Energy balance 1 Flashcards
How do we measure energy?
1kCal heat = the energy required to heat 1kg water by 1 degree celsius
Where do we store energy?
CHO - as glycogen in muscle and liver, minimal converted to fat
Protein - not stored in the body
Fat - in adipose tissue & intramuscular
Alcohol - not stored
What is the hierarchy of macronutrient oxidation?
- Alcohol
- Protein
- Fat
What are the total components of TEE (total energy expenditure)?
TEE = BMR (BEE) + TEF + Exercise EE + NEAT
What is NEAT?
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis
The energy we expend when we are not sleeping (BMR), eating (TEF) or exercising (exercise EE)
When does NEAT increase/decrease?
It increases with overfeeding and decreases with underfeeding
What are the AMDR’s (acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges)?
CHO - 45-65% Protein 15-25% Fat 20-30% - saturated & trans <10% - n3 0.4-1% - n6 4-10% Alcohol <5%
What nutrients are low in energy density and promote satiety?
What are 4 ways to estimate energy intake?
- 24 hour food recall
- weighed food diary
- food frequency questionnairre
- metabolic ward
What is nutrient partioning?
The channelling of food carbon into protein, CHO and fat
Explain how overfeeding leads to changes in lean and fat mass?
Initially overfeeding increases lean mass, however if it continues it increases fat mass
Explain overfeeding in relation to protein and fat?
When overfeeding protein the body gains more lean muscle mass
When overfeeding with fat the body gains more body fat mass (also similar with CHO)
What can cause abnormal nutrient partitioning?
- insulin sensitivity
- expansion of visceral fat stores
- excessive cortisol secretion
- oxidative stress
What are limitations to BMI?
- doesnt factor age and gender
- doesnt distinguish between fat/muscle/bone mass
- doesnt provide indication of fat distribution
- population based
- not applicable for athletes/pregnancy
- overestimates for tall frame and underestimates for short frame