Energy Policy Flashcards
1952: European Coal & stell community
energy consumption
2/3 coal
10% oil
oil was cheap –> substitution of coal by oil
1960: 60% of energy consumed in EEC was produced in EEC
1960s objective for energy policy
- Fair competition between different energy sources
- Security of supply
- Low prices
- Free choice for consumers
- Coordination of state aids
1973 First oil crisis
67% of energy consumption: oil
–> measures to reduce dependence on oil imports, promotion of alternative energies, building energy reserves, saving energy
1980s price fell to pre-crisis level
2986 Chernobyl: public concern about security and environmental effect rose
1990s: competition, start to liberalize energy sector in Europe (mostly state monopolies at that time)
2006: Dispute between Russia and Ukraine about costs for transportation of gas via pipelines
2011 Fukushima –> security question
2014 Conflict between Russia & Ukraine -> security supply in question (15-20% of EU gas consumption transited through Ukraine)
main non-EU suppliers of oil/gas to the EU
oil: Russia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan
natural gas: Russia, Norway, Algeria, Qatar, Nigeria, Libia
Present and Future Challenges
- Ensuring security of supply
- Reducing consumption
- Increasing efficiency
- Promoting renewable energies
- Taking into account environmental and social effects
3 Pillars fo EU energy policy (since 2006)
Sustainability: promote renewable and low carbon-emitting fuels, reduce demand, halt climate change
Competitiveness: opening energy market in EU shall benefit consumers & stimulate clean energy production, promote development of new energy technologies
Security of supply: reduce demand,
diversity energy mix, energy resources, route of imported energy,
stimulates interment to meet growing energy demand, better provision to come with emergencies, ensure that citizens and business have access to energy
Priorities of EU energy policy
- Better info exchange between MS to reach internal energy market by 2014
- Negotiations to extend bilateral energy agreement of MS to EU
- speaking with one voice in integration fora on renewable energies & climate change, nuclear safety….
- strengthent partnerships with neighboring countries, middle east, Russia, Ukraine, Mediterranean region, USA, Japan, B(R)ICS
EU strategic energy Technology plan
CO2 Capture, Transport, and storage
Energy efficiency - smart cities
Solar Europe initiative
European wind initiative