Endocrine Flashcards
Preggo hyperthyroid
PTU, not methimazole
MTC, hyperpara, pheo
MTC, pheo, ganglioneuromas
MTC, hyperpara, GI tumors
preggo prolactinoma
only dangerous with expansion or hypogonadism
so formal visual field testing q trimester
bedtime normal glucose with morning hyperglycemia
obtain 3 AM glucose
Diagnose Cushing’s
Cushing vs ectopic ACTH
2 of these: 1 mg dexa suppression/ 24 hour urinary cortisol/ salivary cortisol. FYI, get screening DEXA
8mg dexa suppression test
switching from insulin to orals in type ii DM
have to ensure beta cell function and no autoimmunity
test for antibodies and fasting c peptide and glucose
pituitary apoplexy and vision loss
steroids and urgent transsphenoidal decompression
thyroid nodule >1 cm
surveillance post thyroidectomy
severe: AMS or AKI or >18->hemodialysis, then calcitonin or IV bisphosphonate
PCOS vs late onset CAH
Elevated LH
Bisphosphonate drug holiday
If progressive BMD
stable BMD
only if stable BMD+ therapy for 3-5 years+ minimal risk factors for fractures
Change less than 4%
hyperaldosteronism due to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
spirinolactone/ amiloride
hyperprolactinemia in setting of hypothyroidism
hypothyroidism causes hyperprolactinemia
treat hypothyroidism first
congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens causes
associated with
obstructive azospermia
cystic fibrosis
primary hypogonadism, 47XXY
Early morning cortisol <3
Stim test indicated only when
Adrenal insufficiency. period. treat
AM cortisol is 4-12 (normal is response >20)
PCOS infertility
clomiphene, then IVF
Microprolactinoma in asymptomatic postmenopausal woman
surveillance: retest in 6-12 months
DM neuropathy treatment
No TCA if cardiac disease, duloxetine instead
Postprandial hypoglycemia (w/in 5 hours of meal) symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia
mixed meal testing
72 hour fast, hypoglycemic testing
Asherman syndrome
amenorrhea+ cyclic pelvic pain post uterine instrumentation
transvag U/S, hysterosalpingogram
progestin withdrawal test
differentiates b/w estrogen sufficient (bleeding) and deficient (no bleeding) states
at goal preprandial glucose with hgbA1c not at goal
check postprandial
Hyperaldosteronism screening
plasma aldosterone-renin ratio
substernal goiter with compressive features
pheo imaging
alpha blockade before contrast, beta blockade after if needed
secondary hypothyroidism treatment dose
based on free T4, not TSH
2 discrepant DM screening tests
repeat abnormal test
> 80 yo, normal TSH
up to 8
Primary hyperpara+ vitamin d def
If symptomatic primary hyperpara and kidney involvement
treat def as it can elevate pth
Major osteoporotic fracture risk 20% or 3% at hip
Major osteoporotic fracture risk 20% or 3% at hip
Inpatient insulin
weight based basal and preprandial, not SSI
check metanephrines and cortisol
if hypertensive, also check aldosterone
Significantly elevated DHEAS
adrenal androgen producing tumor
hypoparathyroidism vitamins
if urinary calcium is elevated
if urinary and serum (>8.5) calcium elevated
25 hydroxy+PTH->1,25 hydroxy->calcium. give calcium and 1,25 hydroxy
decrease calcium
decrease calcium and vitamin d
erratic preprandial only glucose levels
timing of insulin
preggo TSH
should be below 2.5
Before treating newly diagnosed osteoporosis
look for secondary causes:
CBC, CMP, TSH, Vitamin D, urine calcium
hypocalcemia electrolyte cause
hypomagnesemia (impairs PTH activity), replete mag first
elevated calcium in setting of elevated protein. check ionized calcium
elevated calcium in setting of elevated protein. check ionized calcium
before starting testosterone
assess for desire for fertility-testosterone can cause infertility. Give HCG instead
tissue transglutaminase antibody
thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins
graves disease
hyperparathyroidism surgery
impaired kidney function/ <50yr/ Ca >1 ULN/ osteoporosis
secondary hyperpara that is refractory to meds
Toxic nodule
Cold nodule
scan before treatment
Invasive macroprolactinoma treatment
still cabergoline
only surgery if visual field defects on exam
sulfonylurea+ dehydration
hypoglycemia ->AMS
thyrotoxicosis labs
t3 in addition
high calcium, low PTH (non PTH mediated hypercalcemia)
cancer or granulomas
Cushing not just cortisol but also
excessive androgens
euthyroid sick syndrome
low everythang