Economy Flashcards
Lodging; a place to live.
(to) allocate resources
To assign or allot financial means for a particular purpose.
austerity measures
Measures that are imposed on a country by its government with the purpose of reducing the national deficit by way of cutting down on consumer spending.
A period of high economic growth characterized by rising wages, profits, and prices, full employment, and high levels of investment, trade, and other economic activity.
An itemized summary of expected income and expenditure of a country, company, etc, over a specified period, usually a financial year.
budget deficit
- An excess of liabilities over assets;
- An excess of expenditures over revenues during a certain period;
- An excess of payments over receipts on the balance of payments.
budget surplus
- An excess of total assets over total liabilities;
- An excess of actual net assets over the nominal value of capital stock;
- An excess of revenues over expenditures during a certain period of time.
A native registered or naturalized member of a state, nation, or other political community.
commodity/raw materials
A reasonably interchangeable good or material, bought and sold freely as an article of commerce. Commodities include agricultural products, fuels and metals.
Rivalry in which every seller tries to get what other sellers are seeking at the same time: sales, profit, and market share by offering the best practicable combination of price, quality, and service.
In business, a company in the same industry or a similar industry which offers a similar product or service.
The amount of a product that is used in a particular period.
core business
The business that makes the most money for a company and that is considered to be its most important and central one
cutting edge (technology)
At the forefront of people or things in a field of activity; leading.
Lowest point in an economic cycle characterized by reduced purchasing power, mass unemployment, excess of supply over demand, falling prices, or prices rising slower than usual, falling wages, or wages rising slower than usual, and general lack of confidence in the future. Also called a slump, a depression causes a drop in all economic activity. Major depressions may continue for several years.
developing country
A country that is changing its economy from one based mainly on farming to one based on industry
development zone
An area, usually on the outskirts of a large city, to which the government encourages new industries to come.
disposable income
Income left after taxes, etc. that you are free to spend or save as you want.
distribution channel
The way that products are made available to customers.
Of, produced in, or involving one’s own country or a specific country.
(to) downsize
Intentional reduction in the size of a workforce at all staffing levels, to survive a downturn, improve efficiencies, or become a more attractive candidate for acquisition or merger
Regarding the economy.
Using money, resources, etc., carefully.
economic outlook
Future economic probabilities.