Endocrinology Flashcards
Paget’s Disease presentation and workup
Pt: Hearing loss, compressive neuropathy, OA, osteosarcoma
Ix: elevated ALP +/- bone specific ALP w/o other abnormalities
1) XR symptomatic area
2) If asymptomatic –> skeletal survey
3) Once dx confirmed: bone scan for extent of dz
Indications for parathyroidectomy in primary hyperPTH
Symptoms or
S: Serum Ca >0.25 above ULN
C: CrCl <60 (stage 3 CKD)
U: urine Ca >10mmol/d (400mg/d) OR nephrocalcinosis / stones
B: Bones (Osteoporosis by Tscore or vertebral fractures)
Indications for parathyroidectomy in tertiary hyperPTH
- Refractory hyperPTH despite VitD analogues / calcimemetics
- Severe symptomatic hyperCa –> bone dz, calciphylaxis
MEN1 (autosomal dominant)
Pituitary adenoma
Pancreas (Insulinoma, VIP, gastrinoma etc)
MEN2a (autosomal dominant)
Medullary thyroid CA
MEN2b (autosomal dominant)
Marfanoid, mucosal neuromas
Medullary thyroid CA
Treatment Grave’s Disease & C/Is
- BB for symptoms (esp if elderly, CVD, HR>90, planned for RAI ablation) unless C/I like asthma *can cause IUGR, fetal brady, and neonatal hypoglyc
- Anti-thyroid meds: MMZ > PTU bc less hepatotox (except in T1 preg, thyroid storm, past minor reaction to MMZ)
- Radioactive iodine (C/I preg, breastfeed, thyroid ca, mod-sev orbitopathy) - pre-tx with MMZ if at high risk of complications with post-op thyroiditis (hold 2 days pre), and can resume 3-7d after RAI if high risk
- Surgery - need to be euthyroid 1st
*If preg check TSH R AB titer in T2, if v high (3x) = increased fetal monitoring of fetal graves
Side effects anti-thyroidal drugs (PTU, MMZ)
Hepatitis/Liver ailure (PTU>MMZ): MMZ cholestatic elevation, PTU hepatic necrosis (stop if LFT>3xULN)
Rash –> antihistamine +/- pred
Agranulocytosis (monitor fever/sore throat) –> GCS, steroids, abx (if febrile) +/- suppotive cae
GI symptoms
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
*STOP and cannot switch unless minor rash, GI, myalgia, arthralgia
Hints to gestational transient thyrotoxicosis
*HCG also stim TSH R to decrease TSH and increase T4 eg choriocharcinoma, mult gestational preg
Thyroid binding globulin and T4 increase GA 7-16 wks, (improves by 14-18wks)
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Resolves spontaneously
Possibility molar pregnancy (GET PELVIC US)
No features suggestive of grave’s: thyroid bruit, opthalmopathy, goitre, thyroid R AB pos
No history past thyroid dz
TSH Targets in pregnancy
+how to adjust thyroxine
If TPO Ab +: Initiate tx if TSH >2.5
If TPO Ab - : Initiate tx if TSH >10, consider in 4-10
If starting on thyroxine, or on pre-existing, target TSH <=2.5 in pregnancy (increase pre-preg dose by 2 pills/week)
Starting L-thyroxine dose
Start at 25/50 and go up slowly in elderly/CVD/afib
Def’n high and very high risk osteoporosis
High risk:
1+ past vertebral fracture or hip fracture
2+ prior fragility fracture
1+ fragility fracture + prolonged steroids (>7.5 x3mo)
Moderate risk + fragility fracture over 40yo
Moderate risk + prolonged steroids
CAROC>20%, FRAX > 20%
Very high risk: Multiple vertebral fractures Fracture in last 12 months Fracture on OP treatment or steroids History/High risk falls T-score < -3 FRAX >=30%
OP Tx options, duration
1st line: Bisphosphonate, Denosumab, Teriperitide (PTH analog), Romo (antisclerostin AB promotes bone formation)
- r/a at: 3-5 yrs if BP, 5-10 yrs prolia, 2 yrs teri, 1 yr romo
If failed one 1st line, try 2nd; if improved BMD, drug holiday from BP or step down to BP from others
2nd line: If intol or failed all 1st lines:
- If >60: SERM > HRT > calcitonin > Ca+VitD
- If <60 or <10y past menopause and low VTE risk: SERM (if breast ca risk) or HRT (if vasomotor symptoms)
