Endocrine System Flashcards
Communicates via chemical messengers (hormones), secretory products of endocrine cells, carried by bloodstream to target tissue containing receptors
_____ organs composed of secretory cells of epithelial origin, characterized by prominent nuclei & numerous organelles; Lack ducts & secrete hormones into surrounding interstitial space; Possess rich blood supply with fenestrated capillary networks to absorb & transport hormones; integrate function of physiologic systems
Endocrine organs
______ coordinates endocrine functions of body—acts as intermediary between autonomic nervous system & end
T/F: Most endocrine glands form discreet organs
specialized appendage of brain; Lies beneath third ventricle in sella turcica(“Turkish saddle”) of sphenoid bone
Pituitary gland (= hypophysis)
Secretion of pituitary hormones controlled by ______, with complex blood supply
allows communication with hypothalamus from pituitary gland
hypophyseal portal system
Hypothalamus controls secretion of anterior pituitary via _________ (hormones)—
hypothalamic regulating factors
Releasing factors _____ secretion
inhibitory factors ____ secretion
_____ hormones have non-endocrine target organ
Direct acting hormones
GH, ADH, MSH, oxytocin, prolactin are ___ hormones
Direct acting hormones
_____ hormones target organ is another endocrine gland
trophic hormones
TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH are ____ hormones
trophic hormones
Thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, & gonads all _________ endocrine glands
_____ portion of pituitary contains glandular epithelial tissue
Anterior portion
____ portion of pituitary contains neural secretory tissue
posterior portion
Specialized glandular tissue, arises from evagination of ectoderm from oral cavity in region of pharynx called Rathke’s pouch
Anterior pituitary: “Master gland” (=adenohypophysis = pars anterior = pars distalis)
Anterior pituitary arises from portion of pharynx called ____ ; oral ectoderm that migrates to brain
Rathke’s pouch
What are the 3 portions of Rathke’s pouch?
pars distalis, pars intermedia, and pars tuberalis
Portion of Rathke’s pouch that is bulk of anterior pituitary
pars distalis
Portion of Rathke’s pouch that is thin layer between anterior & posterior pituitary; Secretes MSH & ACTH; Frequently contains cystic remnants of Rathke’s pouch
pars intermedia
Portion of Rathke’s pouch that is extension of anterior pituitary; forms collar ~pituitary stalk (=infundibulum)
pars tuberalis
_____ (portion of anterior pituitary) secretes bulk of pituitary hormones, including both direct acting & trophic hormones
Pars distalis
Direct acting hormones secreted by pars distalis
GH & prolactin
Trophic hormones secreted by pars distalis
Secretory cells of anterior pituitary traditionally classified as ____ or _____
chromophils (which stain) or chromophobes (don’t)
Do chromophils stain?
Do chromophobes stain?
What are the 2 types of chromophils?
Acidophils and Basophils
stain with acidic dye; pink on H&E
stain with basic dye; pale blue to light purple on H&E
small cells, don’t take up either dye, clear on H&E; represent inactive cells
What are the 2 types of acidophils?
Somatotrophs and Mammotrophs
What are the 3 types of basophils?
Thyrotrophs, Gonadotrophs, and Corticotrophs
Acidophil: ~50% of cells; sec GH
Acidophil: ~20% of cells; secrete prolactin (controls lactation)
Mammotrophs— (= lactotrophs)
Basophil: ~5% of cells; secrete TSH (= thyrotropin)
Basophil: ~5% of cells; secrete FSH & LH
Basophil: ~20% of cells; secrete ACTH, MSH, endorphins
Where are the cell bodies of posterior pituitary neurons?
Axons of posterior pituitary are surrounded by support cells called
Located ventral to hypothalamus(plus short stalk, infundibulum, which contains axons of neurosecretory origin)•Consists of downgrowth of nervous tissue from floor of diencephalon (third ventricle)
Posterior pituitary
Secretion of posterior pituitary hormones by axons from nerve cells in hypothalamus known as _____(regulated by hypothalamic hypophyseal feedback loop)
Hypothalamus secretes what 2 hormones via posterior pituitary
ADH(= vasopressin) & oxytocin
Posterior pituitary hormones are Stored in neurosecretory granules in dilations of axons of posterior pituitary known as
Herring bodies
controls blood pressure by altering permeability of renal collecting tubules
production of ADH => __ urine production (as in diabetes insipidus)
↑ urine production
ADH is Synthesized by neuron cell bodies in _____ of hypothalamus
supraoptic nucleus
promotes smooth Mm contraction in uterus & breast (especially during labor & lactation)
Oxytocin is Synthesized by neuron cell bodies in _______ of hypothalamus
paraventricular nucleus
Bilateral, lobulated, endocrine gland on anterior/ventral neck; L & R sides connected by narrow isthmus; Surrounded by loose connective tissue capsule with fine connective tissue septa; Embryologically derived from epithelial downgrowth of fetal tongue
Thyroid glands
L & R sides of thymus connected by ____
narrow isthmus
Thyroid gland unique among endocrine glands in storage of large amounts of inactive hormone, an eosinophilic glycoprotein colloid called _____
thyroglobulin stored in extracellular _____; structural units of thyroid gland, lined by simple, cuboidal epithelium
______ cells concentrate iodine 30-40X blood levels, secrete it as thyroglobulin via apical microvilli
Follicular epithelial cells
____ leads to an active thyroid hormone
What are the 2 active hormones secreted by thyroid?
