate
Suspicious floating object
Secure all radio and cell phone transmissions within 50 ft.
Anti terrorism officer
ATO responsible for ?
Command AT program manager
Antiterrorism Tactical watch Officer
ATTWO is who?
Is the single action officer with weapons release authority for the .50 cal
Duty armorer
Responsible for the security of all AA&E ( arms,ammunition, and explosives and controlled equipment in the armory
Security Chan of Command
Seco- security officer
CMAA- command master at arms
LCDR Copping
MAC Herring
7 justifications of deadly force
- Self defense and defense of other DOD personnel
- defense of others
- protecting assets vita to national security
- protecting inherently dangerous property
- protecting national critical infrastructure
- performing an arrest or apprehension, or preventing escape
- defending against animals
1st general order
To take charge of this post and all government property in view
2nd general order
To walk my post in a military manner , keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing .
3rd general order
To Report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
4th general order
To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own
5th general order
To quit my post only when properly relieved
6th general order
To receive obey and pass onto the sentry , who relieves me , all orders form the Commanding Officer, command duty officer, officer of the deck, and officers and petty officers of the watch only
7th general order
To talk to no one except in the line of duty
8th general order
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder
9th general order
To call the officer of the deck in any case not covered by instruction
10th general order
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased
11th general order
To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
How many whistle blasts are given for a security alert?
3 short whistle blasts on 1MC .
“ security alert! security alert. All hands stand fast.”
What instruction governs the standard rules of engagement ?
CJCSI 3121.01B
How many articles in the UCMJ?
Which articles in the UCMJ are punitive ?
Article 85
Article 86
Absence without leave
Article 87
Missing movement ; jumping from vessel
Article 91
Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officers, or petty officer
Article 92
Failure to obey order or regulation
Article 111
Leaving scene of vehicle accident
Article 112
Drunkness and other incapacitation offenses
Article 112A
Wrongful use, possession of controlled substances
Article 128
Article 134
General article