*Raloxifene no hip/non-vertebral coverage;
Teri = no hip coverage
OP and CKD
Alendronate and Zoledronic Acid: Stop at eGFR 35
Risedronate, Pami, Teri: eGFR 30
Denosumab: Down to any GFR
Romo - not studied
Diabetes Diagnosis
A1c >=6.5% Random glucose >= 11.1 2hr OGTT >= 11.1 FPG >= 7 *Need 2 positive tests (separate times) *If symptomatic, only 1 of these tests
“Pre-diabetes” Diagnosis
vs Diabetes Diag
A1c 6-6.4% (>6.5)
FPG 6.1-6.9 (impaired fasting glucose) (>=7)
2 hr OGTT 7.8-11 (impaired glucose tolerance) (>=11.1)
Factors that increase HbA1c
Decreased production: Fe/B12 deficiency, Aplastic anemia, Splenectomy
Increased glycation: EtOH, CKD
Factors that decrease HbA1c
Increased production: Fe/B12 use, EPO use, hemolytic anemia, chronic liver disease
Increased destruction: Splenomegaly, CKD, Hemoglobinopathies, RA, Dapsone, HAART
Decreased glycation: ASA, Vit C, Vit E
HbA1c targets
<=7% for most
<= 6.5% if low risk hypos and pre-pregnancy
7.1-8% if functionally dependent
7.1-8.5% if short life expectancy, frail elderly w/ dementia, recurrent severe hypos/unaware
T2DM: When to initiate treatment and with what?
Sx/Metabolic decompensation: Insulin +/- metformin until glycemic control (then taper insulin while adding OAC)
A1c >1.5% above target: Metformin + 2nd agent
A1c within 1.5% of target: Metformin OR Lifestyle x3 months–> metformin if A1C still elevated after 3 mo
*symptomatic/ decompensation: polyuria, polydipsia, blurry vision. wt loss, ketosis, hypovolemic, HHS/DKA
T2DM: Add on agents and compelling indications
Established CVD: GLP-1 or SGLT-2
>60 + >=1 CVD RF: GLP-1 (wt loss, lower A1c >basal insulin - not basal +MDI; stroke benefit vs SGLT2)
Obesity: GLP-1
No compelling indications: SGLT-2, GLP1, DPP4 (if frail)
- If still above target on 2nd agent, add 3rd (GLP1 if on SGLT-2 and vice versa).
- If not on target despite 3rd, insulin (basal –> MDI)
CVD RF: smoking, HTN , DLPD, obesity
Anti-glycemics and CKD (eGFR cutoffs)
SGLT2s: Dose reduce to 15, STOP if on HD
GLP1s: No dose change to 15, limited data below
Metformin: avoid if <15 (dose reduce below 15-60)
DPP4: Lina/sitagliptin at any GFR (caution <15 and dose adjust), normal dose to 45 and dose reduce 30-45
Glyburide: avoid in CKD below 60
Gliclazide or repaglinide: dose reduce below 45
Insulin: Normal dose to 30, dose reduce <30
Side effects / Contraindications GLP-1
Side effects:
GI upset (abdo pain, dyspepsia N/V/D)
Retinopathy (semaglutide)
PMHX or FHX Thyroid CA
PMHX pancreatitis or pancreatic CA
DM: Indications for ACEi at CV protective doses (perindopril 8, ramipril 10, *telmisartan 80)
- 55yo+ and 1 additional CV RF or end organ dmg (eg LVH, retinopathy, albuminuria)
- Microvascular dz (retino-, neuro-, nephropathy - ACR>20 or >2 i GFR<60, autonomic dysfcn, gastroparesis)
- Established CVD
- does not reduce nephropathy in T1DM w/o microalbuminuria or HTN
DM: Indications and target for Statin
-what is 2nd, 3rd line
- Age >40
- Age >30 and DM duration >15 years
- Established CVD
- CV RFs
- Microvascular disease
target LDL<2.0 or >50% reduction
+ezetimibe or evolocumab to reduce CV events if LDL not at target w/ statin alone
DM Targets in Pregnancy
-which meds ok in preg
A1C <7, ideally 6.5%
FPG <5.3
1 hr post-prandial <7.8
2 hr post-prandial <6.7
*Insulin, metformin, glyburide okay
GDM Screening (@24-28 weeks)
50 g 1hr OGTT: >=11.1 = GDM, <7.8 = Normal, between = borderline –>
75g 2hr OGTT: GDM = FPG >=5.3, 1hr >=10.6, 2hr>=9
or in COVID: A1c >=5.7%, random plasma glucose >=11.1
Pituitary adenoma - workup:
1) Assess structure: MRI sella
