Emplyment Flashcards
why do people work?
people work to earn wages for their living
why do people work?
people work to earn wages for their living
what is a workforce
all people taking part in economic activities are called workers, they are one part of a workforce.
define worker population ratio
worker population ratio can be calculated by dividing the total no. of workers in india by the population and multiplying it by 100
what is informalization of workforce?
sometimes, employers or companies try to hire workers without securing them job security, provident fund, salary hike, etc. some big c=companies convert the employment from formal to informal to prevent job loss
what is jobless growth
jobless growth is when a country creates more employment when it can produce more goods and services anyway
what is casualisation of workforce
it refers to converting from regular waged work or self employment to casual wage work.
give the meaning of open unemployment
a situation where a person is unable to get a job for half a day or even an hour
what is seasonal employment
when people get employment only during a particular season
expand - GDP, GNP, ILO
GDP - gross domestic product
GNP - gross national product
ILO- international labour organisation
what is formal sector establishment
an establishment where both private sectors and formal sector establishment employ 10 or more hired workers