Energy Flashcards
Outline how ozone is environmentally important for acid rain. (1)
Oxidises SO2 to SO3/sulfurous acid to sulfuric acid/synergism/toxic to leaves-cuticles/denatures proteins - cell membranes/chlorosis;
Outline how ozone is environmentally important for stratosphere (1)
Absorbs UV/prevents skin cancer/named health problem;
[A reduces UV reaching Earth]
Outline how ozone is environmentally important for photochemical smogs. (1)
Interaction with NOx/HCs/production of PANs;
[A interaction with sunlight]
Outline how ozone is environmentally important for directly affecting living organisms. (1)
Eye/respiratory/asthma/leaf-cuticle damage;
[R protection from UV]
Suggest how the low persistence of ozone affects the severity of the pollution it causes. (1)
Only short-term/local effects effects/reduced mobility
Outline the arguments for and against the development of nuclear power. (4)
Arguments for;;; eg
abundant fuel
high energy density/small amount of fuel needed
low fuel transport requirement
named pollutant not released
small waste quantity
Qualified comments that can be used for or against
mining damage
uranium, sand, gravel, other materials
site suitability
limited number/planning permission problems
lower access problems than fossil fuel power stations
development/installation/construction cost
power station operation cost
high cost compared with others
high cost but high return
type of energy produced – suitability for public/industrial/transport use
level of technology
well developed
too complex for LEDCs
level of CO2 emissions
none from power stations
lots from support industries
power station aesthetics
ugly power stations
local impact
worker safety
good safety record
public safety
named health risk
environmental contamination
low contamination rate
need for evacuation/changed land use
stated damage caused
level of public support
perceived risks
Outline the arguments for and against the development of solar power. (4)
Arguments for;;; E.g.
renewable energy (relatively) simple technology no fuel requirement no pollution (in use) usable in isolated areas suitable for mobile uses
few aesthetic problems
Qualified comments that can be used for or against
level of public support
level of CO2 emissions
none in use
released during manufacture
type of energy produced – suitability for public/industrial/transport use
raw material usage installation/set-up costs maintenance costs
Argument against;;
Unreliable/affected by cloud cover
Low efficiency (energy conversion by panels)
Describe the trends in demand for electricity. (3)
Daily rise and fall/daytime peaks, night time lows;
fluctuations during daytime peak (during day, meals, breaks);
higher during week than at weekend;
reduced/changed time of peaks Sat/Sun;
differences between weekdays;
eg Mon-Thu ref to values at stated time;
Suggest reasons for the difference in the trends on Monday and Sunday. (2)
baseload activity (all the time);
eg industry: Al smelting, sewage treatment, water treatment, hospitals domestic: fridges, appliances on standby
weekday/weekend differences;;
eg less industry at weekend
different meal times
use of electricity for transport - elec trains/underground trams
[A impact of weather change]
Explain how the electricity industry can store surplus energy to help match fluctuations in demand. (5)
Pumped storage HEP;
(surplus electricity used to) pump water up;
two reservoirs;
(gravitational) potential energy;
water released during periods of demand;
rapid response;
HEP dam kept closed;
(gravitational) potential energy (stored);
electricity generated when required;
Hydrogen economy;
(surplus electricity used for) electrolysis of water;
storage of hydrogen (from electrolysis);
use of (stored) hydrogen when needed;
named method of using (stored) hydrogen;
Fuel cell;
electricity used to make fuel/converted to chemical energy;
named fuel/hydrogen/methanol;
electricity generated when required;
named use of fuel cell;
Suggest two reasons why wind farms are not always built in the windiest areas. (2)
Named human conflicts;;
eg aesthetics, noise, flicker, radio interference
named wildlife conflicts;;
eg bird strike/migration route, bat deaths, habitat damage designated areas access difficulty;
distance to consumers;
named construction problem;
eg poor foundations/deep water
Explain how economic strategies have been used to encourage the use of renewable energy. (3)
NFFO/Non Fossil Fuel Obligation;
price control; eg increase fossil fuel price
tax relief;
carbon tax;
(set-up) grants/discounts/subsidies/loans/research funding;
make planning process/construction easier;
sell surplus electricity to the grid;
Outline the ways in which the use of wind turbines may cause damage to the natural environment. (3)
Habitat damage during material extraction/processing;
habitat loss/damage for installation of aerogenerators;