2) Assess function: GH (IGF1/glucose), LH/FSH (T, E2), TSH/T4, ACTH (cortisol), Prolactin
Pituitary adenoma: Treatment
+features of mass effect
Prolactinoma (even if mass effect): DA Ag (Cabergoline > Bromocriptine - more S/E: nausea, H/A, nasal stuffiness)
All other tumor (Not prolactinoma): Surgery (transphenoidal resection) if mass effect (H/A, cranial nerve, visual field, hemorrhage, hyper/hypofunctioning), otherwise clinically monitor
Diagnosing Diabetes Insipidus
- Water deprivation test: If serum [Na] increases with no change in urine Osm (dilute, ie <300) = confirmed DI
- DDAVP Rescue:
- If Na decreases and Urine Osm increases (>600) = Central DI
- If no significant change = Nephrogenic DI
Thyroid nodules - threshold to biopsy
> 2cm - all nodules except purely cystic
> 1.5 cm with low suspicion sonographic features (iso/hyper-echoic, part cystic/solid)
> 1cm with intermed/high suspicion features
- mod risk: hypoechoic, no other high risk feats
- high risk: microcalcification, HYPOechoic , irreg margins, tall>wide, extrathyroid extension, LND, interrupted rim calcifications, >20% increase in 2 dimensions)
<=1cm or purely cystic or hot nodule - don’t biopsy, follow with repeat US in 1-2 years
TSH Targets post-op thyroidectomy for thyroid CA
High risk <0.1 (if extra-thyroid extension, incompl resection, LND, distant mets, + margins, need post-op RAI)
Intermed: 0.1-0.5
Low risk: 0.5-2 (<=5 LN micromets)
Differentiate Insulinoma from Exogenous Insulin from Secretagogue Use
Insulinoma: Glucose Low, Insulin High, C-peptide High
Secretaogue: Glucose Low, Insulin High, C-peptide High
Exogenous Insulin: Glucose low, Insulin high, C-pep low
Adrenal Insufficiency: Screening, diagnosis, determining etiology
Screening: 8am cortisol (<83 = AI likely, >500 unlikely, between need further testing)
Diagnostic Test = ACTH Stimulation test (Positive if cortisol fails to rise to >500)
Determine Etiology:
A) If ACTH low/N = secondary/central –> Image pituitary
B) If ACTH high = primary
i) 21-OH Ab + = Addison’s
ii) 21-OH Ab - = infiltrat/bleed/ infxn/ Ca vs genetic –> CT adrenals and if neg send genetic testing
Cushing’s: Screening, Diagnosis, Determine etiology
Screening: 1mg DST (<=50 - N, >140 abn)
Dx: 2/3 of: 1mg DST, 24hr urine free cortisol, midnight salivary cortisol
Determine Etiology:
A) ACTH low=primary (adenoma/carcinoma)-> CT/MRI abdo
B) If ACTH high/N = secondary vs ectopic-> 8mg DST
i) If cortisol suppresses: Pituitary adenoma –> MRI sella
ii) if cortisol does not suppress: Ectopic. Review meds. CT chest r/o SCLC or neuroendocrine
Adrenal Incidentaloma: Work-up and f/u
Work-up if >1cm
1) non-con-CT or MRI to assess structure and malignancy risk
2) Functional Screening:
- 1mg DST (For Cushing’s)
- 24 hrs urine total metanephrines and catecholamines (For Pheo)
- Plasma renin:aldo (for Conn’s) - only if HTN or hypokalemic (<3 with diuretic, <3.5 spont)
If normal, FU in 1 year and r/o pheo, hypercortisol (not for aldo)
- Image mass - surgery if abN, if N: only 1 addtnl FU
Adrenal Nodule/ Hyperfunction Mx
Adrenalectomy if:
1) >4 cm nodule or high risk features (pre-tx with alpha-B x2 wks for pheo)
2) Pheo or symptomatic cushings
3) Unilateral Conn’s on b/l adrenal sampling. If bilateral –> MRA
Indications for Bariatric surgery
BMI >=40
BMI >=35 with DM2 or HTN or CAD
Paget’s Disease Indication for Tx and meds used
- Symptoms (pain, #, compression)
- Active disease w/ high fracture risk
- Hypercalcemia
- ALP >2x ULN
- Prior to orthopedic surgery involving nearby bone
Tx = Zoledronic acid 5mg IV q1year, PO can be used but diff dose and DAILY
2nd: calcitonin
Indications to screen for primary Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s)
