Endometriosis Flashcards
Why does endometriosis cause pain?
Bleeding –> inflammation + fibrosis –> pain
Prevalence of endometriosis
Prevalence of endometriosis: 10% of all women, 30% of subfertile women, 60% of women w/ pelvic pain.
Occurs in young women (avg age 28).
Familial predisposition.
4 etiology theories of endometriosis
Retrograde menstruation
Coelomic metaplasia
US appearance
- Endometrioma = ovarian cyst filled w/ endometriotic tissue.
- Metaplasia of the surface of the ovary may lead to endometriomas
- US shows hypoechoic cyst w/ ground-glass appearance
2 main sxs of endometriosis
Other sxs
- Pain and infertility
- Pain w/ period and sex are most common.
- Others: dysuria, dyschezia (constipation), infertility, GI (mainly involves rectum and sigmoid; sxs include bloating, pain, change in bowel habits, or anorexia)
Physical exam findings of endometriosis (5)
Cul-de-sac tenderness / obliteration, nodularity of uterosacral ligaments, fixed retroverted uterus, ovarian enlargement, lateral cervical displacement
Natural history of endometriosis
1/3 improve, 1/3 stay the same, 1/3 get worse
Surgical treatment for endometriosis
2 kinds
- Surgery may be conservative (just endometriosis) or extensive (hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy).
- Pain is improved in 80% of pxs. Slight increase in fertility
- Pxs w/ oopherectomy may require estrogen replacement therapy, which does not increase risk of recurrence.
5 medical therapies for endometriosis
- OCPs – estrogen induces progesterone receptor. Progestin is the main component that then treats the sxs and reduces pain.
- GnRH agonists – inhibit LH / FSH secretion → low estrogen. Side effects are menopausal-like
- Progesterone-containing IUDs
- Aromatase inhibitors (require additional progestin to be effective)
- IVF is a last resort
How common are fibroids?
80% of women have them, but most are asymptomatic
Etiology of fibroids
Fibroids are both estrogen and progesterone-dependent. Increased receptors in fibroids. Fibroids are larger during high estrogen states (pregnancy, high dose OCPs, obesity)
Sxs of fibroids (9)
- Pain (pelvic, back, leg), menstrual irregularities, menorrhagia, anemia, GI, bladder, dyspareunia, vascular sxs, infertility
- May cause bleeding if inside the uterus
- Outside the uterus: may cause pressure and press on bowel, cause sciatica, or back pain.
Things that increase risk for fibroids (6)
- Early menarche, OCPs before 16 y/o, high BMI, genes, AA
* High estrogen / progesterone, and number of periods (more w/ age) are risk factors.
Things that decrease risk for fibroids (5)
Increased parity, progesterone-only injectable contraceptives, fruit, veggies, dairy
Treating fibroids
Gold standard
Uterine conserving methods (7)
- Hysterectomy – gold standard due to lowest risk of recurrence.
- Uterine conserving methods
- Observation
- Hysteroscopic / laparoscopic resection (robot-assisted)
- Medical – see next card
- Myomectomy
- Uterine artery embolism
- Radiofrequency ablation
- MRI-guided US thermal ablation