habitat loss/damage for access roads/transformers/cables/infrastructure;
aesthetic damage to natural environment;
bird strike;
bat deaths;
noise disturbance of wildlife/named taxa; eg of cetaceans
Describe how oxides of nitrogen may cause the production of a secondary pollutant. (2)
Photochemical reaction/photodissociation/action of light/UV;
NO2 breakdown (to NO and O);
monatomic oxygen (produced);
ozone (produced from O2 and O);
NOx dissolves in water;
nitric acid (produced);
toxic ion/heavy metal solubility
Outline two features of ship tanker design that are intended to reduce the risk of oil pollution. (4)
double hull
reduced risk of tank damage
tank washing/bilge water storage tank
waste not dumped overboard/discharged at oil terminal
twin rudders/engines/fuel tanks
less chance of total manoeuvrability failure
ballast water;
not held in oil tanks;
advanced navigation;
avoid collisions;
inert gas system;
reduce fire/explosion risk;
[Alarger number of tanks]
[Asmaller volume spilt]
Outline two ways in which energy density may affect the usefulness of an energy resource. (2)
Resources with high energy density more useful because:
higher power output/less fuel needed;
greater ease of transport;
less space for storage;
higher achievable temperature;
higher achievable pressure;
higher achievable light intensity;
named use requiring high energy density, eg vehicle fuel;
[A converse]
Explain how the use of hydrogen as a secondary fuel may help to increase the usefulness of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power. (3)
Removes unreliability/intermittency;
higher energy density;
electrolysis of water(to produce hydrogen);
more useful chemical energy;
application to vehicles/named use/high intensity use;
many primary fuels harnessed to give one fuel for consumers;
storability of hydrogen;
surplus for later use/peak shaving/back up supplies
Suggest why, despite their higher embodied energy, replacing steel with aluminium and plastics may reduce the total amount of energy used by a car over its lifetime. (2)
Reduce mass/lighter;
reduced energy/fuel use (for propulsion)
Outline how car manufacturers can design cars to reduce the environmental impact at the end of the vehicle’s life. (2)
Choice/amount of materials that can be recycled;
reuseable parts;
lower energy use (in recycling);
easier separation/dismantling;
identifiable materials;
less waste produced;
fewer toxins/pollutants;
alloys (harder to recycle);
biodegradable materials;
named material with high embodied energy used because easilyrecycled;[Aconverse]
Use examples to explain how the purchasing choices made by consumers can affect the overall environmental impact of their lifestyle. (4)
Recyclable goods;
recycled goods;
fair-trade/ethical goods;
organic products;
local goods/food miles;
air miles/travel distance choice;
choice of transport type; eg bicycle, car, bus, train
low energy goods/energy conservation products/renewable energy;
low water use products;
(avoidance of) packaging;
planned obsolescence/disposable items/fashions;
high embodied energy products;
Outline how the use of solar power reduces the use of other energy inputs. (3)
Example of how other energy inputs would have been used;;
space heating
water heating
electrical appliances
example of use of solar power;;;
passive solar gain
photothermal panel
large windows
south facing windows
high thermal mass materials
Compare the environmental impacts of the use of renewable and non-renewable energy resource. (20)
Non renewables
fuel extraction
fuel processing
solid wastes
equipment manufacture
equipment manufacture
HEP – flooding, river changes
tidal – barrages
Explain how improvements in technology have increased the amount of energy that can be provided by a named fossil fuel. (2)
Named technological improvement (for named fossil fuel);
how more energy is made available;
coal gasification/liquifaction
access deep/thin/shattered seams
secondary oil recovery
maintain/increase pressure
tertiary oil recovery
solvents/steam/detergents/bacteria reduce oil viscosity
deviation/snakehead drilling
access small fields
deep drilling
access more reservoirs
increase gas flow
named exploratory technique
increase proven reserves
Explain how improvements in technology have increased the amount of energy that can be provided by solar power. (2)
Named technological improvement;
how more energy is made available;
named improvement in photovoltaic cells
stated increase in efficiency
track sun to increase energy harnessed
parabolic reflectors
increase light intensity/focus light
insulation of photothermal panels
reduce heat loss
sun pipe/light tube/light pipe/light tunnel/light well
light to interior rooms
improved storage/secondary fuel
solve intermittency problem
Explain how improvements in technology have increased the amount of energy that can be provided by wind power. (2)