T3 and T4
T4 is _____ in liver to form T3
___ is more potent biologically active thyroid hormone; regulates BMR
Thyroid hormone deficiency during fetal development impairs _____ and ______—results in physical stunting & mental retardation (cretinism)
neural development & myelination
Secondary secretory cells in thyroid gland are called _______ cells; Located at periphery of follicles, or scattered within connective tissue; In lower vertebrates, make up separate organ
parafollicular cells (= C cells, clear cells)
C cells secrete ____
regulate blood Ca levels along with parathyroid hormone↓ serum Ca, inhibits osteoclasts
Synthesis, storage & release of thyroid hormones under control of ___ from anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis)
(enlargement of thyroid) that may be due to hyper or hypo thyroidism
increase in number & size of follicle cells of thyroid
autoimmune rxn; results in ↓ in size of glandInsufficient dietary iodine => ↓ TH production, possible hypertrophy with non-functional thyroglobulin
Small, oval endocrine glands associated with thyroid•Usually two pairs in mammals (superior & inferior),present on posterior surface of thyroid gland•Embryologically derived from third & fourth branchial (pharyngeal) pouches
Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid secretes ____ that regulates serum Ca and P; antagonistic to calcitonin
parathyroid hormone - PTH
_____ slowly ↑ serum Ca;
parathyroid hormone
____ rapidly ↓ serum Ca
PTH increases serum Ca in what 3 ways?
↑ osteoclast activity (inhibits osteoblasts)•↑ renal tubular absorption of Ca in kidneys (& inhibits resorption of phosphate)•↑ Ca absorption from gut via Vit D
Parathyroid hormone secretion stimulated by _____ in blood Ca
↓ in blood Ca
Damage or removal of parathyroid gland in surgical removal of thyroid leads to _____
excess PTH production=> bony erosion & lysis
What are the 2 types of cells in parathyroid gland?
Chief and Oxyphil cells
(PT cells) most abundant, secrete parathyroid hormoneStain clear to light pink, with dark nuclei & moderate amount of cytoplasm
Chief (principal) cells
(PT cells) larger, less numerous, stain dark pink, with more cytoplasmOccur in clusters; contain large # of mitochondria, but no secretory vessicles; function unknown
Oxyphil cells
Located superior to kidneys•Covered by thin connective tissue capsule•In mammals, single endocrine gland with two different embryological origins•In lower vertebrates, medulla & cortex are two separate glands
Adrenal gland (suprarenal gland)
mesodermal embryological origin, similar to gonads
Adrenal cortex
Steroid hormones structurally related to _____ precursor
Adrenal cortex Regulated by ___ secreted by anterior pituitary
What are the 3 functional classes of adrenal hormones?
Mineralocorticoids, Glucocorticoids, and Sex hormones
control electrolyte & fluid balanceRegulate Na & K levels via Na pumps, especially in renal tubules; Regulates blood pressure via JGA (e.g., aldosterone)
Stimulate gluconeogenesis & glycogenolysis—both ↑ blood glucoseAlso ↑ metabolism & breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, & lipids (e.g., cortisol)
very small amount; supplement gonadal production (e.g., androgens)
Sex hormones
What are the 3 layers of adrenal cortex from superficial ot deep?
Zona glomerulosa, Zona fasciculata, Zona reticularis
~15% of cortex: thin, dark-staining band; Secretes mineralocorticoids, e.g., aldosterone
Zona glomerulosa
~80% of cortex; broad, light-staining band Contains cells called spongiocytes Secrete glucocorticoids; e.g., cortisol; Small amounts of androgens also secreted
Zona fasciculata
~5% of cortex; thin, dark-staining band; Secretes small quantities of androgens & glucocorticoids
Zona reticularis
Zona fasciculata Contains cells called ____
____ promotes secretion of cortisol, which ↓ immune response
•Failure of adrenal cortex to produce hormone(mineralo- & glucocorticoids),•Usually due to atrophy of gland (often caused by autoimmune disease)
Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease)
↓ ______ => ↓ ECF volume, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, mild acidosis => shock, death
↓ _____ => ↓ blood glucose
Treatment of Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease)
exogenous administration of mineralocorticoids & glucocorticoids
______ is Due to general adrenal hyperplasia or functional tumor of adrenal cortex => excess cortisol secretion
Primary adrenal hyperadrenocorticism
______ is Due to ↑ ACTH from anterior pituitary(pituitary tumor, e.g., adenoma or carcinoma)or other cortisol-producing tumor
Secondary pituitary hyperadrenocorticism, aka “Classical form”)
↑ _____ secretion => adrenal hyperplasia & excess cortisol secretion
Embryologically originates from neuroectoderm; Contains chromaffin cells; Controlled directly by preganglionic, sympathetic nerve fibers
Adrenal medulla
Adrenal medulla Contains ________—modified, post-ganglionic neuronal cells with secretory function (epithelioid in appearance)•
chromaffin cells
Chromaffin cells secrete _____
What are the catecholamines secreted by adrenal medulla?
