End of Life Flashcards
to be end 'o' life pro's
What kind of Christians believe in Purgatory?
Roman Catholics
What brought sin into the world according to Christians?
Adam and Eve eating fruit from a tree in the Garden of Eden
‘For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son Jesus…
And those who believe in Him will not die and will have eternal life’ –John 3:16
Why did Jesus die on the cross? How did this affect the afterlife for Christians?
Jesus died on the cross for humanity’s sins. This lifted a barrier between humanity and God so humans could enter heaven after they died.
What do Christians believe happens to the soul after death?
The soul either goes onto eternal life with God in Heaven, or to Hell without God.
`What do Christians believe will happen in the Last Days?
The physical bodies of people will be resurrected and all will live in harmony.
Why did Jesus sacrifice his life?
So people who believe in him will enter heaven after death.
What is the soul?
The non-physical part of a person. It is often referred to as someone’s mind, personality or emotion being.
What words of Jesus will a priest usually start a funeral with?
‘I am the resurrection and the life’
What are The Last Rites?
In the Roman Catholic Church, the priest will anoint the dying person with holy oil as a preparation for death.
Why does the priest say ‘I am the resurrection and the life?’
To comfort the mourners and remind them that just as Jesus was resurrected, so if their loved one was good they too will be resurrected.
What is a funeral rite?
A custom or ceremony that is part of a funeral
What are the bereaved?
The people left behind after a person has died
What is the parable of the sheep and the goats?
Jesus tells how he will divide the good from the bad at the end of time like a shepherd who divides the sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Why do the good people go to heaven? (From the parable of the sheep and the goats)
Jesus says to the good people (sheep) that they will go to heaven because they gave him food when he was hungry, drink when he was thirsty, clothes when he was naked etc.
He says that people did these things for him when they did it for the least of his brothers.
Why would some Christians not get cremated in the past?
They believe it would mean that they could not be resurrected as in the Apostle’s creed it says
‘I believe in……the resurrection of the body’
According to Christians, do animals have souls?
No, the soul is something of the divine which God put into humans during their creation
What does St Paul say will happen to the soul after death?
The soul will live on after death as it is immortal and will be judged by God on the Day of Judgement
Why is the idea of Hell unpopular with modern Christians?
God is forgiving so he could not allow people to suffer forever
Why do people light candles at Christian funerals?
To remind people that Jesus was the light of the world
What do Christians believe Heaven is?
A place or state of perfect happiness in the presence of God
What do Christians believe Hell is?
A place or state of eternal punishment, away from the presence of God
What is the definition of redeemer?
Someone who pays the price to buy something back, like paying a ransom
What do Roman Catholics believe Purgatory is?
A place or state of suffering where souls are purified before going to Heaven
What is the definition of redemption?
Being saved from sin
What is the definition of resurrection?
Restoring to life, Christ rising from the dead
What is the Kontakion?
A prayer read in an Orthodox Christian funeral and is considered one of the most moving portions of the service.
What happens in a Roman Catholic funeral?
There is a Requiem Mass where prayers are made for the dead person’s soul.
There are prayers for the person who has died which reflects the Roman Catholic belief in Purgatory
Holy water is sprinkled on the coffin
The priest says ‘In the waters of Baptism (name) died with Christ, and rose with him to new life. May he/she now share with him eternal glory’
Why do Christians describe Jesus as ‘Saviour of the World?’
They believe that he came to Earth to save people from their sins
What is monism?
The belief that there is no separate soul
What is dualism?
The belief that body and soul are separate substances; that the soul can survive the death of the body
Do Christians believe that the body and soul are separate?
No but they believe that they are different aspects of a person, created and designed by God.
Why are funeral rites important for Christians?
They show respect for the dead
They give relatives and friends of the deceased time to mourn and show their grief.
Why do Christians send flowers to a funeral?
To represent the beauty of the world which the dead person is about to enter.
What did St Paul mean by the soul and body are often in ‘conflict’
The soul wants to be with God and wants to do what is right but sometimes the body stops this from happening. The body is interested in luxuries so sometimes the soul cannot achieve what it wants.
What makes humans different from animals?
When God created humans he gave them an immortal soul whereas He did not give one to animals.