Endocrime System Flashcards
Female gonads
Secrete estrogen and progesterone
Antidiuretic Hormone
Hormone secreted by the neurohypophysis which stimulates the reabsorption of water by the kidneys and colon
Anterior pituitary
Portion of the hypophysis which secretes 6 different hormones and is controlled chemically by the hypothalamus.
Endocrine gland which secretes hormones which effe3ct the metabolic rate of the body and lowers blood Ca++ levels of the body.
Releasing/Inhibitory factors
Chemicals synthesized and secreted by the hypothalamus which stimulates/inhibits the anterior pituitary gland to secrete it’s various hormones.
Exocrine gland
Gland that secretes its product(s) thru a duct.
Hormone secreted by the adenohypophysis which stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete its multitude of hormones. (adrenocorticotrophic hormone)
. Endocrine gland
A “ductless” gland that secretes its hormones directly into the bloodstream.
Parathyroid gland
Endocrine gland which secretes a hormone that increases blood Ca++ levels by stimulating osteoclast activity and reabsorption of Ca++ by colon and kidneys also lowers blood PO4 levels
Thyroid hormone that causes increased energy output from carbohydrates and an increases rate of protein synthesis.
male gonad that secretes testosterone.
hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary which causes contractions of the uterus for childbirth and ejection of milk from the pregnant female breast.
hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary which causes development of the egg containing follicle of the female ovary and sperm production in the male testes.
Posterior pituitary
the portion of the hypophysis that is under nervous control by the hypothalamus and secretes 2 hormones.
severe swelling of the thyroid gland due to hypersecretion of TSH or the lack of iodine in the diet.
Growth hormone (GH)
hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary which stimulates the enlargement of cells and/or mitotic cell division of cells of certain tissues.
Thyroid Stimulating hormone (TSH)
hormone secreted by the adenohypophysis which stimulates the thyroid to secrete its hormones.
hormone secreted by the thyroid that lowers the blood Ca++ levels by stimulating osteoblast activity to produce new bone which stores the Ca++ in the bones.
condition in which GH continues to be secreted after growth plate closure of the bones resulting in abnormal bone growth and increased growth of certain parts of the body.
condition in which the thyroid hormones are not being secreted at birth or shortly after which if allowed to continue results in permanent mental/brain impairment.
diabetes mellitus
condition in which insulin secretion is diminished or not recognized by cells or is totally absent resulting in serious or fatal metabolic conditions.
Diabetes insipidus
-condition in which ADH is not produced or secreted by the posterior pituitary gland resulting in
extremely large quantities of urine being produced and the dehydration associated with it.