Endo Flashcards
Truncal obesity, wasting of extremities, abdominal striae, and acne: Likely diagnosis?
Cushing’s Syndrome
Polydipsia and polyuria with normal glucose: Likely deficiency?
Weakness, fever, dry cough, APAP does not help fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, diphoresis, disorientation, scattered ronchi, negative CXR: Likely explanation?
Thyroid Storm
Severe fatigue, weight loss, arthralgia, FmHx prostate Ca, polyuria without dysuria, nausea, salt cravings, poor appetite, hypotension, acanthosis nigricans: what lab test?
ACTH stimulation test
What hormones are secreted by posterior pituitary? (2)
Thyroid hormones increase the concentration of specific receptors in heart tissue. What medication can you give to counteract this sympathomimetic bidness?
Dude took 40 mg prednisone for 5 weeks for UC. UC feels better, but now he is weak, tired, dehydrated, hypotensive, confused, doesn’t remember last prednisone dose: presumptive diagnosis?
Acute adrenal insufficiency
TSH 7.4, diffusely enlarged thyroid gland without nodules: Start what drug?
Sulfonureas (like glipizide) lower blood sugar by:
increasing insulin release from pancreatic beta cells
Hispanic, obese, diabetic, weakness, fever, nausea, vomiting, recently started insulin, tachycardia, tachypnea, drowsy, mild epigastric tenderness, pH 7.12, pCO2 17 mmHg, HCO3 5.6 mEq/L, UA with 4+ glucose and 3+ ketones, blood glucose 420 mg/dL, Na 139 mEq/L, Cl 112 mEq/L, K 5.4 mEq/L: Diagnosis?
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic, hypertensive, hypothyroid, hyperlipid. On meds for all. Current labs: A1c 7.0, TSH 12, total cholesterol 268. First thing:
increase levothyroxine and retest thyroid and cholesterol in 4 weeks
Recent weight gain, poor wound healing, hyperglycemia, leukocytosis, hypokalemia: Lab test?
Depression, lethargy, weight gain, TSH 6.5, Free T4 0.3, positive antithyroid peroxidase antibodies: diagnosis?
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Most common cause of Cushing’s Syndrome?
glucocorticoid therapy
Fun fact about thyroid function tests?
T3 (triiodothyronine) is derived from peripheral deiodination of T4 (hooray!)
High TSH, normal free T4 and T4, positive antithyroid antibodies: What do we do now?
Levothyroxine (though Kathy seems ok with monitoring and rechecking in 3 months)
What’s a biguanide do?
Inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis
Following thyroidectomy, hoarseness of the voice may occur (but won’t, because Nate is a fucking rockstar), this is caused by damage to the:
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Sx of hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid adenoma:
most patients are asymptomatic
Which symptom distinguishes sub-acute thyroiditis from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
pain with palpation of the thyroid gland
How do you make a hormone?
Don’t pay her
Posterior pituitary secretes: (2)
Anterior pituitary secretes: (6)
Thyroid gland secretes: (2)
Thymus secretes: (1)