Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgerbers Flashcards
what is an endogenous pacemaker?
- internal body clocks that regulate biological rhythms
- influence of superchiasmatic nucleus on sleep/wake cycle
what is exogenous zeitgerber?
- external factors that effect or entrain our biological rhythms
- influence of light on our sleep/wake cycle
what is the sleep/ wake cycle?
- a daily cycle of biological activity based on a 24 hour period
- influenced by regular variations in the environment e.g. night and day alternating
What is the SCN?
- tiny bundle of nerves in the hypothallamus in each brain hemisphere
- primary endogenous pacemaker in mammals
- maintains circadian rhythms
How does the SCN work?
- nerve fibres connected to the eye cross in the optic chasm on their way to the left/right VF
- lies above optic chasm
- receives info about light from this structure
- continues when eyes closed
Animal studies on the SCN: DeCoursey Chipmunks
- DeCoursey destroyed the SCN of 30 chipmunks
- returned to natural habitat for 80 days
- their sleep/wake cycle disappeared
- most had been killed by predators
Animal studies on the SCN: Ralph et al. mutant hamsters
- he bred ‘mutant’ hamsters with 20 hour sleep/wake cycles
- SCN cells from foetal tissue of mutant hamsters were transplanted into the brains of normal ones the cycle of the normal ones also changed to 20 hours
The pineal gland and the SCN
- SNC passes info on day length and light that is received to the pineal gland
- this is an endogenous mechanism making the sleep/wake cycle
The pineal gland melatonin
- during the night the pineal gland produces increased melatonin
- this induces sleep and reduces in time of wakefulness
- melatonin is also a causal factor for SAD
How exogenous zeitgerbers work
- absence of external cues there’s a free running biological clock that controls our sleep/wake cycle
- this free running clock is ‘brought into line’ by environmental cues
Endogenous pacemakers evaluation: limitation SCN can obscure other systems
- SCN may obscure other body clocks
- peripheral oscillators found in organs like lungs pancreas and skin
- influenced by SCN action but act independently
- changing feeding patterns in mice can alter the circadian rhythm of cells in the liver by up to 12 hours
- but SCN rhythm is unaffected
Campbell and Murphys study on light
- light may be detected by skin receptors even when not received by the eyes
- 15 pp woken at diff times and a light pad was shone on the back of their knees
- produced deviation in the sleep cycles by up to 3 hours
- light is a powerful exogenous zeitgerber that doesnt necessarily rely on the eyes
How light is a zeitgerber
- it can reset the bodys endogenous pacemaker, the SCN so plays a part in the sleep/wake cycle
- influences hormone release and blood circulation
how social cues act as an exogenous zeitgerber: babies sleep/ wake cycles
- babies sleep/wake cycles is random
- at 6 weeks circadian rhythms begin
- ## at 16 weeks babies rhythms are entrained by schedules by parents
how social cues act as an exogenous zeitgerber: research on jet lag
- adapting to local times for eating and sleeping is affective in training circadian rhythms and beating jet lag on long travels
endogenous zeitgerbers evaluation: limitation environmental observations
- zeitgerbers dont have the same effects in all environments
- e.g. those who live in places with little darkness during summer and little light in winter
- similar sleep/wake patterns all year, despite spending 6 months in almost total darkness
endogenous zeitgerbers evaluation: limitation interactionist system
- these cant be studied in isolation
- studies like siffres cave study are extremely rare
- in everyday life zeitgerbers and pacemakers interact
- little sense to seperate the two for research
- seperating the two lowers the validity of research
endogenous zeitgerbers evaluation: limitation case study evidence
- Miles et al. recount the study of a man who was blind since birth who had an abnormal cycle of 24.9 hours
- despite having social cues his sleep/wake cycle couldnt be adjusted
- social cues arent effective in resetting biological rhythms