End of Course - Culture Media Flashcards
Semi-quantitative or Isolation Streaking
The general-purpose isolation streak is useful for most specimens. The relative number of organisms can be estimated based on the extent of growth beyond the original area of inoculum. Growth in the first quadrant can be graded as 1 +, or light growth; growth in the second or third quadrant can be graded as 2 + to 3 +, or moderate growth; and growth in the third or fourth quadrant can be graded as 4 +, or heavy growth. Also Rare, Few, Moderate or Many Growth.
Quantitative Isolation or Streaking
Primarily used for urine cultures. Plates are inoculated using a calibrated loop to deliver a specified volume. The urine is mixed well, and the calibrated loop (0.01 or 0.001 mL) is vertically inserted into the urine and transferred to the culture medium by making a single streak down the center of the plate. Without flaming, the loop is streaked back and forth through the original inoculum.
The number of colonies that grow are multiplied by the dilution factor. (eg, if 0.001mL loop is used, 35 colonies would translate into 35,000 colony forming units. (CFU/mL)
Nonselective media
Adequately supports the growth of most microorganism. (eg, trypticase soy agar)
Enriched media
Growth enhancers such as 5% sheep blood or vitamins are added to nonselective media (eg, 5% sheep blood agar, chocolate agar)
Selective Media
Selects for growth of a group of organisms by adding inhibitory substances such as antimicrobials, dyes or alcohol.
These substances inhibit the growth of other organisms. (eg, MacConkey agar selects for growth of most facultative gram-negative bacilli and inhibits the growth of gram-positive cocci and bacilli and gram-negative cocci.
Differential media
•Employs factor(s) which allows colonies to demonstrate metabolic characteristics to distinguish them from others
Example: MacConkey agar (MAC) which differentiate gram-negative bacilli that can ferment lactose from those that do not ferment lactose.
Some media can have characteristics that would allow them to be classified as enriched AND differential or selective AND differential.
Atmospheric Conditions for incubation:
Ambient (air): 21 % oxygen, 1% CO2
CO2 -enhanced: 18% oxygen, 5-10% CO2
Microaerophilic: 5%-6% oxygen, 5-10% CO2
Anaerobic atmosphere: <1% oxygen, 5- 10% CO2
Blood Agar
Primary Media
Enriched (Sometimes considered differential due to hemolytic reactions.)
• Included for most specimens
• Almost all bacteria & yeast will grow
• Sheep blood is useful for distinguishing species that hemolyze the red blood cells around and under the colony
Ingredients: Trypticase soy agar; 5% sheep blood
Chocolate Agar
Primary Media
• Included for most specimens
• Almost all bacteria & yeast will grow, including fastidious species such as Haemophilus spp, Neisseria gonorrheae and Francisella tularensis
Ingredients: GC agar base with meat and casein peptones; 2% hemoglobin provides X factor (hemin); IsoVitaleX provides V factor (NAD)
MacConkey Agar
Primary Media
Selective & Differential
• Included for most specimens that may contain Enterobacteriaceae or mixtures of flora
• Gram-negative rods will grow
• Gram-positive organisms are inhibited
• Lactose-fermenters are pink; non-lactose fermenters are clear colonies
Ingredients: Peptone base; bile salts & crystal violet inhibit gram-positive organisms;1% lactose (sole carbohydrate source); neutral red indicator is pink-red if lactose is fermented
Campy Blood Agar (CAMPY)
Stool Culture Media
Enriched & Selective
• Isolation of Campylobacter species in stool cultures
• Antibiotics inhibit gram-positive and gram-negative flora organisms in stool
• Cultures are incubated at 42°C in microaerophilic conditions to help inhibit normal enteric (stool) flora & allow Campylobacter to grow
Ingredients: Brucella agar base with sheep blood provide heme and other growth factors; five antimicrobial agents: trimethoprim, vancomycin, amphotericin B, polymyxin, cephalothin.
Campy Filter Agar Plate
(Stool Culture Media)
Physical selection on enriched media
• Organisms are very narrow and motile, allowing passage through pores in the filter; other enteric organisms found in stool are retained on top of filter
• Cultures are incubated at 42°C in microaerophilic conditions to help inhibit normal enteric (stool) flora & allow Campylobacter to grow
Ingredients: Sheep blood agar (BAP) with 0.45 micron filter
Hektoen Enteric Agar (HEK)
(Stool culture media)
Selective & Differential
• Differentiates enteric pathogens from enteric flora in stool cultures
• Salmonella spp. produce green colonies with black centers; Shigella spp. produce green colonies
• Lactose-fermenters e.g. E. coli produce orange colonies; non-lactose fermenters are green or green with black centers
• Gram-positive organisms are inhibited
Ingredients: Yeast extract & peptone base; bile salts inhibit gram-positives; lactose, sucrose, salicin differentiate fermenters and non-fermenters; ferric ammonium citrate & sodium thiosulfate determine H2S production (black center in colony); bromthymol blue indicator
MacConkey Broth
(Stool culture media)
Enriched & Selective
• Used for isolation of Enterobacteriaceae, especially shiga toxin-producing E. coli.
• Tubes should be incubated with caps loosened during incubation to allow air exchange.
• Organisms that ferment lactose e.g. E. coli turn the media yellow and cloudy.
Ingredients: Peptone base; bile salts (Oxgall) inhibit gram-positive organisms; lactose; Brom Cresol purple indicator
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (MACSORB)
(Stool Culture Media)
Selective & Differential
• Isolation and differentiation of sorbitol-negative E. coli such as some Shiga toxin-producing strains (e.g. E. coli O157:H7)
• Sorbitol-negative colonies are clear; sorbitol positive colonies are pink
• Gram-positive organisms are inhibited
Ingredients: Peptone base; bile salts & crystal violet gram-positive organisms; 1% sorbitol (sole carbohydrate source); neutral red indicator
Selenite F Broth
(Stool Culture Media)
Enriched & Selective
• Added to enhance isolation of Salmonella & Shigella; at CCF used with pediatric samples
• Selenite inhibits Enterococcus and Enterobacteriaceae that are part of the normal gut flora
• After 12 to 18 hrs incubation the broth is sub-cultured to an agar plate for isolation of Salmonella & Shigella
Ingredients: Pancreatic digest of casein (peptones); cysteine; sodium phosphate; lactose; sodium selenite