Energy levels and waves continued Flashcards
The medium of a wave is the substance the wave travels through.
Speed of waves in lesser/more dense objects
Waves generally travel slower in more dense substances and faster in less dense substances.
Speed of waves in different phases
Waves generally travel faster when the particles of a substance are closer together and slower when the particles are farther apart.
Phase and wave speed
- Solid-closest-fastest
- Liquid-farther-slower
- Gas-farthest-slowest
Waves in stretched objects travel faster when:
- The density of an object is less dense
2. The object is pulled tighter
Waves in unstretched objects travel faster when
- The density of the object is less dense
2. The stiffness of the object is more stiff
Coulomb’s law trends
- The electrostatic force is stronger when there is more charge
- The electrostatic force is weaker when there is a bigger distance between the charges
The number of energy levels and pull of protons
- The more energy levels an atom has, the farther the outermost electrons are from the protons, and the weaker the pull o the protons on the outermost electrons.
- The more protons an atom has, the stronger the pull of protons on the outermost electrons
Left to right in the same row and number of protons
Energy levels stay the same, but the elements on the right pull stronger because there are more protons.
How elements in the same column compare
As you go from top to bottom the energy level increases and more energy levels mean the outermost electrons are farther from the protons. At the bottom of the column, the elements pull weaker on their outermost electrons.
Atomic radius
The atomic radius of an atom is the average distance of the outermost electrons from the nucleus.
The electronegativity of an atom is how strongly an atom attracts other atoms’ electrons.
Ionization energy
The ionization energy of an atom is the smallest amount of energy needed to completely remove one electron from the atom.
Metals are atoms that hold onto their outermost electrons loosely.
How more energy levels affect properties
Pull-on electrons- weaker Atomic radius-bigger Electronegativity- lower Ionization energy- lower Metallicity- more
How fewer energy levels affect properties
Pull-on electrons- stronger Atomic radius- smaller Electronegativity- higher Ionization energy- higher Metallicity-less
How more protons affect properties
Pull-on electrons- tighter Atomic radius- smaller Electronegativity- higher Ionization energy- higher Metallicity- less
How fewer protons affect properties
Pull-on electrons- looser Atomic radius- bigger Electronegativity- lower Ionization energy- lower Metallicity- more