dermatology Flashcards
black hairy tongue
aggressive oral hygiene-tongue brushing
acne keloidalis nuchae
pseudofollicular barbae
firm, skin colored, pink, hyperpigmented papules centered on hair follicles, back of neck in people of color
antibiotics, steroids
hair bearing face and anterior neck
psoriatic nails
tinea manuum
pitting, onycholysis (lifting of nail), oil drop sign
one hand and two feet
pitted keratolysis
fungal feet infections
hyperhidrosis of feet, small pits on keratotic background
clindamycin/ erythromycin lotion, keep feet dry
web spaces
steroid for eyelids (thin skin, also face, skin folds)
hydrocortisone valerate (low potency)
contact allergy (to neomycin, for ex) vs infection
itchy, geometric pattern
female androgenetic alopecia vs alopecia areata
decreased density at the top vs complete loss of hair
Refractory/large/atypical warts
otherwise destroy with cryotherapy, cantharidin, podophyllin, laser therapy, salicylic acid
painless, LE wound surrounded by callus
tender with surrounding erythema
neuropathic ulcer
debride, remove, protect, treat infection
rhus dermatitis
pruritic linear red papules and plaques, a vine (poison ivy, sumac, oak)
high potency steroid
ointments are better for burning sensation
stasis dermatitis
red, inflamed, pitted skin, can be warm
compression stockings
erythema, pain, warmth, swelling, unilateral, leukocytosis, LAD, febrile
dermatomyositis associated with
ILD, malignancy
heliotrope rash, knuckles, shawl sign
basal cell carcinoma treatment
sun protection
SPF 15 or greater and UVA protection
generalized pruritus without primary skin rash
CXR for Hodgkin lymphoma
med review
interdigital spaces, body folds
<10% vs >30%
drug cessation, aggressive supportive ICU/burn center care
cutaneous lupus
caused by
annular scaly patches on back and sun exposed areas, photosensitive, ANA, anti Ro/SSA +
pemphigus foliaceus
blisters, then crust over, cornflakes
Hospital acquired skin and soft tissue infection
treat as MRSA
A painful black eschar with slight surrounding angulated purpura in a patient on dialysis who has calcium and phosphorus abnormalities
dialysis, non calcium phosphate binders, sodium thiosulfate
localized impetigo
scaling plaques on trunk and proximal extremities after URI
pityriasis rosea, but also test for syphilis (affects palms and soles)
Peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum
associated with IBD, in response to trauma such as surgery
potent steroid/cyclosporine/infliximab
pretibial myxedema (Grave’s)
thickening, firm but compressible plaques, shins, elephantiasis, severe deformity
groups of itchy lesions
caused by
Erythema of at least 80-90% of skin surface, edema, pruritus, scaling and LAD
Hutchinson sign
zoster on forehead + lesion on nose
ophthalmology, antivirals+ steroid eye drops
drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS)
morbilliform eruption, facial edema, fever, LAD
skin eruption, hematologic abnormalities, lymphadenopathy, and internal organ involvement
get CBC, BMP, give steroids
Lichen sclerosis
white atrophic patches around anus and vagina, pruritus, dyspareunia
high potency steroid-clobetasol, mometasone, or betamethasone
fixed drug eruption
painful purple patch in the same place repeatedly, lips, genitals, hands
NSAIDs, pseudoephedrine, antibiotics
Sweet syndrome
juicy, red papules, plaques or nodules with sharp borders, on trunk and proximal extremities, fevers, leukocytosis
AML/ myelodysplastic syndrome
volcano squamous cell carcinoma
eosinophilic pustular folliculitis
associated with
intensely itchy, clustered on chest and face, eosinophilia
HIV infection
fixed livedo reticularis + thromboses
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
red, pruritic plaques and wheals that last less than 24 hours after a probable viral upper respiratory tract infection
acute urticaria->cetirizine
no further testing/imaging
seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) treatment
preggo acne
azelaic acid cream, topical erythromycin
herpes diagnosis
direct-fluorescent antibody and polymerase chain reaction testing, unroof, swab base
miliaria crystalina
heat rash, lesions on back after immobilization
decrease sweating, cool baths, loose clothing
migratory itchy plaque + beach
cutaneous larva migrans
ivermectin/ albendazole
melanoma prognosis
lesion depth, elevated mitotic rate, ulceration
subungual melanoma
black line on single nail
black and Asian patients
nail matrix biopsy
porphyria cutanea tarda
liver damage->increased prophyrins in tissue
skin fragility and small, transient, easily ruptured vesicles in sun-exposed areas such as on the hands, hypertrichosis, skin darkening
urticarial vasculitis
last 3 days, leave bruises
skin biopsy
RAST test-Radioallergosorbent testing
for allergies
longstanding atopic dermatitis+ new pustules+ breakdown of skin
staph a (treat with mupirocin)
post inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to acne
topical retinoid, can add hydroquinone later
hand dermatitis caused by handwashing
emollient such as petrolatum
dermatitis herpetiformis
associated with
chronic, extremely pruritic, elbows, knees, buttocks, scalp, GI symptoms
celiac disease
cough+ facial rash after smoking cessation
chronic cutaneous lupus first line systemic drug
topical steroids and tacrolimus fail->systemic hydroxychloroquine
prednisone for systemic lupus