Adrenal Incidentaloma with HTN or hypoK
Refractory HTN to 3+ meds
Unexplained hypoK (<3.5 without diuretic, <3 with)
Screening test for Primary HyperAldo
Plasma renin:aldo ratio
*MRA, diuretic, OCP should be held 4-6 wks prior
If non-diagnostic, ACE/ARB/BB/CCB should also be held
Diagnostic tests for primary hyperaldo
PRA >1400 with aldo >440
Saline loading test
Captopril suppression test
Approach to primary hyperaldo
1 - screen for condition if indicated
2- diagnostic test (saline loading, captopril suppression)
3- CT/MRI to localize the lesion (if present)
4- Bilateral adrenal vein sampling to determine if unilateral or bilateral hypersecretion
Treatment of primary hyperaldosteronism
If bilateral hypersecretion: MRA
If unilateral hypersecretion: Adrenalectomy
Indications to screen for Pheochromocytoma
- Adrenal incidentaloma
- Symptoms: Paroxysmal headache, palpitations, sweating, panic attacks,
- Labile/severe HTN >180/110 refractory to meds or triggered by MAOi, BB, micturition, surgery, anesthesia
Screening Test for Pheochromocytoma
24 hr urine total metanephrines and catecholamines or
Plasma free metanephrines and normetanephrines
*NOT urinary VMA
Screen + –> MR/CT abdo with delayed contrast washout to confirm adrenal lesion
Treatment for Pheochromocytoma
Surgical resection after 14 days Alpha-blockade (doxazocin or phenoxybenzamine) with liberal salt and fluid intake
*BB only after high dose alpha blockade
Periop: Phentolamine IV prn, pressors prn
Postop: caution hypotension, hypoglycemia, consider MEN
Treatment of patient with profound hyperthyroidism requiring contrast CT
PTU Pre-treatment
Treatment of hypoglycemia
Mild/mod: 15g glucose/sucrose tabs
Severe (req assistance): 20g glucose as tablets
Unconscious: 1mg glucagon IM (less effective in liver dz or alcoholics) or 10-25g Dextrose if IV access
*If acarbose related, needs to be dextrose/glucose, NO SUCROSE (ie. glucose tabs or honey or milk or IV D50W)
Other: 15ml of sugar packets dissolved in water 5 cubes sugar 150 ml of juice/pop 15ml honey 6 lifesavers IV D50W
Medications that do not interfere with plasma renin:aldo ratio
Alpha blocker
Treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism
Surgery - if meets criteria (STFAUSC)
Otherwise: bisphosphonate, cinecalcet, observe (if mild)
Treatment thyroid storm
Propranolol (60-80 PO Q6hr, 1mg IV Q3hr)
PTU (200 mg PO/PR Q4 hrs) THEN Lugol’s Iodine (10 drops PO/IV - started >=1 hr post PTU)
Hydrocortisone (100 mg IV Q8hrs) prev T4–>T3 conversion
Cholestyramine 4g PO QID
Treatment of DKA
1) Fluids:
1-2L NS up front then 500 cc/hr x2 hrs –> 250/hr x4
If rpt Na or Osm high: Change to 1/2 NS
If rpt Na low or normal: Continue NS
*Add D5W or D10W once gluc <14 to maintain bw 12-14
2) K:
- If <3.3 - 40mmol KCl before insulin
- If 3.3-5.5 - 40 mmol KCl with insulin
- >5.5 - no KCl
- Start insulin 0.1U/kg/hr IV once K >3.3
- Continue until AG closed
- Transition to SC insulin (give 1/2 basal needs = 24 hr insulin req / 2 /2) and overlap x2-4 hrs
Thyroid Nodules: Timeline to repeat US
High risk features: 6-12 months
Intermediate risk features: 12-24 months
Low risk or very low risk features: 2 years
<1cm + very low suspicion or pure cyst - never
Hypo/HyperMg association
HypoMg –> PTH resistance (inappropriately normal PTH in someone with apparent hypoPTH)
HyperMG can happen in FHH
Secondary HyperPTH
-how to replace in CKD and gastric sx
HypoCa or Vit D Deficiency
- After gastric sx (bypass, bilroth, whipples) - use Ca citrate (no acid to absorb Ca carbonate)
- In CKD: treat w/ vit D, PO4 restrict, non-Ca PO4 binders, cinacalcet
HypoPTH ddx
