Endo Flashcards
Order of loss of pituitary hormones?
Go Look For the Adenoma Please
GH Stim test stimulation
Arginine and Clonidine
Indications for GH therapy
GH deficiency Turner Syndrome SGA (no catchup by 3yo) Idiopathic Short stature (< - 2.25SD) Prader Willi Chronic Renal failure
Delayed puberty?
No secondary char by 13
No secondary char by 14
Precocious puberty
Girls: 8
Boys: 9
Primary amenorrhea
without sex. char.: 14
with sex char.: 16
Dx for Diabetes
FBG > 7 mmol
RBG ≥ 11.1 mmol
2 hr OGT glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol
Dx for DKA
– BG > 11 mM
– venous pH <7.3 or Bicarbonate <15 mM
– ketonemia (blood β-hydroxybuyrate ≥ 3 mM or moderate-large urine ketones)
How to Tx T2DM
Metformin for all
Insulin if:
- HbA1C > 9
- Severe Sx of hyperglycemia
Target HbA1C for T2DM
Target HbA1C for T1DM
Associated Conditions and screening
Hypothyroidism - TSH + antiTPO
- at Dx
- q1y if +TPO
- q2y if -TPO
Celiac dz - TTG + IA
- if symptomatic
Addisons - AM cortisol, Na, K
- if symptomatic
Screening for complications
Diabetic nephropathy (urine alb:cr ratio) - 12yo & >5y T1DM
Diabetic retinopathy
- 15yo & >5y T1DM
- at 12 yo and 17 yo
Diabetic neuropathy
- ≥15 yo w poor metabolic ctrl ≥5y
Hypertension - everyone 2x/yr
Critical Sample
Glucose Insulin Cortisol BHB FFA GH Cpeptide Lactate
McCune Albright Syndrome
Precocious puberty - PERIPHERAL
Cafe au lait spots
Fibrous dysplasia
Hypocalcemia - signs
Hyporeflexia - Trousseau and Chvostek’s signs Increased ICP Muscle Spasm Candidiasis Seizures
Bone mineral density
- type of score
Z score
- signs
1) widening of the growth plates
2) softening of the bones
- craniotabes
- genu varum/valgum, wind swept deformity
- fractures
3) painful bones
- delayed motors milestones
Williams Syndrome
chromosomal deletion 7q11.23
elastin gene
SUPRAVALULAR AORTIC STENOSIS HYPERCALCEMIA short stature elephant facies recurrent OM, hearing loss
Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome
Ach(e) & Act
Type 1:
- Addison’s
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Candidiasis
Type 2:
- Addison’s
- T1DM
- Chronic thyroiditis
MEN 1:
- Parathyroid
- Pituitary (anterior)
- Pancreatic islet cells
- medullary thyroid cancer
- pheochromocytoma
- primary parathyroid hyperplasia
- medullary thyroid cancer
- pheochromocytoma
1) abnormal uterine bleeding
2) evidence of hyperandrogensism
What tanner stage is menses?
Stage 4
CAH labs
Metabolic acidosis - from last of aldosterone which normally excretes H+
Septo optic dysplasia crisis - how to tx
IV hydrocortisone
severe hyperglycemia (blood glucose >800 mg/dL; 44 mmol/L
absence of or only slight ketosis
nonketotic acidosis
severe dehydration
depressed sensorium or frank coma
various neurologic signs that may include grand mal seizures, hyperthermia, hemiparesis, and positive Babinski signs
6y F has pubic and axillary hair. No other signs of puberty. Where should you look for pathology
T2DM renal screening
yearly screening with a random spot urine sample for albumin to creatinine ratio
Abnormal results should be confirmed by 2 additional specimens on separate days
Mgmt: ctrl DM, SBP, ACEi and protein restrict
(1) meticulous control of hyperglycemia
(2) aggressive control of SBP
(3) selective control of arteriolar dilation by use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (thus decreasing transglomerular capillary pressure)
(4) dietary protein restriction (because high protein intake increases the renal perfusion rate)
TSH newborn screen
false positive screen
false negative screen
- In early discharged babies (in the first day or two), because of the cold-induced TSH surge, TSH values are found to be elevated.
- Intrauterine exposure to antithyroid drugs
- Central (TSH abd FT4 are low)
- Premature <30 wks
Who to screen for T2DM?
- 8-pubertal with 3 RF
pubertal with 2 RF
- obesity
- high risk ethnic group
- first degree relative w T2DM or exposure in utero to diabetes
- SnS of insuring resistance (acanthuses nigricans, hypertension, dyslipidemia, NAFLD - PCOS
- IFG or IGT
- Atypical antipsychotics
what is overweight and obese?
Overweight >97 %ile
Obese >99.9 %ile
Overweight 85-97 %ile
Obese >97 %ile
What is the best test to look for vitamin D deficiency?
- Serum calcium
- Serum 25-OH-Vitamin D
- Serum 1-25-OH Vitamin D
Serum 25-OH-Vitamin D
Causes of significantly delayed bone age
constitutional delay of growth and puberty
nutritional deficiency
inflammatory bowel disease (or other systemic disease)
growth hormone deficiency
What is the female athlete triad
low energy availability
low bone density
What are risk factors for cerebral edema in DKA?
younger age < 5yo new onset T1DM high initial BUN low pCO2 rapid administration of hypotonic fluids IV bolus of insulin early insulin infusion (w/in 1st hour) failure of serum Na to rise during treatment use of bicarb
Pathological polyuria
Urine output >2L/m2/day
Ddx Polyuria + Polydipsia
Diabetes Mellitus Renal Psychogenic polydipsia Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Central Diabetes Insipidus
How to Dx DI
u/o >4cc/kg/hr x 2 consecutive hours
Na >145
S.G. <1.005 OR urine osm <300mOsm/kg
Water deprivation test
Insensible losses
babies = 400cc/m2/day adults = 200cc/m2/day
BSA - how to calculate
BSA √= wt x ht/3600
how to diagnose metabolic syndrome
2 of: Abdominal Obesity Elevated TG Low HDL Hypertension Glucose abnormalities – T2DM, IFG, IGT
Who to screen for dyslipidemia?
1) Positive fhx of dyslipidemia or premature cardiovascular disease (1st or 2nd degree relative)
2) If fhx unknown or in presence of other cardiovascular disease factors:
- Overweight (BMI > 85th%) or Obese (BMI > 95th%)
- Hypertension (BP > 95th %)
- Cigarette smoking
- Diabetes Mellitus
Start between the ages of 2-10 years
Retest q 3-5 years- if initial screen normal
Mgmt of dyslipidemia
Pharmacotherapy (statin) should be considered in children > 8 years if:
- LDL-C >/= 4.9 mmol/L
- LDL-C >/= 4.1 mmol/L + family history of early heart disease or >/= 2 risk factors present
- LDL-C >/= 3.4 mmol/L + Diabetes Mellitus
How to screen fr dyslipidemia
Fasting lipid profile Total Cholesterol Triglycerides HDL-C LDL-C