End Chapters Flashcards
Race and ethnicity are ______ that are important ideas to _______
Sociallly constructed ideas
Social stratification
Socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important
Rationalization becomes connected to value and hierarchy, assuming one group is superior over another
Institutional prejudice and discrimination
Bias is built into the operation of society
Like school, hospitals, police and work
Shared cultural heritage based on language or religion
____ and _____ can become so ingrained in our thinking that they seek to reflect value and objectivity
Forced assimilation
Loss of cultural heritage through people going to dominant culture
Living in cultural defined groups
Cultural genocide
Mass annihilation of cultural group
Minority group
Any catageory of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates
Minority status can be based on
Race and ethnicity, sexual minorities, disabled, women and gender
2 key elements to minority’s groups
Distinctive status
Generalizations about entire group of people
Prejudice shows up as
Simplified description applied to every person in some catagory
Discrimination refers to
Examples of desriminwtion in the workplace
English sounding names for the jobs 40% more of the time
A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distant but equal standing
Minorities gradually adopt patterns of dominant culture
Genocide elaborated
Systematic killing of one catagory of people
Examples such as the holocaust, Armenian Genociden
Segregation elaborated
The physical and social separation of catagories of people
Examples: blacks separated from whites
Segregated bathrooms
Assimilation elaborated
Minrities adopting dominant patterns
Adopt dress, values, religion, language of dominant group
Social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another
Refers to social bonds based on marriage, shared ancestry, or adoption
Latin for “conditions of motherhood”
Nuclear family
Stereotypical family of 4, bred winner dad, stay at home mom
Extended family
People like aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas
Marriage with more than one spouse
Man has two or more wives at same time
Women has two or more husbands at same time
The family: structural functional approach
Families perform a # of roles that help maintain social order:
Socialization of children
Regulating sexual activity
Provide emotional support
Reproduce existing social organization and stratification (parents pass on language)
The family: social conflict and feminist
Property inheritance
Family acts to maintain ethic and racial catagories
The family: symbolic interaction
(Emphasizes individual in zoomed in lense)
Draws attention to how family provides experiences of intimacy, forming of emotional bonds
Social exchange theory
Marriage and dating are viewed as forms of negotiation
Dating allows
Each person to asses the advantages and disadvantages of potential spouse
Trans parents and the family
Le leche league allowed men to breastfeed
Fertility rates today in Canada
1.6 children per women
Reasons for declining birth rates
Raising kids is expensive
Higher employment for women