Acquired: HypoMg, thyroidectomy, radiation, infiltrative (sarcoid, amyloid, mets), autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (whitaker’s triad: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, Addison’s, hypoPTH)
Congenital: pseudohypoPTH, Digeorge (agenesis)
Falsely low RAIU
CT scan (iodinated contrast) Amiodarone (iodine load) Iodine intake (eg kelp, seaweed)
Goiter (big thyroid) ddx
TSH (Hashimotos)
Thyroid R AB (Graves)
B hCG (preg)
Thyroid Storm: features and precipitants
- Fever
- Neuro sx
- GI/hepatic dysfunction
- Tachy
- Afib
- -HF
- Precipitants: infxn, surg, trauma, iodine load, preg, nonadherence to meds
When/How to Tx subclinical Hypothyroid
- TSH>10
- Consider if symptomatic, goiter, preg/planning, +anti TPO AB
OP Meds S/E
BP: flu like sx, reflux sx, jaw ON (higher in Ca, DM, steroids, dental procedures), AFF, ?esophageal Ca
Prolia: ?increased cellulitis, hypoCa, AFF, jaw ON, BMD decline + # if stopped
Raloxifene/HRT: VTE
Teri: HyperCa, Hypercalciuria
ROMO: MACE events, AFF, jaw ON, OK for eGFR<30 but risk of hypoCa
OP Med Failure Def’n
Fracture or BMD decreased despite >80% adherence to therapy for 1 year
- Maj insuff # (spine, femur, wrist, prox humeral) OR
- Multiple minor insuf # OR
- BMD decease > least signifc change after 5 yrs or earlier in pt w/ minor #
AFF Prev and Tx
Prev: drug holiday if LOW risk on BP x5y (or IV BP x3y)
Tx: Ortho consult (IM nail insertion)
- Image contralateral femur for asymptomatic
- Stop BP, ensure Vit D and Ca
- START teriparatide
Non Pharm OP
Exercise: resistance, core, balance (tai chi)
Hip protectors if elderly in LTC
Smoking cessation + EtOH moderation
Falls prevention via PT/OT
Vit D (800-2000U if >50yo; 400-1000 if <50yo and low risk deiciency) to target >75nmol/L
1200mg Ca/d (ideally from diet)
Basal bolus (BBI), Continuous SC Insulin infusion (pump) +/- continuous gluc monitoring (CGM) - benefits if adherent >70% in 14d No recommendation for non-insulin antihyperglycemic
Continuous glucose monitoring targetes
Glycemic variability <36% (less hypos)
Time in range (3.9-10) >70%
Time below range (<3.9) <4%
Time above range (>10.1) <25%
In elderly: TIR (3.9-10) >50%, TBR <1%, TAR (>13.9) <10%
CGM<3.9 may not be true/clinically signif hypo if not on insulin or sulfonylurea
In preg: TIR (btwn 3.5-7.8) >70%, TBR (<3.4) <4%, TAR (>7.8) <25%
If T2DM NOT on insulin: measure fasting, pre/2h post prandial qAC, qhs q1-3 mo if not hitting A1C target
Do not need to test daily except illness or risk of hyperglycemia (if not on insulin/sulfonylurea or hitting A1C)
DM drugs and weight
Loss: GLP1 (-lutide), SGLT2 (-flozin)
Neutral: DPP4i (-liptins; saxagliptin risk of HF), acarbose
Gain: Sulfonylurea, meglitinides, insulin, thiazolidinediones (risk of HF)
SGLT2 Benefits and RIsks
Benefits: BG control w/o hypo, wt loss, BP reduction, less MACE/HF/CV mort, better renal outcomes, PO tab
- GU infxn: UTI, yeast infxn, possible nec fasc (Fournier’s gangrene) - tx normally and continue SGLT2
- Toe amputations (cana)
- Euglycemic DKA (caution in low carb diet, hold for major surg, caution w extreme EtOH/exercise)
- Vol depletion / AKI - hold for sick days
- Worsening OP - fractures
C/I: Dapa in bladder Ca
Adrenal Incidentaloma High Risk Features
Size >4cm Hounsfield units >10 (>20 v suspicious) Delayed contrast washout <50% Calcifications, extension, adenopathy History of malignancy
Bariatric Surgery Complications
Post-prandial hypoglycemia, dumping syndrome
Malabsorption: Fe, B12, folate, Ca, vit ADEK, thiamine
General surgical risks, stomal obstruction, gastric perf
Biliary stone disease, hernia
Obesity increases risk of which cancers
