Employment Testing Flashcards
Which are better selection tools, structured interviews, or unstructured interviews, or it depends?
Structured- always
What is the difference between a work sample and a simulation-
based assessment (i.e., simulation exercise)?
A. A work sample is scored by trained raters, simulation exercises are objectively scored
B. A work sample asks a participant to complete a task, a simulation exercise does not
C. A simulation exercise relies on high-tech (i.e., altered reality), a work sample relies only on low-tech tools (i.e., paper and pencil)
D. A simulation exercise puts applicants in a work-style situation to perform a task, a work sample simply asks applicants to create a product
D: A simulation exercise puts applicants in a work-style situation to perform a
task, a work sample simply asks applicants to create a product
Purpose of Performance Appraisal
give feedback, improve performance, and document evidence for organizational decisions (Decisions about compensation, determining if you will be sued, Etc.)
What should performance appraisals test do/ be?
- (hopefully) systematic and based on behavior.
- Evaluating attributes of people.
- Assigning numbers.
- Making inferences
like any test, should be reliable and valid
Graphic rating Scale
Kind of like a Likert but not exactly
Raters are asked to rate whatever they are asked to rate 1-5
1= completely unsatisfactory
5= completely satisfactory
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
Just like Graphic rating scales but this time there are descriptions to what deserved a 1, 3, 5
For the example of the house drawingcompetition, 5 = Completely satisfactory (the house has many features- windows, doors, etc. )
Behavior Checklist
Set of behaviors listed, and rater checks behaviors that are present and count up how many checks
Forced Ranking
The rater is forced into ranking
House example: Rank each drawer. One person has to be 1 (best), one person has to
be 2, and one person has to be 3 (worst)
Forced distribution
Rater is forced to pick one best, and the rest, therefore, are the worst
Approaches to performance appraisal- and which the best?
Rating (Graphic rating scale, Behaviorally Anchored rating scale, Behavioral checklist), Forced ranking, forced distribution
No best approach. Forced distribution and forced
rankings are unpopular, but not any less accurate.
Distributional error in raters
Using only part of the rating scale – leniency (just the high end), severity (just the low end), central tendency (just the middle)
Halo Error in ratings
Making ratings on different dimensions based on one general impression
360 feedback
Ratings come from multiple perspectives instead of just the
supervisor (peers, customers, subordinates, etc.)
The problem, however, this was created to be used for employee development, not performance appraisal
Popular job attitudes measured in work
Satisfaction – positive emotional appraisal of one’s job.
Commitment – identification with & desire to stay in the organization.
Employee engagement – absorption in work.
Multilevel Measurement
Take variance in scores and split it up into parts accounted for by different “levels”
* Level = a group of all observed units of the same “type” (e.g., days, people, org. units)
* Nested = all of the “observed units” from the level below are contained within one “observed unit” in this level (Day is nested in person, People are nested in org. units, Org. units are nested in companies)
What percent of the variance in lowest level observed scores are attributable to
membership in different levels?
10% is meaningful
What are tests in employee screening used for?
- Screening- Does this person meet essential minimum requirements?
- Selection- Which applicant(s) will we offer a job (or promote)?
- Classification / placement- What is the best role in the organization for this person?
Adverse impact
means that applicants from one group are selected at a
disproportionate rate compared to other groups (only protected
Simulation-Based Assessments
Put the applicant in a simulated work-related situation and see what they do (authentic assessment)
* High face validity
* Reduced adverse impact compared to written judgment test or cognitive ability tests (still g loaded)
Personality measures in employment screening
- Extraversion and emotional stability are good predictors for many jobs
*Conscientiousness predicts performance for virtually all jobs.
*not g-loaded, low adverse impact, predictive power when combined with other tests.
A good structured interview has three characteristics:
- The same questions are asked to every applicant.
- The questions are based on a job analysis – directly relevant to the job.
- There is a consistent system for scoring answers.
Which of the following assessments is the least g-loaded (i.e., scores are the least impacted by cognitive ability)?
A. Unstructured interviews
B. Work samples
C. Simulation-based assessments
D. Personality assessment
D personality assessment
(no connection between personality and cognitive ability)