Adrenaline and noradrenaline
Adrenaline and noradrenaline are stored in cytoplasmic granules called _______
dense core granules
T/F: Catecholamine release has systemic effect on adrenergic receptors throughout body (especially skeletal, cardiac, & smooth Mm)
____promotes glycogenolysis in liver as energy source & is responsible for production of enkephalins—endogenous opiates responsible for pain relief
______ endogenous opiates responsible for pain relief
Generally benign, functional tumor of chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla; Symptoms due to ↑ epi & norepi secretion, including:•Hypertension, headache, cardiac arrhythmias, chest pain, anxiety, panic attacks, nausea•Tx: Sx removal of tumor
Bulk of pancreas contains _____ acini
____ acini of pancreas—secrete digestive products into gut
_____ cells migrate from duct sys & aggregate around capillaries of pancreas, form islets of Langerhans
endocrine cells migrate from duct sys & aggregate around capillaries of pancreas, form ________ Distributed throughout exocrine pancreatic tissue
islets of Langerhans
What are the 3 main cell types of islet cells of pancreas?
alpha, beta, delta
___ cells of pancreas—secrete glucagon; ↑blood glucose, stimulates glucogenesis & glycogenolysis
α-cells (~15-20%)
____ cells of pancreas secrete insulin; ↓ blood glucose & stimulates intracellular glycogen synthesis
β-cells (~70%)
____ cells of pancreas secrete somatostatin; inhibits both insulin & glucagon production
δ-cells (~5-10%)
insulin deficiency/abnormality leads to ____
diabetes mellitus
______ is Characterized by hyperglycemia (↑ blood glucose) & glucosuria (glucose in urine)
diabetes mellitus
↑ blood glucose
glucose in urine
Type _____ DM: juvenile diabetes (↓ insulin production)
Type 1
Type ____ DM: adult onset diabetes (↓ # of insulin receptors or ↓ responsiveness)
Type II
Located anterodorsal to cerebellum•Develops from neuroectoderm as evagination of posterior portion of third ventricle, from roof of diencephalon•Communicates with hypothalamus; acts as photoreceptor in lower vertebrates•Translates light intensity & duration (photoperiod) into endocrine activity—important in circadian rhythms & seasonal reproductive cycles
Pineal gland
_____ secretes melatonin and serotonin
pineal gland
______ (stimulates melanophores,chromatophores (pigment-containing cells) => change in color intensity with reproductive cycle
_____ leads to ↓ GNRH from hypothalamus => ↓ sex hormone secretion from gonads
___ has anti-gonadal effect to decrease sex activity
most common cell in pineal glandHighly modified neurons; secrete melatonin & serotonin
Pinealocytes (= pineal chief cells)
support cells such as astrocytes, microglial cells
Neuroglial cells (= interstitial cells)
What are the 2 cell types in pineal gland?
Pinealocytes and Neuroglial cells
Calcified accretions of _____ and ____ in aging individuals in pineal gland
Ca & Mg phosphate
T/F: There is A variety of endocrine cells scattered in the mucosa of GI, respiratory tract, & other organs
______ cells Secrete peptide & amine hormones (e.g., gastrin, secretin, CCK, serotonin)
Cells that have similar ultrastructure and metabolic pathway for endocrine pathway in GI and respiratory tracts
APUD cells
Most of endocrine cells in GI and respiratory system are mostly derived embryologically from ____
neural crest
Neuroendocrine cells are derived from ___
neural crest
Enteroendocrine cells are derived from ____
Both _____ and ____ produce amine or peptide hormones or neurotransmitters, with neurosecretory granules & hormone-like activity
enteroendocrine and neuroendocrine
chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla(epinephrine & norepinephrine), thyroid C cells (calcitonin), pancreatic islets (insulin, glucagon, & somatostatin) are examples of ______ system
_____ cells in GI & respiratory tracts have a variety of secretory products like gastrin, CCK, VIP, substance P, serotonin, bombesin