Colon Kidney Esophagus Endometrium Postmenopausal breast
Obesity therapies
Psych: behaviour modification, manage sleep/ time/ stress, CBT
Meds (if BMI>30 or BMI>27 w/ T2DM, NAFLD, gallbladder dz, gout) to maintain weight loss: 1st Liraglutide, 2nd Naltrexone/Buproprion, 3rd Orlistat
- r/a in 3 mo then switch or add
- can use Naltrexone/buproprion as 1st line if depression, smoking, food cravings
Surgery (if BMI>40, or >35 w/ complications or >30 w/ poorly controlled T2DM): sleeve gastrectomy, Roux en Y gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion +/- duodenal switch
Non diabetic meds causing weight Gain
Neuroleptics: olanzapine, QTP, risperidone, clozapine, haldol
TCAs: amitriptyline, nortriptyline
SSRIs: paroxetine, citalopram
Anti-depressants: mirtazapine, Li, phenelzine
Anticonvulsants: Valproate, carbamazepine, gabapentin
Antihyperglycemic: Insulin, sulfonylurea, TZDs
Antihistamines: 1st gen
Beta blockers: propanolol
Steroid hormones: contraceptives, glucocorticoids
Dyslipidemia - who to screen
Age> 40 or postmenopausal, earlier if south asians or indigenous
- Clinical/Preclinical atherosclerotic CV dz (coronary artery score or carotid US abN), stigmata of DLPD
- Smoker
- DM, HTN, CKD (ACR>3, eGFR<60), Obesity (BMI>30), ED
- Chronic dz: COPD, HIV, Inflamm dz (Ra, SLE, PSA, AS, IBD)
- Preg related complication (GDM, HTN, preterm birth, low BW) - screen in LATE post partum using CV age over 10y risk calculator
- Fam Hx of premature CVD or DLPD
How to screen for dyslipidemia
Lipoprot(a) ONCE in pt's lifetime Lipid profile: TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, nonHDL-C, TG H&P FPG or A1c eGFR
Optional: ApoB, urine ACR (if eGR<60, HTN, DM)
- Use non-HDL C or ApoB instead of LDL to screen if TG>1.5
- Lp(a)>100nmol/L needs earlier/more intense behav change +/- statin
Dyslipidemia Therapies
Lower LDL-C
- Statin - decrease chol production, upreg LDL-R; high potency (rosuva, atorva, simva), low (fluva-, lova-, prava-)
- Bile acid sequestrant (eg cholestyramine, colesevelam): upreg LDL-R and reduce bile acid circulation
- Cholesterol absorption inhibitor (from food): eg ezetimibe - reduced CVD when in combo with statin
- PCSK9 (Alirocumab, Evolocumab) - recycles LDL-R
Lower TG
-Fibrate (eg -fibrate, gemfibrozil
Statin indicated conditions, target, and add on drugs
–> TARGET LDL<2.5 or 50% reduction or ApoB<0.85 or nonHDL-C<3.2
add on: ezetimibe, pcsk9
*also qualifies: familial or if TG>1.5: ApoB>=1.45 or nonHDL-C>=5.8)
-DM (40+ or 30+ w/ 15y DM or microvascular dz), OR CKD (50+ and GFR<60 or ACR>3) OR Intermed/High (<20%) FRS
–> TARGET LDL<2.0 or ApoB<0.8 or nonHDL-C<2.6
add on: ezetimibe, bile sequestrant
ASCVD or AAA (3cm or prev sx)
- -> TARGET LDL<1.8 or ApoB<0.7 or nonHDL-C<2.4
a) If LDL >2.2 or ApoB>0.8, or nonHDL>2.9 or high PCSK9 benefit patient –> PCSK9i +/- ezetimibe
b) otherwise : ezetimibe +/- PCSK9i
Other conditions:
-FRS 5-9% (low) w/ LDL >=3.5 or nonHDL-C >=4.2 or ApoB>=1.05 w/ FHx, Lp(a) >100, CAC>0AU
Dx of Familial Hypercholesterolemia
1) LDL>5
2) R/O 2ndary causes: anorexia, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroid, obstructive liver dz
3) Diagnosed if:
a) 1st deg rel w/ LDL >5, OR
b) Early CAD: <65F, <55M OR
c) Xanthelasma, arcus corneus, xanthomas
High PCSK9i benefit
Recent ACS within 1y
ASCVD +any of:
-DM, metabolic syndrome
-Symptomatic PAD, or vascular dz in 2+arterial beds
-MI in past 2 yr, recurrent MI, previous CABG
-LDL-C>2.6 or lipoprot(a) >120nmol/L
When to use icosapent ethyl 2000mg BID
ASCVD + TG >1.5 to 5.6
Consider if DM >50yo + 1 CV RF:
- M>55, F>65
- HDLc < 1.04 (M) or 1.3 (F)
- HTN >140/90, ABI<0.9 without symptoms
