What are the nutrients required for?
- For the synthesis of body tissues and animal products; - as sources of energy (for maintenance and production).
to express
- the energy requirements of animals and
- the energy contents of their feeds by the same energy terms.
energy terms:
Gross Energy (GE), Digestible Energy (DE); Metabolizable Energy (ME); Net Energy for maintenance (NEm); Net Energy for lactation (NEl); Net Energy for gain (NEg).
GE (Gross Energy or BE: Brutto Energy)=combustion method
- Faecal Energy loss =indigestible nutrients
DE (Digestible Energy) = says more about feed than GE;
- Urinary and Gaseous (rumen and gut) Energy Losses ME (Metabolizable Energy) = even more accurate
- Heat Increment
NEm NEl NEg (Net Energy)
(m: maintenance; l: lactation; g: gain).
Energy units of measure
Joule (J); 1 cal = 4.184 J; 1 000 J (103 J) = 1 kJ (kilo joule); 1 000 000 J (106 J) = 1000 kJ = 1 MJ (mega joule). Energy Contents of Feeds: MJ/kg or MJ/kg DM; kJ/g or kJ/g DM; 1 kJ/g = 1 MJ/kg; • Energy Requirements of animals Monogastric animals: MJ/kg of feed; Ruminants: MJ/day.
q, i, k
metabolizability („q”)= (ME/GE)*100 feeding level („i”: intensity of feeding)= E Intake/E Needed for Maintenance Partial transformation factor („k”) = (NE/ME)*100 = 70-80% (NEm) = 60-70% NEl = 30-50% NEg
Principles (a, b, c) and practice (d, e) of a modern energy evaluation system
a) E requirement of animals & E content of their feeds must be expressed with the same type of E;
b) it should be additive (substitution of feeds by each other);
c) it should be exact (positive correlation between the feed E term used and animal production);
d) simplicity (determination or prediction of feed energy by simple methods or parameters);
e) practicability (easy use in the nutrition practice); ACCURACY vs. SIMPLICITY.
Monogastric animals mammals
GE - Faecal Energy : faecal loss not too high DE (MJ/kg)=accurate enough Swine, Horse, Rabbit i.e. piglets need 40kJ/kg DE
Monogastric animals Poultry
GE - Faecal Energy loss DE - Urinary and Gaseous Energy Losses ME (MJ/kg) =used as is more accurate
Poultry: AMEn (Apparent Metabolizable Energy corrected to zero N retention.)
Monogastric animals others
Dogs Cats Possibilities DE, ME ME
Fur Bred Animals Possibilities Herbivorous (Nutria, Chinchilla) =DE Carnivorous (Polecat, Mink, Fox)= ME
Ruminants- Dairy Cow: NEl (MJ/day)
GE - Faecal Energy loss DE - Urinary and Gaseous Energy Losses ME - Heat loss -very high in high producers NEl -only parameter observed
Beef Cattle, Dairy Heifers, Sheep
GE - Faecal Energy loss DE - Urinary and Gaseous Energy Losses ME - Heat loss NEm, NEg=> the 2 numbers are needed to characterise daily requirements
Dairy or Meat Types Possibilities NEl (dairy) NEm+NEg.(meat)