named technological improvement;
how more energy is made available;
blade tip fins
reduce turbulence energy losses
blades fit tightly to nacelle
reduced wind loss through gap
direct drive/to gearbox
reduced energy loss/friction
stronger blades
stress problems solved
longer blades
doubling length increases energy harnessed four-fold
lighter blades
generate at lower wind speeds
vertical axis
wind from any direction/more efficient at lower wind speed/more suitable locations
helical blades
more even rotation
improved storage/secondary fuel
solve intermittency problem
Raised areas, such as hills, are often the best sites for locating wind turbines.
Apart from land use issues, explain why it can be difficult to decide which is the best site on a hill for harnessing wind power. (4)
Short term) velocity fluctuations;
seasonal fluctuations;long term fluctuations;
wind direction (changes);
slower wind speed in lee of (behind) hill;
difficulty making measurements at turbine height;
friction with ground/vegetation;
turbulence (caused by ground);
soil stability/erosion/unsuitable geology;
access difficulties;
Although windows can be a significant cause of heat loss, careful design can use windows as a method of gaining energy.
Suggest how building design can use windows to gain energy. (2)
South facing/facing the Sun;
large(r)/angled windows;
The photograph shows in-stream tidal turbines before installation. An advantage of these turbines over a tidal barrage is that they do not alter water turbidity.
Describe an experiment to investigate the relationship between the turbidity of water and the penetration of light through water. (5)
Standardised light source;
in dark room/no other light source;
standardised water container;
standard distance between light source and water container;
(electronic) light meter;
calibration of meter/turbidimeter;
measure transmission/scatter/reflection; [R penetration]
production/use of range of turbidities; [R use of only 2 turbidities]
method of controlling turbidity;
replicates for statistical test/confidence level;
choice of suitable statistical test
Suggest how making lighter turbines may reduce environmental damage. (2)
Less energy use/pollution/habitat damage/material used;
processing (raw materials)
disposal at end of life
Suggest why wind power is particularly suitable for electricity generation in remote areas.(2)
Small scale generation/simple installation possible;
(small enough for) easy transport;
no fuel inputs;
low maintenance;
energy transport infrastructure not present;
less energy loss in long distance transport;
fewer people that may object/affected;
less interference with radio/radar/microwave links;
Suggest how the half-life of iodine 131 may make it a greater risk to public health than plutonium 239. (1)
More energy/radiation released/absorbed/ionising events/free radicals per unit time
Outline one method that is used for the storage of high level radioactive waste from nuclear power stations. (2)
Named method;
detail of method;;
cooling pond/water
(dried) powder
(solid) glass
stainless steel container
concrete/other absorbing material
air/gas cooling (of separated high level waste)
deep burial
geologically/seismically stable area
hydrological isolation/impermeable rock/salt caverns
Describe one way in which the overall energy efficiency of power stations has been increased. (2)
Fluidised bed combustion/pulverised fuel
more efficient combustion
Steam condenser
reduce pressure to speed up steam flow (over turbines)
Increasing turbine blade size
absorb energy from low pressure steam
Combined Heat and Power
use of waste heat/district heating
Combined Cycle Gas Turbines
use of both kinetic energy and heat
Peak shaving
storage as potential energy/hydrogen
Explain why it would be difficult to use coal to replace petroleum.(1)
State one major factor that affects the maximum potential for future expansion of wind. (1)
Wind – public objection/unreliable/intermittent/low wind velocity/ named ecological land use conflict
State one major factor that affects the maximum potential for future expansion of HEP . (1)
HEP – few suitable sites/habitat loss/small catchment areas/permeable rocks/unsuitable topography/land use conflict
State one major factor that affects the maximum potential for future expansion of landfill . (1)
Landfill gas – amount of landfill waste production/low setup costs/ competition with recycling/landfill tax/financial disincentive;
State one major factor that affects the maximum potential for future expansion of biomass . (1)
Biomass – land availability/competition (with food)/habitat loss
What is meant by the term embodied energy? (2)
(energy used in)
resource mining;
chemical extraction/processing;
The future contribution of different energy resources to the overall energy supply will partly depend on the development of efficient new technologies.