- Smoker or quit w/i 3 mo
- Microvascular dz: GFR >30 and <60, Micro/macroalbuminuria, Retinopathy
Transgender care
- Offer fertility referral
- Counsel smoking cessation
- Must be on gender affirming hormone therapy if gonadectomy bc risk of OP
Transwoman increased VTE and Br Ca than Cis-men
Transmen increased erythrocytosis, metabolic syndrome, OSA, and PCOS prior to GAHT
Amenorrhea Defn
No menses at 16
No sexual characteristics at 13
Amenorrhea workup
- Mullerian structures present: anatomic obstruction, XO karyotype, OR endocine problem (BHCG, FSH, LH, PCOS, pituitary)
- Mullerian structures absent: karyotype ?XY with androgen insensitivity, 5a reductase deficiency, check testosterone
Secondary amenorrhea Def’n and DDX
No cycles >3mo when previously regular, or >6mo when previously irregular
- Hypothalamic: functional (eg female athelete, eating disorder, high stress, chronic illness) –> low FSH/LH and estradiol
- Pituitary: pituitary adenoma (Prl), other sellar mass, infiltration (hemochromatosis), Sheehan’s, etc
- Ovarian: PCOS (ovarian insulin resistance), Primary ovarian insufficiency (age <40)
- Pregnancy
- Structural: bicornuat uterus, endometriosis, Asherman’s
PCOS Defn, features, workup + tx
*red flags NOT PCOS
2/3 of:
- Menstrual irreg
- Biochemical of clinical hyperandrogenism
- US findings of polycystic ovaries
Exam: BMI, hyperandrogen (alopecia, hirsutism, acne), acanthosis nigricans
Ix: Prl, TSH, DHEAS, LH>FSH, estradiol, fasting BG, 2hr OGTT, lipid profile
-sleep study
-US pelvis
*virilization (increased muscle bulk, voice, clitoromegaly) = red flags = NOT PCOS, look for tumor causing adrenal corticocarcinoma
Tx: OCP (1st line), Metformin (endometrial protection, anovulation), Spironolactone (hirsutism), Clomiphene (fertility), Weight loss
Primary ovarian insufficiency cause, workup, Tx
Etiology: Autoimmune, Radiation, Chemo, Fragile x (family hx intellectual disability, ataxia)
Ix: Karyotype, fragile X, Anti-adrenal AB, screen BMD
Tx: hormone replacement until age of usual menopause (age 51)
Hyperandrogenism in women H&P, Ix
- Acne, voice change, mood, hirsutism,
- Clitoromegaly, menstrual abnormalities,
- Hypothyroid, liver dz, anabolic steroids?
- Total/free T: Image ovaries and adrenals if testosterone very high (>5moml/L)
- DHEAS (if normal = NOT adrenal problem)
- FSH, LH, Prl, TSH
- 17OH Prog - increased in CAH, nonclassic CAH (>6mmol/L warrants ACTH stim testing)
Ddx Hyperandrogenism
- Non classic CAH
- Virilizing tumor
- Cushings
- Acromegaly
- Hypothyroid
- HyperPrl (rare)
- Exogenous androgens/ anabolic steroids, valproic acid
Premenopausal Hirstism Dx and Tx
- Random total testosterone - if abN hirsutism score
- Morning 17OH Prog to assess for NCCAH in women w/ high T or high risk for CAH
- Do not measure androgen lvl if normal hirsutism score and normal menses
- Local hair removal: electrolysis, photoepilation, pluck, wax
- Weight loss if obese or PCOS
- OCP, spironolactone
- Antiandrogens NOT recommended bc teratogenic, ok if sterilized or using contraception or not sexually active
Hypogonadism approach
- Measure fasting total T (and free T if altered SHBG or borderline total T near lower limit of N)
- If low tot or free T: repeat morning fasting total and free T. If still low –> confirmed dx –> Measure LH/FSH:
- LH/FSH high = primary hypogonadism: Klinefelter (XXY), chemo, trauma, mumps, AI, systemic illness
- LH/FSH low or inappropriately normal = 2ndary hypogonadism: measure PrL, Tsat +/- other pituitary hormones +/- pituitary MRI
Tx: Replace T UNLESS:
- Planning fertility
- BCa or PCa/ high PSA / prostate nodule
- Untreated OSA, high hematocrit
