End of unit Flashcards
CD4 count below 200 what opportunistic infections could occur in hiv
candidiasis - white coating on tongue and pain on swelling
penumocytisi penumonia - pneumocystisi hireovecii
CD4 count below 100 what opportunistic infections could occur in hiv
Cryptococcal meningitis:
Headache, fever, fatigue, LP has a high opening pressure
CD4 count below 50 what opportunistic infections could occur in hiv
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Cognitive impairment, focal neurological signs, MRI shows hyperdense lesions
Cerebral toxoplasmosis : Headache, fever, confusion, focal neurological signs, seizures, imaging shows multiple ring enhancing lesions
Disseminated MAC: fever, night sweats, weight loss, diarrhoea, abdo pain, hepatosplenomegaly
CMV retinitis: floaters, visual field defects, painless visual loss, pizza pie fundus
CD4 count below 500 what opportunistic infections could occur in hiv- anything
Fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, haemoptysis, lymphadenopathy, CXR- consolidation/cavities/nodules
HIV pneumonia causative organism
Pneumocystis carnii (jirovecii)
CAP causative organism
strep pneumoniae
HAP causative organism
COPD pneumonia
haemophiliac influenzae
CF or ventilated patents causative organism for pneumonia
immunocomprimsed pneumonia
post operative pneumonia causative organism
Aids defining malignancies
Kaposi’s sarcoma- purple nodular lesions on back
High grade B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Invasive cervical cancer
Non-AIDS defining malignancies include Hodgkin’s lymphoma and HIV related anal cancer
what is the difference between candida ( under cd4 200) and oral hairy leukoplakia ( under 500)
candid you can scape off tongue leading it to be red
. white patches on leukoplakia does not come off
what to treat candida
oral fluconazole
what to treat hair leukoplakia
self resolving maybe acyclovir
PCP - pneumocystis jiroveci
dry cough, SOB, reduced effort tolerance and fever
trimethoprim , sulfamethoxazle with steroids if severe
what to treat mycobacterium tb
RIPE - rifampicin, isoniazid , pyrazinamide
symptoms of cryptococcal meningitis - below 100
headache fever and malice with neck stiffness , photophobia and fever and signs of raised ICP
treatment of cryptococcal meningitis
IV amphoctericin B + PO flu cytosine then fluconazole
cytomegalovirus symptoms and management
below 50
blind spots and visual floaters , peripheral field defects and painless visual loss
retinal haemorrhages and heard exudates