Chemical signals produced by specialized cells secreted into the blood stream and carried to a target tissue
What are the major functions of hormones?
- to maintain the constancy of chemical composition of extracellular and intracellular fluids
- control metabolism, growth, fertility, and responses to stress
The majority of endocrine functions are regulated through the ________ pituitary gland, which is turn in controlled by secretions from the __________.
- pituitary gland
- hypothalamus
A system in which an increase in the product results to elevation of the activity of the system and the production rate
positive feedback
- gonodal, thyroidal, adrenocortical hormones
A system in which an increase in the product results to decreased activity of the system and the production rate
negative feedback
- luteinizing hormone
feedback from hormones produced in the pituitary target glands on the hypothalamus
Long NFM
feedback of hormones at the level of the pituitary gland
Short NFM
feedback of mechanism between the pituitary and hypothalamus
Ultrashort NFM
secreted in one location and release into blood circulation; binds to specific receptor to elicit physiological response
secreted in endocrine cells and released into interstitial space; binds to a specific receptor in adjacent cell and affect its function
secreted in endocrine cells and sometimes released into interstitial space; binds to a specific receptor on cell of origin resulting to self-regulation of its function
secreted in endocrine cells and remains in that same cellular space in relation to plasma membrane; acts on immediately adjacent cell by direct-to-direct contact
secreted in endocrine cells and functions inside the origin of synthesis
secreted in endocrine cells and released into the lumen of gut and affects their functions
secreted in neurons and released into extracellular space; binds to specific receptor in nearby cell and affects its function
secreted in neurons and released from nerve endings; interacts with receptors of cells at distant site
water soluble and not bound to a carrier protein; synthesized and stored within the cell in the form of secretory granules and are cleaved as needed; cannot cross the cell membrane
- acth, adh, pth, gh, angiotensin
- fsh, hcg, tsh, and erythropoietin
water insoluble and circulate bound to a carrier protein; cholesterol as a common precursor; produced by ovaries, testes, adrenal glands, and placenta
- aldosterone, cortisol, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and activated vitamin D3
intermediary between steroid and protein; derived from an amino acid
-epinephrine, norepi, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine
biological rhythms with a period close to 24 hrs
circadian rhythms
circadian rhythm that is synchronized with the day/night cycle
diurnal rhythms
biological rhythms with a much shorter period
ultradian rhythms
biological rhythms with a cycle that lasts longer than 24 hrs
infradian rhythms
- human menstrual cycle
portion of the brain located in the walls and floor of the third ventricle; link between the nervous and endocrine system
the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei produced?
vasopressin and oxytocin
what are the neurons int he anterior portion released?
- thyrotropin releasing hormones (TRH)
- gonadotropin releasing hormones (Gn-RH)
-somatostatin ( growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (GH-IH) - growth hormone releasing hormone (GH-RH)
- prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF)
abrupt response to a stimuli or pulse pattern of hormone secretion
the nervous system regulated this pattern through external signals
attached to the midbrain; secretes melatonin; controlled by the nerve stimuli
pineal gland
synthesized within the pinealocytes from tryptophan and marker of the phase of internal circadian clock; may be secreted in GIT, skin, retina, bone marrow, and placenta acting in autocrine and paracrine pattern
melatonin ( N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine)
good marker of melatonin secretion and its method?
- 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s)
- immunoassay