- Uncontrolled HF, MI/stroke in last 5 mo
- Thrombophilia
- Severe LUTS
Monitor: sx, T lvls, Hct, PSA
Klinefelter’s syndrome
- Small firm testes
- Increased LH, FSH, decreased T
- Arm span> height +5cm
- Leg length > upper body +2cm
- Comorbid: NHL, bronchiectasis, SLE, DM, osteopenia, BCa
- Dx: Karyotype (XXY)
Factors affecting sex hormone binding globulin level
Decrease SHBG: obesity, DM, acromegaly, hypothyroid, steroid use, nephrotic syndrome
Increase SHBG: aging, HIV, liver (hepatitis/cirrhosis), hyperthyoid, E2 use, anticonvulsant use
Hyperprolactinemia ddx
Drugs (eg antipsychotics)
Stalk effect (tumor)
Acromegaly: Pt, Screening, Dx, Tx
Macrognathia, macroglossia, increased ring / shoe/ collar/ glove size, OSA, coarse facial features, gap between incisors, carpal tunnel, visual field defects, cranial neuropathies
Screen: IGF-1
Dx: 75g glucose suppression of GH
Tx: Surgical
Approach to thyroid nodule
TSH –> RAIU if TSH <0.5
US (to r/o cystic)
- tx each nodule individually if multiple nodules
- If nodule is “hot” –> look for Graves ,toxic adenoma, multi nodular goitre
Graves Orbitopathy Tx
Mild: monitor, selenium +/- steroids if QoL impaired
Mod/Severe: active/inflamm –> steroids then rehab, if inactive = rehab
Sight threatening: steroids (2nd: cyclosporine or ritux) –> decompression if no response by 2 weeks, if response = rehab
Surgery only for STABLE INACTIVE GO
DM Complication Screening schedule
- 5y after T1DM dx after age 15
- At dx of DM2
- Retinopathy: dilated fundoscopy, fundus photography q1h T1DM, q1-2y T2DM
- Neuropathy: 10g monofilament or 128H vibration
- Nephropathy: Random UACr >20
DM meds and benefits
MACE or 60+ and 2+ CV rf: GLIP1 (lira, dula, sema), SGLT2 (empa, cana)
HHF or nephropathy : SGLT2 (empa, cana, dapa) - if GFR>30
*Give even if at A1c target
Driving and diabetes
Rules for insulin / secretagogue:
- Q2y exam for fitness to drive
- BG measurement before driving and q4h (q2h if recurrent/unaware hypos) or wear CGM
- No driving if BG<4.0
- No driving at least 40 min after tx of hypoglycemia (BG must be 5+)
Report if:
- Severe hypo driving in last 12mo
- Severe hypo not driving in past 6mo for private or 12 mo for commercial
Hypoglycemia WORKUP
72h fast w/ capillary glucose monitoring until glucose <3.3, increase to q1h BW
If venous glucose <2.5, send for :
-Proinsulin and Cpeptide (produced with endogenous insulin)
-B hydroxybutyrate (high in normal hypoglyc and noninsulin mediated hypoglyc)
-Glucose lvl after glucagon response
-Insulin AB
GFR Cutoffs for antihyperglycemics
<60: Avoid glyburide, reduce Metformin by half at each interval until <15
<45: Reduce SGLT2, DPP4, Gliclazide, Repaglinide
<30: Reduce Insulin
<15: Avoid metformin, GLP1
Teriperitide C/I
- Primary hyperparathyroid
- Paget’s, HyperCa, Stones
- Extensive skeletal radiation
Don’t use in: children, young adults, preg, gout, hyperuricemia, longer than 2 years (osteosarcoma)
Teriparatide Indications
- Severe OP and mult vertebral fractures
- Fracture on bisphosphonate
- OP on prolonged steroids
- Jaw osteonecrosis or AFF
ZES features, Dx
Multiple refractory ulcers
Dx: Fasting gastrin levels
-Secretin stim test to differentiate gastrinoma from other hypergastrin causes when serum gastrin concentration and pH not diagnostic
Osteomalacia Pt and labs
Pt: may be asymptomatic with radiologic osteopenia +/- diffuse bone and joint pain, muscle weakness and difficulty walking.
Labs: HypoCa, hypoPO4, ALP elevation, PTH elevation, low urinary Ca and low calcidiol
Dyslipidemia findings
Tendon Xanthoma (Cholesterol) Arcus Senilis (cholesterol w age) Scleral lipemia (TGs) Eruptive xanthomas (TGs)