Employment Flashcards
average worker
The usual or ordinary kind of worker.
blue collar worker
A manual industrial worker.
collective agreement
collectieve overeenkomst
collective bargaining
collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst
aannemer, persoon of een onderneming, die de verantwoordelijkheid op zich neemt om bouwactiviteiten te realiseren en te coördineren; A person or firm that contracts to supply materials or labour, esp for building.
dead-end job
A job with no future perspectives.
dole money
money that a government gives to people who do not have jobs or who are very poor.
early retirement
vervroegd pensioen, Retirement before the usual or expected age or date.
(to) employ
in dienst nemen
werknemer, A person who is hired to work for another or for a business, firm, etc, in return for payment.
werkgever, A person, business, firm, etc, that employs workers.
- The act of employing or state of being employed;
- The work or occupation in which a person is employed.
A payment asked by professional people or public servants for their services eg. a doctor’s fee.
(to) fire
To dismiss from employment.
flexible working hours/flexitime
A system permitting flexibility of working hours at the beginning or end of the day, provided an agreed period of each day (core time) is spent at work.
golden handcuffs
A large amount of money and other financial benefits that are given to somebody to persuade them to continue working for a company rather than leaving to work for another company.
golden handshake
Generous bonus offered to a director, employee, or partner as a severance payment, or an inducement to leave the firm without making a fuss or creating a controversy.
golden hello
A large amount of money or other financial benefits given by a company to new employees in order to attract good people.
health care
A system where employees do not have their own desk, but use any that is available.
maternity leave
A period of paid absence from work, in Britain currently six months, to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth.
- To have an additional job, esp. unofficially or without the knowledge of the government tax department;
- To work although one is claiming money from the government for being unemployed.
Advance notification of intention to end an arrangement, contract, etc, as of renting or employment (esp in the phrase give notice).
offshore outsourcing
Work done for a company by people in another country that it typically done at a much cheaper cost.
outplacement service/agency
An agency that provides counselling and careers advice, esp to redundant executives, which is paid for by their previous employer.
het laten uitvoeren van bedrijfsactiviteiten door een ander bedrijf
Money given in return for work or services; a salary or wage.
pension scheme/plan
An arrangement to receive a pension from an organisation such as an insurance company or a former employer in return for making regular payments to them over a number of years.
An occupation requiring special training in the liberal arts or sciences, esp one of the three learned professions, law, theology, or medicine.
(to) recruit
To find suitable people and get them to join a company, an organisation, etc.
redundancy pay
(to make) redundant/to lay off
ontslag, Suspension or termination of employment (with or without notice) by the employer or management. Layoffs are not caused by any fault of the employees but by reasons such as lack of work, cash, or material. Permanent layoff is called redundancy.
(to) retire/retirement
met pensioen gaan, To stop working at one’s job, profession, usually because of age.
A period of time when somebody is allowed to stop their normal work in order to study or travelecon.
A fixed regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work as opposed to manual work.
Earning one’s living in one’s own business or through freelance work, rather than as the employee of another.
severance pay
Compensation paid by an organisation to an employee who leaves because, through no fault of his own, the job to which he was appointed ceases to exist, as during rationalization, and no comparable job is available to him.
shop steward
een werknemer die door collega’s is verkozen of aangewezen als vertegenwoordiger van een vakbond binnen een specifieke werkplek of afdeling. De shop steward fungeert als een schakel tussen de werknemers en de vakbond, en behartigt de belangen van de werknemers bij managementkwesties
The part of a factory housing the machines and men directly involved in production.
sick leave
Leave of absence from work through illness.
skilled labour/worker
Labour or work that demands skill and which you usually have to be trained for, or the workers that provide this labour.
social security
sociale zekerheid
(to) strike
a person or company that does part of a job that another person or company is responsible for
A person, esp a typist or other office worker, employed on a temporary basis.
trade union
The condition of being without work.
unemployment benefit
unemployment rate
unskilled labour/worker
A worker who does not have any special skill or training.
vacature, A job or position that is available to be taken.
salaris, Payment in return for work or services, esp that made to workmen on a daily, hourly, weekly, or piece-work basis.
white collar worker
A person whose job is professional or clerical and usually salaried.
working conditions