Explain how tertiary recovery of oil increases the recovery rate. (2)
reduced viscosity;
using solvents/named solvent/temperature increase/steam/bacteria/microbes/Xanthonbacteria/detergent
Outline the advantages of using in-stream tidal turbines instead of tidal barrages. (2)
greater number of possible sites/small scale/lower unit cost;
[R unqualified cheaper]
lower named environmental impact;;
migration/movement barrier
tidal range/loss of breeding/feeding areas
flow rate turbidity/sedimentation
pollution concentration
barrage construction habitat loss
material for barrage
embodied energy
Describe how improvements in technology have increased the amount of energy that can be harnessed using wind power. (2)
named design change;
how output is changed;
blade fin tips
reduced friction/turbulence
aerodynamics/blade shape (for energy capture)
reduced stalling
air leakage capture
reduced energy/kinetic energy loss
longer blades/larger diameter
greater swept area
carbon fibre/composite/lighter blades
larger blades/spin at lower wind speeds
stronger/neodymium/rare earth magnets
more efficient generator
direct drive/no gear box
reduced friction
use of VAWT
wind from any direction/turbine does not need turning
stiffer blades
operate at higher wind speeds
Describe how improvements in technology have increased the amount of energy that can be harnessed using photovoltaic and photothermal solar power. (2)
named design change;;;
how output is changed linked to design;;;
heliostat [A track the sun]
angle of incidence optimum/90°/more intense insolation
new panel materials/named material/surface/colour/low albedo
more efficient light capture
parabolic reflector
increased intensity/focus
self-cleaning surface
reduced light loss from dust
multilayer absorbers (photovoltaic)
wider range of wavelengths
greater internal reflection (photovoltaic)
increased light absorption/reduced reflection
vacuum (photothermal)
reduced convection/conduction losses
glass panels (photothermal)
greenhouse effect
good conductor/thin pipes (photothermal)
more efficient/rapid/increased heat transfer
low water volume/rapid flow/thermostatically operated pump(photothermal)
increased thermal gradient
greater proportion of panel covered by (water filled) pipe/more piping per unit area
more efficient/rapid/increased heat transfer
Suggest how the production of a named pollutant, other than smoke, may be reduced by the use of a named secondary fuel. (1)
CO2/SO2/NOx/CO/HCs/radioactive waste/named pollutant not released [R smoke]
named secondary fuel (eg electricity, hydrogen) for named use
All energy resources result in the release of some carbon emissions.
Discuss the extent to which HEP may be considered a carbon-free energy resource. (4)
no use of carbon fuel/no CO2 released during generation;
intermittent use reduces fossil fuel use to meet demand peaks;
(embodied energy of) cement/metals/named material;
(fossil fuel use in) extraction/transport/construction;
(fossil fuels used in) vehicles for maintenance;
methane from DOM in reservoir;
(CO2 released by) deforestation of reservoir site;
for pumped storage HEP:
CO2 released by primary electricity resource;
The generating capacity of hydroelectric power (HEP) in the UK is 3% of the total electricity supply.
