Empyema and pleural effusion Flashcards
what is empyema?
it’s a collection of pus in the pleural space, usually after pneumonia
what is the most common causative organism of empyema?
streptococcus pneumoniae
what are 2 types of pleural effusion?
what are the 4 presentations of emypema?
c+b , pcp, p+r, rb+e
- cough and breathlessness
- pleuritic chest pain
- prolong and recurrent fever after pneumonia treatment
- reduced breathing and expansion
what is pleural effusion?
it is a collection of fluid in pleural space due to production and absorption imbalance
what are the 3 presentations of pleural effusion?
b, pcp, rb
- breathlessness
- pleuritic chest pain
- reduced breathing
what is transudate pleural effusion?
- non-inflammatory fluid that shifts in pleural space
- low protein content <3g/dL (<35g/L)
what is exudate pleural effusion?
- accumulation of inflammatory fluid in pleural space
- high protein content >3g/dL (>35g/l)
what are the 4 causes of transudate pleural effusion?
hf, h, lc, ns
- heart failure
- hypoalbuminaemia
- liver cirrhosis (scarring)
- nephrotic syndrome
what are 4 causes of exudate pleural effusion?
m, p, p, pe
- malignancy
- pancreatitis
- pneumonia
- pulmonary embolism
what do you look for in the blood tests?
-full blood count
raised white blood cells
raised inflammatory marker
c - reactive protein
what is the gold standard?
thoracic ultrasound and pleural fluid aspirate
what will you find in a CT scan of the thorax?
empyema shows thickened pleura compared to effusion
What does chest x ray show?
complex effusion
what does effusion and emypema aspirate analysis do?
determines pH, fluid type and casue of effusion