Explain why it is difficult to find suitable sites in the UK for a big expansion of HEP output. (3)
lack of high enough head/fall in height;
lack of narrow exits(for dam construction);
permeable geology;
unstable geology;
catchment areas too small/low rainfall/small water volume;
named land use conflict;
[R seismic activity]
[R isolated from grid, too far from consumers]
Explain the difference between the terms exposure and contamination as applied to ionising radiation. (2)
exposure – absorption of radiation;
contamination – contact with/carrying of the (radioactive) source
Batteries that use mercury are banned in most countries.
Why are greater safety precautions needed when using organic mercury compounds than when using inorganic mercury compounds? (1)
(organic) more toxic/more completely absorbed/transferred across cell membrane/(more) liposoluble/(more) volatile
A new design of battery is the ‘bio-battery’. This design is based on glucose rather than on metals such as lead, nickel or cadmium.
Suggest three advantages of using bio-batteries rather than batteries based on metals. (3)
renewable (energy source);
instant refuelling possible;
lower embodied energy;
less named resource extraction damage/more abundant; biodegradable;
named environmental problem associated with use of metal;;
no neurotoxins
no bioaccumulation
no biomagnification
no synergism
named lower cost feature;
resource extraction
waste disposal
What form of energy is stored in batteries? (1)
Explain how peak shaving is used to reduce energy losses in the electricity supply industry. (2)
storage of surplus energy;
use in times of shortage/pumped storage HEP/ description of pumped storage HEP/hydrogen economy/description of hydrogen economy
Explain how the waste water from the condensers may be used to increase the overall efficiency of a coal-fired power station. (2)
Heat recovery/heat exchanger/Combined Heat and Power;
named use of hot water;
greenhouse heating
fish farm heating
district heating
space heating
Explain how energy loss through walls may be reduced. (2)
Feature of wall with explanation of heat loss reduction:
named material – low (thermal) conductivity;
building design – reduce surface area (:vol ratio);
earth – sheltered building – reduce contact with cold air/convection;
reduced internal temperature – reduce temperature gradient/difference;
fill wall cavity – reduce convection;
named reflective material – reduced radiation
Explain the difference between a resource that is renewable and one that is non-depletable. (2)
renewable: replaces itself quickly/within a human lifetime;
non-depletable: exploitation rate cannot reduce supply
Explain how the use of a named low-energy appliance reduces energy use. (2)
named low-energy appliance;
how appliance reduces energy use;
low heated water use
lower temperature use
improved conversion efficiency of light bulbs
condensing boilers reduce evaporative loss
named high energy technology replaced
Outline how the location of a windfarm may be selected to reduce land-use conflicts. (4)
Site selection so that:
named infrastructure feature avoided;;
aircraft flight paths/shipping lanes
radar/radio interference
interference with fishing
named ecological impact reduced;;
eg bird strikesbat deaths
cetacean disturbance
important ground vegetation
ecologically protected areas
named impact on humans reduced;
low aesthetic impact near residential areas
low aesthetic impact in scenic areas
low noise/flickering nuisance
Suggest how the optimum angle for a solar panel could be found. (3)
range of compass directions 4+;
range of angles (relative to horizontal) 4+;
maximum reading from light meter/Watt meter/volt and amp meter/electricity output of solar panel/minimum shadow;
bright sunlight;
times of day/year;
c) Describe one method that is used at power stations to reduce the temperature of effluent water
cooling towers/heat exchangers/combined heat and power/CHP;
heat transfer to air/atmosphere/evaporation (in cooling tower);
[R reference to steam]
hot water for named use/glasshouses/district heating/
description of how method w